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You stabbed me in the back
so I stabbed my wrist.
You snickered at my pain
so I let some blood drip.

Now that I'm content,
I say "Baby, I love you".
You reply the same,
but only one of them is true.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2017
I always accept feedback :)
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
Our fingers dance around each other
doing the cha cha on faded jeans instead of shiny floors,
picking popped kernels once in a while -
processed butter on the tips of our ballroom thumbs and forefingers.

Let me take a sip of your flat sugar laden drink,
taste it on my lips in a little while.

It tickles when you draw question marks on my thighs,
just let your hands make knots with mine.

Train our eyes on the giant screen
where the heroine makes one mistake after another
and isn't that real life?
Blunders and I'm sorry's and
chance meetings and vivid colors
and the boy beside me--
Real. Life.

Maybe we should stay in the flimsy seats
while the credits roll,
pick apart the moving pictures
reminding us of first love and first fears.
Of forgotten dreams and words we lost.

Maybe we should examine the best narrative yet -
you in your soft sweater,
me in my mud-caked shoes.

Hold my hand while we descend the steps;
shadow swallows the bottom,
reminding me of movie monsters and white faced ghosts.

Usher me into the light.

Although, I have to admit,
I see you better when it's dark.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
The box remained shut.
His fingers probe but with invisible eyes.
Finding the clasp that had forgotten the last time.
With the lid pried open,
the dancer would soon arise.


As expected, she rose...
Accompanied by a tune, truly a haunting sound.
She slid and pirouetted.
She fulfilled the promise to which she was bound.

Her routine was well rehearsed.
She embodied the music, as it carried her.
It mattered not if it was for a single audience.
She cared not if there was no other.

She performed like she might never again,
she inhaled the moment like it was her last.
She sung the song silent like she always would,
she embraced her dance like sail unto mast.

Then the melody slowed,
as the tension in the spring
played itself unwound.
This day for her, had drawn to a close...
But renewed hope for a new one is found.


He hesitated before resting the lid upon its case.
He caressed his dancer as his eyes start to smart.
His ears would yearn for the song in his head...
He would surely miss the dancer in his heart.

But he knows
when days grow dark
and filled with strife.
The music box lies ready...
And his dancer will again
come to life.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
I'm holding your name underneath my tongue ,
in case you ask me to make my favorite sound .
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
You are so much more
invested in
or non-domesticated
furry friends
then Syrian refugees
who look more
like you and me.

You are so much more
invested in
a piece of multi-colored cloth
that ***** in the wind
a symbol
of an idea
that has not been
then the victims of
drone bombings.

You are so much more
invested in
a barely ancient book
then women’s rights.

You are so much more
invested in
police authority
then those oppressed
for centuries,
those brutalized
and murdered.

You are so much more
invested in
sports and reality shows
then education
and the pursuit of truth.

And here is what
your investments
netted you
apathy, violence,
greed, destruction,
pain, suffering
terror, and the dividends
are still pouring in.
He pulled her to himself and said,
"Give me a kiss, my Lady, just a kiss"
She turned away and shook her head
"No. I thought you promised me bliss".
"But look, all my shelves are bare,
What tells me of your professed care?"

Almost kneeling, he entreated her
"But Sweetheart, here, you have my heart
Or would you rather I gift you a car?"

She wailed, "You must think me daft!
You have a beautiful wife and child
Sitting around the glowing fire in your home
Then you abandon me here, in the wild
To live by myself, all alone
You think I care for a car
When you'd still be so far
I could not even drive to meet you
Then, I'd be a complete fool".

He replied, "Dear lady, I hate to have met you
Long after I had been hooked to a wife
That no one had given me a chance to woo
Now I couldn't live without you in my life
Please, tell me what I ought to do."

Her eyes a-blazing, his a-gazing
She declared,"Send your miserable wife away
And I'm sorry, your daughter
Will have to live without her father
And I'm going to the big mansion to stay!"

"Oh no! No!" he cried, "That's unfair!
I love you but I must say the truth
The miserable wife has always shown me care
Over the years, right from our youth
I could not divorce her for anything
Least of all, you selfish, drama queen!"

She snorted and said, *"Well spoken!
Beware of this heart you have broken
I tested to know how much you loved me
Your lies are now very evident to see
Go away and leave me alone
I'll find me a husband,
To give me a proper home!"
 Oct 2015 Kezia Audrey

A falling leaf
casts a much
darker shadow
than the
shade tree
from which
*it fell
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