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 Dec 2014 Josh
Kelly Rose
His Tango seduced
and inflamed her passions
it was his Waltz
that captured
her heart and soul

he has grown tired
and no longer hears
the music

her un partnered
as she dances alone
 Dec 2014 Josh
Julia O'Neary
She picks up pennies
off the sidewalk and
saves them for a
honeymoon someday.

He waits for her, patiently,
like those lost pennies, for
he knows that to be touched
by her will be worth the wait.

I don't often pray,
but for a love like that
I beseech a God for
whom I've lost all faith.
Welsh born and here I stand
Always proud of this beautiful land
Loyal to this country where I was born
Ever missing it when I am gone
Special, glorious Wales, within my heart
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
 Dec 2014 Josh
Broken Men
 Dec 2014 Josh
I've tried rewriting him like he is another poem
embedded between pages of secrets
replacing his eyes with sparkling adjectives
polishing his edges
enabling him to roll off my tongue like I imagined he would
I've traded his scars for words laced in silver
like beautiful words would stop the bleeding
but broken men are not poems
they are not to be sculpted into stanzas
they are time bombs
with three seconds left on the clock
they posses oceans inside their lungs
their eyes are riptides
you cannot rewrite the parts of him
to coincide with the parts of you
they may be broken
their hearts turning black and blue
but the solution to their problem does not begin with you
you can stretch your hands as big as they will go
but it will never be enough to catch their pain
you will drown trying to keep them afloat
the solution to their problem does not begin with you
It will never begin with you
 Dec 2014 Josh
 Dec 2014 Josh
Her eyes stare out
Into emptily brimming space
At the lives that run before her
Almost touching, seeming to reach out  
But never crossing paths
Oblivious to her presence

She sits, surrrounded by surreality
By the irony of her twisted fate
To be so close to human touch,
to the relief of shared laughter and tears
And still, trapped in a tomb of solitude

Unmoved by a smile that sneaks
Across her face as a stranger smiles back
For such is transient, never to be realized
As a bigger part, of eternity

Slowly, gently, tendrils of her being
Creep toward another soul
Cautiously approach, then close around
Only to be severed
Ousted by a stronger spirit

And then she saw, a glimmer of light
That closed in on her, swallowed her whole
And she lived in the rays of starlight
For a time

Twice, in four hundreds of days
The lambency would engulf her
With the clemency of company
And then shut her in darkness

And now she stays, alone in a crowd
The silence is deafening
As her heart screams out
For the starlight to touch
Her hand once again
 Dec 2014 Josh
 Dec 2014 Josh
Give me the shaking knees and sweaty palms.
I want the sad and angry. 
I love the stress.
I get drunk on disappointment.
I like the suffocating feeling.
I know I have to talk myself into doing anything involving human interaction but I like that.
I want my anxiety.
I want my feelings of dizziness and overwhelming fear of impending death.
I'm fine with my inability to stay calm.
And even if I didn't want all these things what do you offer?
Hour long sessions of breathing techniques? 
I'll keep my muscle tension.
I want my insomnia.
I like my anxiety.
It is a part of me.
I like me. 
I want me.
 Dec 2014 Josh
 Dec 2014 Josh
strange that anyone's greatest fear could be change
when change is my greatest passion-
that sweet seduction, the thrill of challenge
and a bite of cold on the rim of the foreign champagne
is only from the lipstick of this temptress, change
who beckons me across ages- dances with me while I chase-
I never quite know her,
I never quite can- she is already halfway through space
already half erased.
 Dec 2014 Josh
Robert Bly
Those great sweeps of snow that stop suddenly six
feet from the house ...
Thoughts that go so far.
The boy gets out of high school and reads no more
the son stops calling home.
The mother puts down her rolling pin and makes no
more bread.
And the wife looks at her husband one night at a
party, and loves him no more.
The energy leaves the wine, and the minister falls
leaving the church.
It will not come closer
the one inside moves back, and the hands touch
nothing, and are safe.

The father grieves for his son, and will not leave the
room where the coffin stands.
He turns away from his wife, and she sleeps alone.

And the sea lifts and falls all night, the moon goes on
through the unattached heavens alone.

The toe of the shoe pivots
in the dust ...
And the man in the black coat turns, and goes back
down the hill.
No one knows why he came, or why he turned away,
and did not climb the hill.
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