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Her eyes were so beautiful
I hated it
Her hair so saft
I hated it
Her legs so long
I hated it
Her body so shapely
I hated it
Her fight so weak
I loved it
Her screams so peircing
I loved it
Her blood so red
I loved it
Her skin so cold
I loved it
Any thoughts, tips, opinions, and/or criticisms appreciated.
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
b s
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
b s
springtime artistry:

floral inkblots bleeding through

winter’s blank canvas
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
i breathed him only once,
but that was enough,
to become addicted

 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
Leaves, like butterflies,
dance on the river of wind,
fluttering high.
In  tropical, moody Kolkata,
Autumn doesn't arrive
In a flurry of red leaves
Strewn to the winds
It arrives silently,
With hushed whispers
of wind into our ears
Slowly, the fallen leaves
Turn yellow
The warm, balmy breeze
Develops a bite to it
Secretly, some trees shed
Their clothes completely
In preparation for the chilled
Caresses of Winter
Mittens and monkey caps
Appear amongst the morning
Walkers and newspaper boys
The sun becomes lazy, reminiscent
in it's behavior, rising later and later
Each day, until 6 o'clock is a stretch
of Imagination
Autumn comes with muted footsteps
Hardly any time to appreciate it
Before it's gone and Winter sets in
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
Someone once told me
Whenever I was lost
I should look to the stars
They would guide me home
But where are they tonight?
The sky is cloudy and grey
And no stars are in sight
Why aren't they here?
When I need them the most
I'm so, so lost and I need them
*I need them to guide me home
She’s a fantastic disaster
masking facts that matter
In a sense she’ll be there after
With her grace, flowers and laughter
Be sure not to bow too fast
or forget to look right past her
With a word she’ll have you captured
entangled, mangled and mastered.
 Jan 2017 Kashish Bhasin
You are the most wondrous dizzying
mess of cells,
deoxyribonucleic acid,
thoughts & b
                                                 e a t h s.
Hey you, you and you!
Isn't your soul looking lovely?
can I just collapse into a puddle of sweetness & *hugs*?
 Jan 2017 Kashish Bhasin
you are a bathtub of balloons.
lines of tears angels left on
the counter above the cabinet
your prescribed reasons used to stay.

a hot shower away,
from fixing your lovers face
with teeth cut lips.
blaming the steam
for all the red in
your half truths.

teachings of sorcery
mothers enchant their wombs in.
a lesson to the future
of how destiny was born
tied to
something greater.

******* looked for god
in the galaxy between your legs.
an altered state of awareness
passed around like the last hit
everyone wants.

you are '**** it'
you are '**** me'
you are '**** this'

a function unto yourself,
unashamedly by passion.

you are ******* revelry.

politeness tiptoes
at the edge of your spirit,
tamed tirelessly through stares
and the longing of freedom.
you do not have the keys.

we are candor,
casually exchanging giggles
at fear's table;
ravaging silliness naked.
splendor sprawling back,
upwards to you and i.

a gang of sighs and of panting.
a church of wonder;
a held promise of sequels.
together our names produce dua;
an etched ancient time.

a *******
we **** rigorously.
the lust of nations who dared
before us and are yet to come.
we lived in visions.

a moment from forever will appear,
with us deemed illegal.
chests pressed to eternity,
the melody will

risks are for lovers.
 Jan 2017 Kashish Bhasin
1.** I have loved you since November, I've tried to stop, I can't.
2. I have never met a person like you, a person that can make me feel in slow motion. A person that can embody art, you are like watercolor sunsets and the smell of daisies.
3. I can't help but blush and smile and act like a bubbly schoolgirl on a Friday.
I can't help but get lost in your clothes, your hair, your laugh, your smile, your smell.
I know, I know it's mad, but I've found that I just get lost in you.
4. I remember when we were talking about you and your life and you asked me about mine. I really wanted to hold your hand, I didn't. I remember when we talked about aesthetics in class and I thought of you, because I find you so lovely. I remember talking about space and feelings and how you felt like an alien; I said I felt the same.
5. I remember seeing you and being immediately captivated, I remember sharing feelings and feeling so understood. I will always remember the comfort I feel when I'm around you. I may be alien, I may be foreign, I may be unidentified, but I have the universe to come home to. I have you to romanticize and use fancy words with, I remember when you said I was out of this world, the illest. I corrected you with, "If I am, then so are you, we're etherealists."
Oh how young love kicks you in the ***, but in a good way. :)
For some crazy boy.
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