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Pity him, or her...pity them
Pity those victims of devastation
And infestations
And molestation
Pity the children...those abandoned babies
But it is not enough... something beyond pity.

Pity those in extreme poverty,
Suffering from incapabilities...
Pity those with agonizing hearts
Because of missing body parts
Marred, disfigured, debilitated
But, it is not enough something beyond pity.

Pity even those with aching hearts
Devastated, with broken hearts
Who find it difficult to heal
Believe again, a cruel world, so real.

Be guided,in reflecting,
There are others more deserving,
Beware of those who are self-serving
Know who are in most need of caring
Know that, beyond pity, there's more to be done
Much can be done...If we all try to be one.


Copyright April 6, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

#abandonedbabies #abusedchildren #molestation #devastation #incapabilities #pity #npmimportant
A fragrance distinct,
The scent of new rain on earth,
jubilant nature
 Apr 2017 Lady Misfortune
A Tango
You will soon realize
that there are more people
willing to use their hands
to undress you
but only a few
would reach out
their hand
to hold yours.

You will see
how many fingers
would want
to touch you
than entwine their fingers
with yours.
on a scale of 1-10
I am terrified
terrified of putting myself out there just for it to be ignored
or even worse
yes I like you
do you like me?
is there anything I can do to help?
please just give it a chance
it won’t hurt to try
i’ll be here
I saw you
and I appreciated you

the curve of your smile
the crease by your eyes
the warmness of your voice

but this time
it didn’t knock me down
it didn’t stop me in my tracks
my heart beat didn’t increase
I was able to speak to you
without my voice getting caught
in my throat

time changes things
I can appreciate you now
without the overwhelming emotions
of what could have been

once I was forced to take a step back
I could see how you and I
were not meant to be
we were two puzzle pieces that
did not fit together

and it is okay

I need to get the feeling of you
off my skin
it’s been so long
but yours is the only touch
I’m familiar with
But no one listened to her
Because she didn't have a pretty  face
To match her pretty  **mind
to be defined
by an assault
nobody should
ever endure
more than just
**** is an
assault on your
whole being
scars go deep
& you don't
understand how
to heal from it

but there is healing
beyond the 10 minutes
of fear and tears
there can be
intimacy in future
physical closeness
without any tremors
total vulnerability
without fingers of fear
clawing at your gut
you can be okay
take it from me
it won't define you
you will*
I really wanted to share this to let anyone who's gone through what I have that there can be healing from this and you can achieve physical intimacy again without all the trauma flooding back every time. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up again, but I can assure you it is possible.
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