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Was kind to me
And sometimes I could fly.

Fate, you see
Excluded me
And I felt I'd never die.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
Don't look down
At us
From your lofty
Palace in the sky.
We are the pillars
That hold you high
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
She is
      fears in
My friend is the sunshine to my days sometimes.
Guard down
Barrier destroyed
Fence torn


Guard on
Barrier up
Fence walled


I hope you feel safer this way.
But I hope more,

That you're happy.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
erin walts
Your favorite color is green
But my eyes will always be brown
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
They say "when you know, you know"
And they're absolutely right
There's no grey area or blurred lines
There's only black and white

There's no ifs ands or buts
There's no uncertainty or fear
There's just that feeling in your gut
And you must listen when it appears

I'm not just talking about love
This applies to most things in life-
No matter what your head is thinking,
Your heart is usually right
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
Tark Wain
I am not a number
I am not 2200
or 3.3
I am not this these things you claim me to be

I am not a number
I am not Candidate #15392701
or Profile 235
I am real... I am alive

I am not a number
I am not 8/10 on a good day
or a 5/10 when I don't care
There's a mind and soul where you believe is bare

I am not a number
I am not what you need me to be
I am everything you wish to be
I am ... infinity
I've always been on this journey
Of floating with words.
Looking for you
I travelled across the
Sacred skies of many hearts,
Forming and breaking constellations
With the language of my ribcage.
For a thousand years
I walked through the veins of love
Wondering about the face
Of your ****** mind.
Your were the white heads
Of those tulips
I held each morning before smelling
Your absence inside them.
A constant search, still going on
As all the words of my poem
Keep running towards your smile.
Just answer me with your hands
Will you be my muse?
"You sound like moonlight,"* he said, *"like, the soft rays of light singing down to the brisk autumn earth. The trees and stars dance to your voice. Both the earth and space are in harmony with you."
Another writing prompt.
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