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Dec 2014 · 347
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Transcribe these words into the soft pallet your sky
I want to rewrite your history
Exchanging my presence into every lonely moment you ever experienced

Remember me as a part of the past, present, and future

Melt my everything over the bad dreams you had
Of men who didn't know how to fill the space between your ears
Reassuring you my mother raised me to jigsaw my way into your thoughts

Remember me as a part of the past, present, and future

Create a log history of every time you thought of me
Yet didn't know how to say my name yet
For I have not been blessed with your presence yet

Remember me as a part of the past, present, and future

Plug my name into the blank spots
The one's where your husbands name will go
Plan your wedding with my image in your mind

We are no past, present, and future

Let me be a historian
Memorizing every inch of your life
Loving each event.
Loving you wholly.
I want to be in your past, present, and future. It is a beautiful thing.
Dec 2014 · 447
Muscle ( 10 W )
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Remember me as your muscle
Torn down and then rebuilt
Rebuild into a better you each and every day
Dec 2014 · 509
Break me softly
JWolfeB Dec 2014
I will elaborately devise a plan to fulfill the broken parts of tomorrow.

I am but one man, with a dream of fixing broken things.

Broken things like hearts and people.

Although, I am broken.

And I can't seem to fix it.
We all have the intrinsic value of wanting to help those around us. Yet I can't find the correct tools to fix myself first.
Dec 2014 · 322
Giving in
JWolfeB Dec 2014
If I die tomorrow and am no longer present
When my life no longer reruns on bad television channels
Please read my words to the ears of your children
To the moments of the future I will not experience
Even if the only words your ever read are
I love you. I love you all so much
Dec 2014 · 869
JWolfeB Dec 2014
I watched
As the fire burned down their dependency
Melted away their hope
Charred their smiles

He watched
The man looked at me
Talking with the smoke in his lungs
"As long as our teachers are safe"

I watched
The fire inside my chest
Filling my veins with names of the people of this place
Knowing that I am melted where I stand
The only store burned down in the small village of 380 people that I live in. It is a very tragic moment, but everyone is safe. It blows my mind that a man living on an island with no running water, fighting a fire in the dark of night was thinking of the teacher (Me) Who has been her for only 5 months.
Dec 2014 · 458
Still a boy
JWolfeB Dec 2014
This boy ran into the forest at dusk. For he knew that big brother does not reside here.

The boy quickly became the trees. Standing tall above every terrestrial object at our feet. Accepting his guardianship over the noon lit sky. Loving the idea of growing into everything he is not, and everything he could be.

The boy melted into the mist, hovering over our lives. Chainsaw quiet, laying down his best guard. Seeping into the moisture of these lungs. Watering the soil of your next words. May you pick them with confidence.

The boy ruptured from the crust into the sky. Throwing up volcanic past times and reasons to stand on two feet. He needed to understand bravery. Exposing every thread in order to create opportunity.

The boy became moss. Overlooked and beautiful in his silence. Over viewing this place of fast talkers and truck stops. Studying footprints and shadows, falling quickly under the day light bright. Growing in places people may not notice.

The boy became soil. A simplicity few would acknowledge. A support in the storm of tomorrow. Break beat nervous for wake of forgetting. Fading slowly into the past.

The soil. Still present 50 years later. Growing crops. Building families. Giving life. Turning his bones into maps using his heart for ink. If only these people knew of the boy that gave his life for these lands.
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Facial curve
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Her smile is my favorite geometrical anomaly

Mathematicians have yet to discovered a name for it

Expressing sunshine

Solving the issue of yesterdays broken equations

The corners of her lips are the product of perfection
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Listen to this one thing
If you learn nothing from me

Please learn this

You are worth more than your price tag
One day you will be a mountain
A force to be reckoned with
The scars of your past dont predict your future child

Please learn this

Knowledge is power
But they don't know that yet
So power up with your charged haunches
Spring yourself out of this village

Please don't learn this

Let got of it
Don't wear it like a bronze metal
Apathy and irony hanging on your chest

Please learn this

A man leads by example
Choose your next words wisely
Think before you unleash your palms
She does not deserve it

You are only my student for 9 months
Then I am off to who knows where
But please
Learn this one thing from me

You are better
than the broken branches of your family tree
So act like it
This is more of a frustration of culture more than anything. But I guess you could call it a poem as well. There is a learned disposition here and it is one of learned helplessness. And It is a rather difficult disposition to teach.
Dec 2014 · 5.9k
Arctic dust
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Darkness engulfs the morning
Letting the sun rest for a simple moment
Slighting the thought of commitment

On the edge of the earth
The arctic circle spins madly in love
Tilting the earth drunk

Just enough to admit she is shy
That attention never came easy
Going unnoticed
Tucked under the drab sky
Only 3 hours of sunlight each day here in the Arctic circle. It is an interesting thing to adapt to.
Dec 2014 · 554
Case of the Mondays
JWolfeB Dec 2014
May monday lessen its grip on your sorrows

Today a new page in an old book

Turned over for new eyes to read

Pasted into New york times

Reminding us today is not a tragedy

Today is a miracle
Hopefully everyone has an amazing Monday. Each day is a new one and we should be grateful to open our eyes upon another day.
Nov 2014 · 422
2 years
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Cancer took your life

It did not take your name
Nor did it take your fight
Left with us your legacy
We will strive toward sunrise
Living life twice as hard
To honor your absence

Cancer swallowed you

I will watch it regurgitate
The lives of millions
Into the air over our bodies
Letting each one of us
Live in the world
Created by those fallen to your mercy

Cancer *******

You will not let you control my heart
My mind watches you sleep
I will haunt you in your dreams
Each morning I will greet you
Until you give me back what belongs to me
You will reap from your destruction
Nov 2014 · 341
JWolfeB Nov 2014
He fell from his crucifixion

Pure in his scars

Mountained on his sternum

From the moments

Words were trapped

Behind the dam of his cave

So he continued silent

In sacrifice for her happiness
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
JWolfeB Nov 2014
We are broken
Laying in a bin full of legos
Potential to be beautiful
To be whole again

We wait for the right hands
To mend us into something more
Than the broken body parts in the mirror
Build me into something new
Something more than myself
Nov 2014 · 401
Home for some
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Lonely was anxious
Broken in her own dreams
Reaching out
Hoping for nothing more
Than companionship
Begging you to fall in
Grasped up your sinewed heart
Finding comfort in the walls of your chest
loneliness is a dark place. Finding a spot in each of us and living comfortably
Nov 2014 · 611
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Poetry holds me hostage
Whispers sweet nothings in my ear
Digs its nails into my back
Melts love into my mind

The sun reminds me of this computer screen
and I turn to find my bed empty
Without any more words
Nov 2014 · 538
Anxious hands
JWolfeB Nov 2014
As I watched her cut the turkey. Her hands moving like a locomotive. All the drive with direct intentions. Wanting to do nothing more than to serve the present hearts. Wrists wrapped in forgiveness. Wrists that have bent backwards like iron boards melted into spinal chords. Giving light to the veins tangling up here telephone pole arm ensuring that each moment she makes is electrifying. Work horse working at the jaw bit. Feeling freedom elbow down. Fingernails maroon layered. Tattered with stories of long days between selfless moments. Her hands had touched more lives than god can count. We lose touch of ourselves. To find star points in the sky waiting on us to make the first move. Her fingers bolted through gods carpet creating stars, moving the moon, and painting constellations over our heads. I am thankful for her giving. Not that she gave her life for me, no that was taken, by medical books and dictionary definitions. It is that she gave me life, so I shall bleed life through my pours. My bones will tremble with her presence releasing all forms of earthquake. 2 years ago. She did not cut the turkey. Her hands too weak to hold the air above her lips. Two years and your name has still not left my lips.
This year is a hard one for me.
Nov 2014 · 416
To you
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Today I thank the wind

For never giving up on my lungs

Today I thank the earth

For supporting my feet

Today I thank the clouds

For protecting me from myself

Today I thank the sea

For the depth of unknown we all possess

Today I thank you all

For make this life worth living
Happy Thanksgiving all
Nov 2014 · 649
We were made
JWolfeB Nov 2014
We are the perfect storm
Electrifying in our tidal wave
Made of parts and wholes
Parts of lighting
Whole hemispheres
Molecules split in half
In the eye of god himself
We tumbled natural disaster
Nov 2014 · 550
Giving ink
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Blood dripped through at the tip of my pen

Scribing the words in my veins

Showing the shadows of altruism

Spilling ink across white skies

Shall my tattoos melt off my skin

Sacrificing my own existence

To write poems about you
Nov 2014 · 773
JWolfeB Nov 2014
I'm leaving you softly
behind the photographs
next to the dark room of my past

I'll find you roughly
in every surface I touch
next to the mausoleum

I'd miss you fondly
if I could understand
that you have left

I'll call god quickly
just to ask him
how you have been
Missing my mother. It has been two years now.
Nov 2014 · 453
A letter to you
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Learned lessons from a distant father
My father taught me how to be a man
The delicate ways to hold a flower
When flight is more beneficial than fight
And what alcoholism tastes like

Now he was able to teach all of these things while being absent
Away in a managed life of self loathing
over different reasons to be addicted and falling back on his word
These words fall from off lips, waterfall from lips and hail down on those who believe them

Promises are meant to gods diary entries from his day off
Something strong enough to hold us through the floods of broken bones and motel bibles
Words that con construct the elevator in your spine giving enough electricity to elevate your spirit.

We lean on them.
Like towers.
Galloping through the darkness protecting ourselves with words like.
I promise. I will. Guarantees. And count on me.

I have awoken to realize this is all a dream
We can no longer depend on these words imploding this society
These are false idols begging for your forgiveness in placebo jackets
But you promised. Everything will be alright
That you would be my architecture when the foundation gives

This is an 18 floor elevator free fall
Careening toward gravity with no expectation of a warm embrace
Reaching for words with ghost tongues
The crash will be better with an apology anyway

The constant sorries that fall in forests with no one listening
Hypocrite. A harsh word
My father always told me, nothing
But, when my father was still the father I never learned him to be, he gave me something

A false promise.
I still hold onto it
Tattooed on my inner ear
Reminding me to never leach onto words alone
My body has become exhausted
From hanging onto nothing
Learning to be better than the man of my past.
Nov 2014 · 254
Just words
JWolfeB Nov 2014
A promise
I wish you didn't give
Take me away
To a place
Before your fallacies
Dripped across
The space between
Love and despise
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Plane sight
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Depression is the view from a plane.

Far away.
Too close.
Out of reach.
Below us.
And above us.

Depression is something all around us.
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
Alaska trees
JWolfeB Nov 2014
I saw a tree today

In the arctic tundra

For the first time in four months.

It reminded me no matter what happens around you

You can always grow.
I forgot how beautiful trees are. Living on an island for 4 months makes you treasure the simplicities of life
Nov 2014 · 975
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Delicately run your fingers across my neck

You will find the scars

Freshly healed

From when lonely

Clawed its way out of my throat
Nov 2014 · 788
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Place your words across my body
Like a crossword

1 down
your hair on my shoulder when I sleep

7 across
The curve in your clavicle

14 across
Answers to prayers we have not made yet

2 down
Forgive my jaw for hitting the floor

11 down

11 down

11 down

11 down
My vision is blurry
A little differnt
Nov 2014 · 447
Dreamt of me
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Let me be better
Than the monster you made me into

Let the monster in me
Love you more than I wish to

Let both of us fail
At seeing the beauty in this
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Jon you love to teach with your mouth.  Please start teaching with your ears.

I am only one person.

Jon I know you care too much. Please don't ever stop.

I don't want to burn out.

Before you go to bed you think too much. Make those your most important. For they will be the ones you remember forgetting.

I never write down the things I wish to.

Jon breathing comes simple. Your mothers lungs were not as fortunate. Don't abuse the airbags in your chest.

I can't do this

Without your fingertips you wouldn't know what amazing feels like. So touch the lives surrounding you.

I have too many calluses.

You were given a heart in one piece. Stop convincing yourself it's broken.

I found hope.

Jon your dad left you for a reason. You are a man because of it. Now chest up like you mean it.

I miss him.

Jon she is here. In the snowflakes on your tongue. Sunshine in your steps. And in the muscle that helps you swallow the loneliness of her absence.

I dream of a life with her in it.

Jon you have one back. Please stand up for something worth your time here. Do it with pride doused in confidence.

I don't know my purpose.

Jon you are purpose.
Conscious and myself having a talk.
Nov 2014 · 215
JWolfeB Nov 2014
All I ask is when I die
that these pages be left
over my grave
giving power to the wind
hoping it whispers my love
I never had a chance
to tell you about
Nov 2014 · 368
Slipping away
JWolfeB Nov 2014
I have reached my hand threw our spaces
Over 2000 miles exhausted
Wishing you would grab hold
You clenched my throat
Choking out the words I want to tell you
Words along the lines of
Please don't surrender
Stop walking around like it is Monday everyday
Like your mind has made up its decision
and your existence is pulling the covers over today
You can borrow my heart for now
Anything to make you feel warm on days the sun gets unplugged
You were meant for more than this
More than a post it note heart and feeble arteries
In 7 days we will both remember why you can't give up
Like a sign god put up in our yard during elections
Begging for another few years to stick around
Our days are numbered my brother
Stop crossing out the days before they happen
Nov 2014 · 713
Braid my heart
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Her fingertips smelt of ashtray
The air stale like the dentures in her purse.
We try not to talk as much in small rooms
Everything seems to get complicated
Too busy
Words wrapped around our throats
Choking our ability to speak honestly

The stone slate she laid upon was once called a bed
Sleep can’t happen on such a platform
Stiff as the pain she feels on days
Like everyday
She told me the dreams she had once
The ones about living her life

These dreams were filled with elation
Something to fill the empty side of the bed
Her tongue was dry
From talking about these dreams
The ones that never happen
They were stolen from her
Stuffed into a newspaper article

Her dreams reside in the morphine drip
Clenched deep inside her fist
Holding on to anything
Onto her sons
Gods gift upon this earth
A reason to resist deaths shadow

For another chance to say I love you
Be strong my boys
Be wise
Treat your woman like you treated me
Love the way I love you
Smile for it gave me a reason to live
Missing her as 2 years approaches.
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
Reminds me of us
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Love me so hard

that I end up being like the earth.

Spinning wildly in orbit exposing every surface to your touch

Love me so hard

I find myself hung over from drinking the wine of your skin

Causing me drunk in a tumble of forever and a inebriation I never want to stop

Love me so hard

I forget what day tomorrow is

So I can live in this moment for that much longer

Love me so hard

the glacier of my past melts

Into a sea of forgiveness

Love me so hard

I crumble onto one knee

Asking you to melt your last name into mine
A love that is fully engulfing.
Nov 2014 · 433
Walking alive
JWolfeB Nov 2014
My blood runs silent through old highways
Breathes dripping off my flesh
Brain fixed broken from the days of shock therapy
Fingertips still in your hand

Hands clasped tight like trapeze artists
These legs walk in circles
Cycling back to memories of you
Someone reassure me I am alive

For right now I am a walking facade
A walking backdrop of the man I once claimed to be
Just because I am breathing
This does not mean I am alive
Nov 2014 · 444
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Tell me things will be better tomorrow

For my words are jammed

Locked brakes on my jaw

A stop sign on today

Arriving in late fashion

Without me
Nov 2014 · 405
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Today will only ever happen once

For these moments will soon become history

Dates lost behind us

A record of moments

Strung together in a book

Stay present while you write your book

And write history today
Nov 2014 · 761
Teach me these
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Main idea

Realize the importance of the stampede in your bones.
Know that this is not the end of the story. There are years of details still to be written about the craters you will cause on this earth. Long lasting impressions with extensive lab reports of how you changed the world.


Read between the lines of tomorrow. Know that it is not your best friend and will easily take your lunch money without a guilty conscience. So guard your intelligence, smile brightly and say excuse me in the hallway. For tomorrow will not know what hit it when you come through that door with a straight spine. Confidence is everything when compared to things that have not happen yet.

Problem and solution

Every moment can be your biggest problem if you let it be. The itch in our eyes tells us our brain has the power to resist self defeat. Bring me the solution that tells about the optimism in your footfall. Solving all the worlds problems with all of the education and none of the motivation. More of the issues with less time allowed to fix them. This education system is failing us.


Stand up and fight. Give every ounce you have left in your existence. Please understand you are going to be short changed in this life. You are the one with the power to gain knowledge. Read between the lines of your past. Don’t fall into the same learned helplessness. Let me help you with the solution. I promise the equation is within reach. You are not alone.
Teaching in a village in the arctic circle is frustrating and rather difficult. But the fire in the kids' heart and passion brings me back everyday ready to teach.
Nov 2014 · 329
Left and leaving
JWolfeB Nov 2014
The revolution in his chest was sleeping the day she showed up

By the time this revolution marched, she was no where to be found.

We tell this story of heartbreaks and loneliness

Without realizing it is our job to ignite the revolution

No longer will we depend upon someone else's spark plug
Nov 2014 · 328
Today's words
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Today plunges

Into yesterday

Therefore politely

Remind us

To explore

These words

For they

Will impact

Our future
We have power of the present. Let those words not negatively impact our future.
JWolfeB Nov 2014
In the presence of god and all of his creation I will tell you the stunning amazement that is the northern lights.
The way that god will drain the tub he relaxes in. Just so we can be rained upon by this phenomenon called aurora borealis. Graciously dancing across the sky we have known as blue. Knowing it is nothing more than a universe full of questions I am afraid to ask. So tell me.

I want to know how they felt 100 years ago. How did your culture interpret this magic sky shifting juncture that formed ballets above them. Tell me how they navigated the north star. A fixture in the sky meaning nothing but everything to the right person. Finding the broken piece between reality and imagination. Our compass has been thrown off by the deception lain across our flesh.

Let this culture lead by example. That we may one day step outside our lightbulb lives and exist in the moment that we use to call the world. Moments like sunsets and the things we refer to as constellations. May those anomalies cross your brain, find you broken in bed. Clawing out of your chest trying to show you what it is to feel. Embrace what your ancestors left. Dreams of a sustainable culture. Get off your ******* phone and cross the lagoon. Respect the chucks of history laid on your shoulder. It is not just a chip.

May those moments haunt you in your dreams. And have the culture injected into your veins. Have this as a message. Fill your dreams with nightmares of a village under water. Drowning in learned helplessness. Not understanding which direction is up when the clouds are out.

America has taught us that the past is irrelevant. That in historical events we have always made the best decision. That slavery was justified, if you ask the right person. Columbus was god upon men. Yesterday is gone for we will embroider the memories of what once was into any shape we desire. And America has given up and now PBR belongs to Russia.

This stand is for you, Inupaiq Eskimos. Let the Eskimo games begin. Show this culture that you have not forgotten the importance of your ankles. The function of chasing Caribou. May the preservative dust upon the shelf as you are dusting the tundra for dinner. Shall we build a fortified wall around the unique skills no one will dig their fingernails into.

Live off the land under the toes of the greedy americans. Show them the flowers that have been stomping upon and how these flower heal the broken hearts held in their chest. The flat land that is looked after as boring with a hint of forgotten. Show them the importance of leveled landscape. Where to find the hidden dips in the skin of our earth. How your bones will forgive you for this moment of rest.

I will never be an Eskimo. I have only live here for a few months of my life. But ****** son, stand up with your spine into your skull. Connecting you with right now and days we have left behind. Please take a moment. Read a book. Learn a trade. Apply the sinews attached to the bones in your chest, and take a moment to breathe in your heritage. Take your first breathe and see life, as it is meant to be.
I live in a small village full of 380 Inupaiq Eskimos at the top of the world. Just a few thoughts about the culture here.
Nov 2014 · 415
Hidden powers
JWolfeB Nov 2014
May the words fall from my jowls

Convincing you of the power

I compress inside my lungs

Letting not a single ounce of tomorrow

Pass without your recognition
One day your will realize the power of the words that spill from my lips.
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Light , curvy rays,
while traveling from air to water world.
My eyelashes - window wipers.
Crystalline lenses,
sending lovely
but blurry pictures
wait.. let me focus my retina,
underwater dream,
or is it really you?

Dark, straight silhouettes,
falling from the busy water above
My chest - darkened vents
reaching far,
wanting lovely,
but faint pictures
I can’t wait any longer,
for the dark room to lighten
I need you to show me

I take a deep breath
And dive in again.
Debrees of scars
And piercing pain.
Your soul still mauve and blue.
I press my lips
respiring pure love into you.

Breathe your best
into the spine of my life
Expelling fortitude
And forgiveness
Hidden in this deep blue
Revitalized for the first time
This moment opened its eyes
to see the beauty
of what beneath the surface lies
An amazing collaborative  with Dajena M. Such a great writer and a true pleasure to write a piece together.
JWolfeB Nov 2014
May you remember to stand up straight
May your spines be flagpoles
Sailing your heart at full mast
The caps in your knees full of steel
Unstoppable in your travels of Alaskan tundra

Let your mind grow roots in your culture
May your hunger for knowledge
Be that of a (amaguq) wolf
Never give up on yourselves
For I will never give up on you
Teaching in a classroom full of Inupaiq eskimo children. You can never understand a culture until you are immersed into it. These kids are teaching me each and every day.
Nov 2014 · 12.5k
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Todays sun felt lonely
Drenched in isolation
Melting for acceptance
Draping light upon empty carcasses
Feeling the gravity of the space between

An embrace no one can fulfill
Without the proper tools
The days will be spent empty
Full of giving solar flares of its former self
Begging for a better understanding
feeling altruism at the core
The sun always give without ever receiving
Nov 2014 · 8.9k
Body modification
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Tattoo your passion onto my tongue

Give me something to talk about

Brand the heart in your chest

Into my fingertips

So I can write about love

Implant your smile to my eyelids

Then I will dream of reasons to wake
A short poem
Feeling good today
Might add more later
Nov 2014 · 789
JWolfeB Nov 2014
My heart my favorite sweater
Warm and worn on my sleeves
Zipping up my ribcage
to protect myself from the elements
Pockets to hide secrets of my past
Hooded to keep me hidden
from the bandits in my dreams
Mine to wear in the fall
Yours to borrow in the spring
Nov 2014 · 7.6k
Toy chest
JWolfeB Nov 2014
I have been waiting
for her to pick me off the shelf

To remember me as fondly
as I dream of her nightly

Wanting nothing more than to be
used like her favorite toy

The one she played with as a child
when holding each other came simple

For her to lay me next to her heart
during the dim nights under gods shadow

Giving up on the complexities
of the never ending day before us

While engulfing each other in stories
of an emotion we remembered as love
JWolfeB Nov 2014
This means you are still here
still alive and waiting to create a post
To tell us this is a dream
A nightmare in a newspaper article
Telling us of news I still don't believe
Tagging me in a picture we have not taken
The picture we will never take
Because you are gone
Facebook still can't let you go
and neither can I
This month marks 2 years of my mother passing. Thinking about her.
Nov 2014 · 933
JWolfeB Nov 2014
His heart

felt like a word misspelled

in a spelling test

cursed at, then erased

replaced by new formations

without comprehension
Nov 2014 · 885
Her forest
JWolfeB Nov 2014
A single tree stood a few feet taller than the rest of the forest. The branches, further off the ground and harder to reach. Leaves luminescent in their shifting wind. Full of life and everlasting complexities. Roots embedded into the earth. Unmovable to the temptations of this place. Bark the texture of mountain ranges. Speaking of every valley full of rivers from the rain dancing across it's surface. Nests lay high into the sky of this tree. Spots where the tree is delicate and life giving.

I want to climb this tree. Navigate my way around each root to educate myself of the raw magnitude of this tower of life.
To reach out and feel the details of every bark outline. Traveling toward heaven with good intentions. Finding the thickest branch at the bottom. A journey I know I am not the first to reach. I want to weave through each maze upon the branches. Finding the life that exists here. To investigate the soft spots where nests lay. Enjoying the view of the world. A spot I know only this tree can experience.

I will lay upon branches to feel like I truly know what it is like to sleep here. To share something so simple inside of such a unique place. Continuing to the highest point of this tree. Here the branches are the smallest and least visited. I want to study these branch for years. For without these branches this tree would not exist entirely.

So from here i can view the rest of the forest. The tips of lives skirting to the end of visibility. As I delicately climb back down. My body feels at one with this tree. Knowing that my fingers will never understand such beauty. I found this tree tucked in the density of her ribcage. Beating like a war drum. A forest I wish to walk each waking day. Climbing her tree with delicacy and fiercely loving her forest built heart.
Nov 2014 · 840
History behind
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Today will conquer many lives
without reason
For the sake of remembrance
I will breathe in each tender second
with a stronghold in my chest
grateful to live
another wake up
A blink longer than those less fortunate

May I conquer today
with all of the reason
To remember those
who have now become
small bits of gold in our history
A bold outline of a life once lived
I raise my wine filled heart
to those who are no longer here
A poem to those who have been lost and are no longer here. Also a dedication to veterans everywhere. Through and through.
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