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Feb 2021 · 621
Jorge Feb 2021
Awake! Awake! Please awake!
The only words she knew as the breath leaves my being
As she sobs, I gained strength
When she stops, my life drifts away.
She's connected with me.

Live! Live! Please live!
Without you I am nothing, I was touched
So deep within my wounds, I felt love sinking through
I was so infatuated.
Even love can heal and I got to experience that.

Breathe! Breathe! Please breathe!
I need you here with me for I am nothing without thee
She vented with her tears, she screamed in anger
I was the hope for her living, the reason at that
She was in love with me.

Don't go! Don't go! Please don't go!
I was at the edge of life,
It was my time to leave scorched earth.
She wept and in her arms is where I died.
She killed herself and I think that was love.
Inspired by past relationships and the relationships that some of my closest friends have been in.
Jul 2020 · 821
Broken Walls
Jorge Jul 2020
These walls are breaking,
I can see the cracks.
It's going to fall,
That wall.

I've spent years building this wall,
Now, you come
To break it down?
No, not my wall!

I'm trying to glue,
But hue.
With eyes blurred,
I see nothing;
Not even bird.

These walls are paving in,
What now?
Just let it fall?
Or do I bow?
Definitely not bow!

Listen walls:
Just tear down.
I'm too grown,
I'm tired and I've tried.
I'm done!
Moments when you feel like all hope is lost is not such a good thing when you block out your Support System.
Mar 2020 · 702
She Controls Me
Jorge Mar 2020
When I'm near my heart smiles
She lightens my mood
Controls my world
That's why I love her.

She's phenomenal
My one true love
I can't do without her
I gave her the keys to my heart
And she gave me hers.

Can I leave?
No, no, I can't
She owns me,
I own her.
Love is such a wonderful thing. Even my crush is not all that interested, she knows that they'll always be a place in my heart for her. Inspired by my crush.
Mar 2020 · 214
Jorge Mar 2020
You're gone
Not here
Left me there,
To deal with this fear
Never saw this day coming

I'm too blind to accept
You're not here anymore;
I drove you
Away from my heart.

Not intentional but I did
Hurt you, yes
Regret, I do
Now it's just me.

I'm alone out here,
I miss you
I miss us
This feeling; just not right

It's like we don't exist anymore
It's just you
It's just me
You do you,
I do me
Not cute but life

This hole left here,
You pierce and pierced
Am I alive?
I guess I am
Without amygdala I must

But wait
Here, my heart
Take it
Just take it
I damaged yours
And that's just it
You deserve it
Now you're probably gone
Inspired by my father figure after I nearly lost him.
Oct 2019 · 225
I Think I'm Crazy
Jorge Oct 2019
Sitting down looking at the mirror
I see someone that looks like me
But, is it me?
Confused right now
Just to know it's me!

It's my reflection
I'm obviously funny
Need no psychologist yet
All I need is a friend
To get rid of this madness

But no,
I'm okay with it
Indeed, I love it.
Just by thinking of the little amount of madness everyone possesses, I wrote this poem due to the excess I have.
Apr 2019 · 298
Rise Up
Jorge Apr 2019
Even though, we're hated
We must rise, together we must
Come on and rise with me
Life is a journey, a race some say
We've been abused,
We've been robbed, but through it all
Let's stand together.

I don't like it, racism, I don't
White against Black
Dark against Light, skin this is
I've been wronged, even when right
But still I'll rise up;
Come on my brothers and sisters
We got to rise together
Let's stand together.

Wow, to protect and serve, they say
But instead, they merge
Forces with the wild
And **** nation-wide
Even for this,
We'll rise up.

Our past isn't our future,
We've been beaten, what a disgrace
I need mercy, some justice
And peace, may I please?
I beg please, even if
It's not granted;
We'll rise up,
Let's stand together.
This was inspired by a movie, The Quad, and the music, Rise Up Together, which was highly interesting to me. It intrigued me a lot.
Apr 2019 · 222
Save Me!
Jorge Apr 2019
Out in despair, I trod alone
I’m not an island but I am a man
Out to find my purpose,
That’s a goal, I seek;
To meet I must.
I need saving, of course I do;
To free me, from my mental trauma
I need heeling, come now
I pledge to love me, with all my might.

Although life’s unfair, I live
Through persecution, I live
I’m alive, I’ve won,
The battle between me and myself
I need a revelation, I do.

I sacrifice a lot, but yet results
I save a lot and yet I lose
I help a lot and receive no thanks,
How hard can life get?
I need to see.

Help me, I’m hurting
I cry day and night
I need help O Lord, only You Lord.
Thank you, for only you see
The pain I endure: hidden,
So deep within me.

I’m in a far place,
My heart needs rest,
Yes it does,
I need an ending,
A revelation I seek!
This was written to tell how I feel, when all of life's games are being played on me, all at once!
Apr 2019 · 208
Shut Up!
Jorge Apr 2019
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
The words I hear,
How they sink within, so deep it is
Be quiet, be quiet, I must
Because of helping, I get this pay
Maybe I should,
Just keep my mouth closed
Shut up! I must.

Shut up! Shut up!
Even when I sleep,
The words just cause me not to sleep
In the morning, in the night
I can’t take it anymore
I need to fix the problem with my tongue.
Shut up!

I thank me, oh only me,
Just to meditate,
I sit with me,
No distraction, no confusion
I just do me.

Me, myself and I, solely care
George, Jorge and Pepe, I only see
No one else in my mind,
I’ll be much better,
I surely would
Shut up! Shut up!
I’ll hear no more.

Shut up! Shut up!
What’s that I hear?
Oh wait, that’s not for me,
Of course it isn’t.
I’ll keep this going,
My concentration going,
No one else to say,
Shut up! Shut up!
I was inspired to express how I really feel about my speech.
Apr 2019 · 194
Endless Pain
Jorge Apr 2019
Alone in my corner, no words to say
No one to talk to, no words I say
No one to turn to, without energy I can’t
I have no regrets, none at all
I just know too much people, I do.

The essence of friendship is uncertainty to me,
I can change myself with the power within,
I always wonder,
How it feels, not to speak;
Even just for a day, I want to feel.

I talk, I listen; I eat
But too much I speak
No matter how I try, I can’t stop talking
I turn to God, but didn’t wait for an answer
To be a thespian, I can’t
That’s the reason for my speech.

Hurt, hurt; hurt
Pain, pain; pain
All I feel is hurt and pain,
I do forgive but can’t forget.

I’ll just love me and do me,
No one to hurt me
No one to say to me;
Sshh, you talk too much
Oh, I hate the feeling of such,
Endless pain
Endless hurt
God please help me from this ache.
I wrote this today because of the things that were said and it hurt me; but still I rise!
Mar 2019 · 244
Danger of Love
Jorge Mar 2019
When you are lost in a world, just think;
What is love?
Is it a sensation?
Is it a feeling?
Is it even real?

Love is a feeling of care,
Love is a feeling of want even when unwanted.
Love is pleasure not fear.
Love is awesome.
I love this feeling.

I hate you, I love you
Some words you will say when you are in love.
Maybe love is not for me
I will just leave things where they are!
I’ve lost everything because of love,
So what must I do?

I’ll just think about pain then love.
You say you love me
I hear I like you
My heart has been bruised too badly to listen
I know love when I see love.

It is just not for me.
I hate,
I love.
I don’t love!
This piece was inspired by the hurt that was inflicted upon me as male.
I will be doing more

— The End —