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K Balachandran Apr 2016
Every butterfly, knows this in it's inner being
and yet each forgets it, as soon as it starts flying,
the sweet warmth of each flower inviting him,
honey and  nectar abundant in the beginning,
the wind speed  that takes him to the bloom--
such happy things ,soon will become  a dream.
Never forget; the tides will turn.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
Sheer passion, laden layers after
dense layers was the lake,deep blue,
His hidden heart was all aflame,
in anticipation of her, his hurricane,
the wildest girl in town, hard to get,
yet he acts placid on the surface
one'd see just gently billowing waves.

The hurricane has never known any
such guile,  hiding passion.Her eyes
wide and *****, flashing lightening,
cloudy hair disheveled and flying
she comes heavily down on her passive lover.
rebounds to come back with more force
that'd tell how intense her passion runs,
churning water goes up in a swirl and
dance with her passion,how spectacular
is their union, sky and earth look on
with bated breath, this ebullient *******.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
I fell from the mountain peak, I climbed alone,
in to the blue depth of her lonely heart, frothing hot.

She feigned surprise,"Do not know how this happened"
I remembered seeing her creeping in to my thoughts before.

Was it a conspiracy we both hatched together,a subconscious plot!

Did I slip and fall in to her expectant heart,waiting warmly for me?
The way to a maiden's heart and the secret of a man's craftiness
are unknown; we decide our love, is to be accepted, with an open heart
Are we spooked, trapped inside the logic of a Salvador Dali painting?
K Balachandran Apr 2016
Your windswept wild red hair, *Tantric fractal,
spreads forest fire in my thoughts,to the far end,
how far can I  go on keeping this endless raging,
a dangerous arsonist in my mind's chamber?
Unchecked, unbridled, not quenched,
shimmering fire with a thousand ember eyes,
come burn my ardor with the essence of red.
my red riding hood, on this Tantric bed spread.

Your passion, unleashed as unkempt wind swept
red cloud  of hair,assumes the forms of our love
now a cascade of water from mountain, after new rain,
splashes all over my mind's fecund landscape,
day and night imbibing the effect of your red wine
anointing  cool, love balm, I get inebriated.

Your red, fluffy,earthy textured, magic coiffure,
becomes  a sea of infinite calm,in my stormy nights.
I whisper to air"I want to taste the salt of her earth,
I want to swim in the confluence, her red flow commences,
If I'd  be buried within the red earth of her dense hair,
I'll be resurrected, re imagined by her as her immortal lover"
Tantra-ancient Indian esoteric practice,seeking to channel the divine male/female energy to attain' siddhis'(supernatural attainments) and "moksha" (liberation of soul)
Fractal-It's the geometry of deterministic chaos,also describe the geometry of mountains, clouds, galaxies etc...
K Balachandran Apr 2016
Not dreaming anything tonight,

tired of perambulations I decide.

Just want to sleep in your bed

forgetting every thing except

the starlit sky and cosmic clouds,

from where I and you did descend,

on the wings of a mystery, that still continues.

Your bed is soft,  the best healing spot

I have ever known, in this troubled planet,

I roll on to the soft heat from your body permeates,

and yet again become aware that you are the best thing

that  happened in this wanderer's journeys through moors.

Remember the first time I heard your name whispered,

resounded  within my bone marrow

and wondered about the magic it carries with it.

We walked a million miles in a second,

and crossed a life time in a day sometimes,

we are calibrated in perfect synchronization,

we understand with a smile,with  our souls it  resonates.

The sunset whispers the secret: go in to the light, eternal.
at the culmination of the dream, eternity beacons.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
Human brain, intellect, knowledge, wisdom, logic etc has limits.
Transcendence is a  channel available to experience the incognizable.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
After what seemed  eons
he heard her saying this,
        gently patting his chest
        and wistfully looking
        at his withered rose petal lips
                      "You need to slow down,
                        be incisive, gaze, just not
                              with two physical eyes
                                master your senses, all five
                        if you want to see clearly
                      what truly transpires
                beyond mere words and actions"
         those frenzied moments
of love, despair whatever, intense
he somehow felt part of his, cherished,
                 But did they deliver?
             never did he regret a GURU's absence
                 still hoped in a deeper layer of psyche
                           "He would certainly come..won't
                              decide against showing up"
                      Still he was waiting
                           (looking at the directions wrong)
                             when she was with him,
                                     his lover,finder of path too, for a long while.
                              None had ever seized him like this
                                   and emphatically said such a thing
                                                   Now he could see
                                                     more clearly with focus
                                            as if the blazing sun appears
                                            when the clouds are driven by the winds.
             He heard the words of wisdom
             a woman like her can better discern
                because his light and darkness reflect
                on her screen of love, better,
                                essence-mind- bliss
                              "Sat-chit- Ananda"
                              where cosmic waves
                              make their presence
               At that instance he decides
                 to let go pretenses of every kind
                       he felt expansion of consciousness
                          a feeling words would never learn to express,
                         with stars in attendance he slept
                      cleansed himself in the waters of milky way
              frenetic drum beat of heart
              vanished as if he is no more
body bound, free to fly anywhere.
         wasn't she just predicting that
         the slow dance holding the hand
         that masterfully guides,
           it  begins
                            from this moment.
Journey towards the light of enlightenment is not intended without a Guru, a guide who could take the seeker sure footed through the path.
The deep yearning from the giver and the receiver culminates in the mysterious moment of find from both ends.Finding the Guru designated for one is the greatest moment in the journey of the  seeker,chanting
"From ignorance  lead me to essence,
from darkness take me to light
from death lead me to immortality"
Some times the Guru one searches endlessly  through long road would spring surprises like this...why not learn the path of truth from one's lover, friend, neighbor, subordinate and be humble?
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