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 Dec 2014 Josh
Sarah Spang
"Don't stop dreaming" crooned a voice in my ear
But dreaming re-enforces fear
Slumber comes and shreds my thoughts
Subconscious wars are brought and wrought.

Inside my skull holds evidence of
Bruised purples and nightmare reds
Sleep shreds my mind between its teeth
And wretches it across; bequeath

Across the walls, across the room
Across the shadows, through the gloom
 Dec 2014 Josh
Dana Kathleen
Similar to a wave in the sea,
I cannot be restrained.
Rising up after falling
again and again.
Each time stronger,
crashing down harder
than before.
Resembling the messages sent in bottles,
rippling waves inscribed with purpose.
Drowning my anchors
in the deepness of the water.
Destroying what destroys me,
refusing to stop
kissing the shore line
even after being pushed away.
This is an older poem from my portfolio for my creative writing in Fall 2013
 Dec 2014 Josh
Aya Pariña
 Dec 2014 Josh
Aya Pariña
You weren't here yesterday,
Nor the day before that
As a matter of fact, you've been missing from your spot for a few days now.

I wonder if I'll see you again
Sitting by the window,
Lovely eyes focused on a worn-out book,
Your lips forming a small smile with each turn of a page.

Will you ever return?
If you do, maybe I'll finally have the courage to talk to you.
 Dec 2014 Josh
Girl On The Wing
 Dec 2014 Josh
Girl On The Wing
I feel myself falling
But this time
It's in love
But that's even more scary
 Dec 2014 Josh
I look at your countenance
so close to my face
and it takes every ounce
of self control
to not discover*
*what you taste like
 Dec 2014 Josh
Often times when I need them most
my words will runaway.
Confounding me, leaving my mind to coast
while I can't find anything to say.
I have all these ideas I would like to boast
but in my mind, they won’t convey.

I hate when this happens...
 Dec 2014 Josh
Kelly Rose
A festive time
we share
Slowly now
the light shall return

The Winter Solstice
is upon us

From one
who always goes
left instead of right

May joy and happiness
find you
as the light
slowly returns

May the gentle
touch of Eirene
live within your soul
any weariness
that has taken its toll

Not only for today
but for all the
days that follow

Happy Holidays everyone

May this 1st day of Winter
find you wrapped
in warmth
Leaving strife
on the outside
While you are
toasting and celebrating life
 Dec 2014 Josh
Soumya Inavilli
Let me rest my head on your strong shoulders.
Let me fall asleep in your arms.
Let me get lost in your blue eyes.
Let me hug to listen to the way your heart beats.
Let me slowly kiss your tender lips.
Let me come home to you, everyday, for the rest of our lives.
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