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jdmaraccini Oct 2021
Loving me is easier than you think
just like a candlelight dinner with poison in your drink
So, I ask you please never hurt me
if you do I promise you they'll find your body on the floor

When two people fall in love—it's beautiful
but when one cheats on the other
it's time to grab the kitchen knife
run into the room and cut out both their eyes

So, ask yourself a question, should you just take my suggestion
to avoid all future aggression; I hope that you are listening
Or we will drive to the mountains as you're in my trunk pounding
then I stop and start counting all the bullet holes I fire in you

Loving me is easier than it seems
just like the beautiful ocean, drowning as you scream
So, I ask you please never hurt me
cause if you do I promise you they'll find your body on the shore

Happy Halloween
jdmaraccini May 2013
Standing in a room painted red, staring at a book on a table. There are no windows, there are no doors, a light swings from a rusty cable. Music plays through the walls, voices speak through the floor, a chill runs down my neck, I spun around, tripped, then landed on the floor.

The air was sweet, the sand was warm, the water splashed our feet. Walking on the beach the waves began to form, two became a beautiful three, then time brewed a terrible storm. Then she flinched with gritted teeth and in her eyes a look of scorn. Then she turned her back on me, her halo turned into horns. Then she vanished from the dream leaving the sky broken and torn.

The book slammed shut and the room began to shake, then a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows, and walked over to where I lay. Then a door appeared on the red wall, and the cloaked figure stepped outside. He was holding a sword in his left hand, and a list of names in his right. The cloaked figure smiled at me then vanished out of sight.

Standing in a room painted red, staring at a book on a table. There are no windows, there are no doors.

I must be dead.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Nov 2020
Degradation instilled within the boundaries of purpose,
miraculous memorization of rapturous thoughts.
Collapsed under shards of fanciful perceptions,
perplexing deterioration vanquish inward foes.
Dreams prolonged reverberate indignation.
I unequivocally capitulate to the exultation of self.
jdmaraccini Mar 2020
Observe a masterpiece the lonely relic
foreshadowing judgment eclipsed despair.
Hanging disappointed, art held ransom,
childish tantrum freely shared.
Refrain, restrain, what some condemn,
reluctance alleviates anxiety gained.
A musical symphony, poetic warfare,
so let me gently remind you, friend;
Even at last gasping breath
I am fiercely lethal with my creative pen.
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
Repulsive is vile that trickles down the liar's forked tongue,
in this terrible time of perplexing desperation,
I struggle to be humble.
I am engulfed inside this devastation,
wicked are those who hurt the innocent one.
I am tormented by the voices that mock each tear,
the turmoil they unleashed overshadows the sun.
I sit and stare at a loaded gun⁠—be warned evil enemies,
no matter the time, or the day we all shall be judged.
Thy kingdom come, but I will not fall,
thy kingdom falls, but I will not succumb
to the assault brought forth by the deceitful opposition.
But time is breaking my will, my momentum, and my motivation.
We all shall be judged, but those with forked tongues
shall cower under the wake of my glorious retribution.
jdmaraccini Jun 2014

I try to hide the pain I feel inside
and now I can't deny
I know that something's wrong
I know that every night
I want to grab a knife and go inside and
cut my broken heart out

Raise your hands to the sky
let us dance in motion
Raise your hands to the sky
we are all chosen

I think it's kind of funny
I think it's kind of sad
that I am only happy
in the world inside my head
Am I alone with this
or are you just like me
I'm only happy in the place
where all the spirits roam free
Free to be who they really are
In heaven, all the angels dance together
Am I alone with this
or are you just like me

(chorus here)

I walked into the room and asked her what she's doing
little did I know she has been
plotting, planning my destruction evil brewing
And with her evil schemes, she took my life away
How could she do this to me, break my heart on Christmas day
And with her demon wings she took away my dreams
I closed my eyes and cried until I heard a voice inside me sing

(chorus here)

There's so many ways to deal with the problems we have in life
I know that tonight I feel that I'm really ready to be alive

(chorus here)
© JDMaraccini 2014

(Listen to this song here)
jdmaraccini Sep 2013
Divine Minds Transcend

This life is full of circus mirrors made to distort what matters.
When the ride slows down, and our mind begins to clear, we frantically try to quiet the chatter.
Layer after layer we shed our fears until our ego is found,
drowned in the light of a supernova,
then shattered loud with glorious sound.

The earth is a living, breathing body, fragile as it comes undone.
This body has a thriving soul, pulsating inside a honeycomb.
This body has a mind with an ego, that believes it's in full control.
The time has come for our consciousness to ascend to the next level.

The nether world will greet you when the last grain of sand drops,
in the hourglass of fallen people, deep inside a single thought.
We all must follow the burning flock, or purge our life of the ego.
Will you answer if they knock, and begin the spirit walk?
If you walk I shall join you and leave behind a sequel.

Death ends the circle of life, soon our bodies will be vaporized.
Hold my hand and close your eyes, hug me tight but do not run,
for tonight the skies ignite in the glory of our supernova sun.

Layer after layer we shed our fears until our ego is found,
drowned in the light of a supernova,
then shattered loud with glorious sound.
© JDMaraccini 2013

ego [ˈiːgəʊ ˈɛgəʊ]
n pl egos
1. the self of an individual person; the conscious subject
2. (Psychoanalysis) Psychoanal the conscious mind, based on perception of the environment from birth onwards: responsible for modifying the antisocial instincts of the id and itself modified by the conscience (superego)
3. one's image of oneself; morale to boost one's ego
4. egotism; conceit
jdmaraccini Jul 2013
Sitting by herself on the roof of a building a little girl stood up and tossed a penny over the ledge. As it plummeted to the earth she raised her head and marveled at the beautiful sky. Then she walked back inside and laid on her bed then heard the sounds of sirens. She looked out her window to the streets below and wondered what in the world could be happening. People were gathering and cars were honking so she headed down to watch the show. She took the elevator down to the lobby, stepped outside onto the bustling street, then looked up at the ledge where she was sitting.
Directly in front of her, a crowd was hovering over a body lying on the concrete. There was blood everywhere and people were crying as the paramedics arrived at the scene. Someone began anxiously describing that they witnessed a horrible thing. "The poor man was innocently walking, then something small fell from the sky, hitting him on the head killing him instantly." She looked up at the ledge in shock and disbelief then stepped back inside and ran through the lobby. She took the elevator back to the roof and walked to the ledge of the building. "That man is dead because of me, what have I done? This can't be happening! How can you **** a person with a penny? I guess gravity can be unforgiving, this isn't real, I have to be dreaming, am I still on my bed quietly sleeping? I guess we'll find out there's no time for grieving! — she frantically thought to herself. She then reached in her pocket, then leaped off the ledge, with a handful of pennies she waved goodbye to the world.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
Sometimes we think we know what's going on
but truly never knowing.
Sometimes we think we’re holy,
sometimes we think we see everything clearly,
even when we are blind.
Sometimes we fail, sometimes our soul is gone.
Sometimes we suffer severely even when we're not wrong.

Sitting in a world uninvited I see the clouds are coming in.
It's time to take a drink as we embrace the end.
It's hard to find the truth in all the noise,
I'm so tired of the noise.
It’s hard to walk away when madness is all I choose,
I’m breaking down for good this time,
I am breaking down.

When our mind is gone, when what we see is clouded.
When we are slaves to the unknown, what will we search for then?

Always we search for something but nothing is all we hold
I feel the blood boiling into the great unknown
I’m making the same mistakes

I’m staring at your wandering soul
flesh and bone is all I see
But you're no empty shell
you're just like me
Just like me
you think I’m nothing like you
Oh very well

Sometimes we think we know what's really going on
sometimes we’re holy
Sometimes we think we see everything clearly
but truly never knowing

Cry alone
cry alone again
Everybody cries
everybody cry again
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Jul 2014
Forget poetry I am screaming
Am I alive or am I dead?

Do I need to include typos

there is an unseen gravity that pulls inside my head
stealing my energy can you help me

Enough said
so say the voices inside my head

I am nobody until I die
or am I gravely mistaken

I send this S.O.S.
these words of my distress

Am I alive or am I dead?

does it matter?
© JDMaraccini 2015
jdmaraccini Feb 2021
Pluck both wings off a butterfly twin,
toss five bones into a black stone cauldron.
Pull three strings of a skeleton puppet,
draw a white circle around a mandolin.
One burning needle, carve into a coffin,
six long shadows swing the pendulum.
A dagger to the chest, weave the mortal flesh,
pierce the embryo outside the yolk of death.
jdmaraccini Aug 2013
Divine Minds Transcend

There is so much more than what we see
what we fear and choose to perceive
what we're told we must believe
a place that's hard to conceive
a portal to a world beyond belief
Since birth, it waits for you and me
a world beyond a lucid dream
I can tell you where this portal leads
it leads to a cure for humanity
So step onto the magic train
and learn to accept your certain death
For life is nothing more
then fabricated reality

Fate, it seems is not without a sense of irony

I finally broke free of the evil me
it wasn't church that set me free
it wasn't drugs from psychiatry
it wasn't money that made me see
I had to die from this reality
and accept my certain death

It's your turn to consider the facts
now breathe a bit and try to relax
Just one second as I remove the mask
then a crack like a whip and a panic attack
No slack as you slip into a static bath
your vertebrae split you are severed in half
You blast away and never look back
the math adds up so you have to adapt
Half of you is lost and your soul is cracked
the other half swirls in the endless black
As you float down an uncharted path
you finally breakthrough at last

All you thought you knew from life is shattered
as you step into the looking glass
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
The next life will greet you when the last grain of sand drops,
within the magical hourglass inside our makers' thoughts.
Layer after layer; we shed our fear till the ego is found,
drowned by the light of a supernova,
shattered loud with a glorious sound.
Death ends the circle of life, our bodies will be vaporized.
Hold my hand and close your eyes, hug me tight but do not run,
for tonight the skies ignite in the glory of our supernova sun.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini May 2020
Dark clouds crackle and shutter,
a celestial throne splits the sky.
Man cowers from the churning vortex,
a monstrosity covered in a million eyes.
Wheels spinning around a golden altar,
crushing bone, crumbling stone.
A symbol of justice begets a reckoning,
eagle, ox, lion, man
prostrate before the ethereal King.
jdmaraccini Aug 2013
Our world was built to control us impeding our ability to thrive,
induced into a system designed for wealth, power, and lies.
Most of us end up broken enslaved for what little we have,
the enemy divides our family as we follow another false flag.
A price is paid for not conceding to an affirmation worth repeating,
as our minds are all but defeated our souls are lost in a hidden war.
History repeats itself as we are kept under control,
when we accept defeat, we allow the enemy to grow.
I was a victim just like you as degenerates overtook my home,
life in the wake of calamity, cast on a pile of innocent bones.
I am not the one you want to convene because I question everything,
I am just a voice of honesty who was finally set free.
Who finally broke through the construct of lies,
the lies we were taught to believe in the construct of humanity.
jdmaraccini Aug 2013
Arriving at the entrance of the ancient temple the white rabbit covered his ears. Shattering glass from a high-pitched vibration he leaped away from a falling chandelier.

“I must find our beloved Harvest Moon."

The white rabbit said to himself. With stern affirmation, a dark fog churned then into the vortex he was consumed.

He stopped at the entrance of the temple courtyard; everyone was frozen like statues.

"What has she done to all of you?"

He cried, then pulled out a magic rune deflecting a hail of daggers. The white rabbit looked up at a floating cocoon and saw the shadow witch hovering over the temple roof. Pale skin and veins glowing red, she was draped in a black tattered robe. With a sinister look and a Crown of Fire on her head the shadow witch spoke.

“White rabbit, white rabbit the Harvest Moon is dead!"

The white rabbit took leaped back then cried out.

"This cannot be so!"

Then he pulled from his bag a magic scroll and read the words written in gold.

"I ask the wind to protect me from this dark magic despair"

Then he conjured a circle of trees in a water globe. The witch streaked across the air and swung around her jet-black hair. Then she commanded an infestation of spiders to climb inside the trees and explode. Barricading himself inside a magic bubble he was protected from the onslaught of shrapnel. The white rabbit grabbed the water globe, leaped into the air, and disappeared in a puff of amber smoke. The shadow witch pulled out a blood-red pearl and murmured an incantation.

"Clever white rabbit, I shall find you in the invisible world"

The white rabbit snapped his fingers then magically appeared behind her. He snatched off the Crown of Fire from her head then whispered the following words.

"How dare you use dark magic on me!"

She jumped in fear spinning around, then summoned a devil hound. The white rabbit raised the water globe and merged it with the crown. A shock wave of light pulsated in the air then the witch menacingly yelled.

“Take him down!”

The white rabbit saw in his peripheral view the hound lunge to attack. But he was too cunning for this, with a symbolic wave and a vigorous slash the hound was severed in two.

The shadow witch glared, then cried out.

“We shall meet again white rabbit; I promise you I'll be back!”

Then she summoned a fiery cauldron and vanished with a blinding flash.

The white rabbit ran inside the temple and approached the Harvest Moon. He stared with eyes full of tears and sorrow at a beautiful princess with hair long and blue. A beautiful creature he so desired, the love he had for her was true. He opened his bag and pulled out the globe which was now encased with the Crown of Fire.

"I brought you a gift from the shadow witch"

Then he smashed the globe and with a flash of light, the Crown of Fire was finally free. The white rabbit held the princess and spoke.

"I have always served you because I love you and now, I command you to come back to life!"

Then he placed the Crown of Fire on her head igniting a ring of light. The white rabbit looked down to see the Harvest Moon Princess opening both of her eyes.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini May 2020
Deep asleep my heart stops beating,
why am I here this is a mistake.
Lost in darkness my skin is freezing,
I fell asleep but did I wake.
I do remember a porcelain plate,
I held a cup I ate and drank,
Hemlock soup with a Death Cap steak,
Oleander tea and a Ricin cake.
Poisonous dreams betrayal and scheming,
was it dinner that sealed my fate?
Looking down I am not breathing,
I feel no sorrow if it ends today.
I see her face but she's not speaking
as I drift into the dark decay
jdmaraccini May 2020
Composed society a system complex rotten and deformed.
Unfettered anger frustration and anguish festering the storm.
Putrid blisters of vile memories, sobriety castrates the scorn.
Impostor hypocrites who pose as friends devour each victim's form.
Again, again I plunge my pen this cauldron of memories mourned.
Unspoken I vent forthright enigmatic in dreams I am reborn.
Unbroken, unbent, unwavering, dramatic,
I drag along the garden thorn.
jdmaraccini Jun 2013
I am not a poet nor a mathematician, I did not major in science,
I majored in bad decisions, at least one I can call my own.

I am a misfit; I bleed words for a living,
we're all going to die my friends, I plan to die alone.

I am an artist through and through,
from each creative incision my hate for them consumes.
I have grown more lethal; I have become incurable,
I am a hideous villain this time I'm keeping score.

I pity the weak have you not heard of me,
if you have then you're a nobody too.
Cause I love to dwell with misfits, those who feel what I feel,
the glass is not half empty, the glass is definitely full.
It’s filled with poison for us to consume,
so, we embrace our world until our lives are doomed,
to the point, we can ****, to the point we feel terribly ill,
but before they **** us, we point our pen and spill.

And yet with blood I cry as the words keep on giving,
every single worthless day until the story ending.
Dear, world have you heard of me? I am the next great villain,
this is just the beginning as my words keep spilling.

One morning the rain fell over my head then time stood still,
that is when I realized how important the rain is.
That is when I realized time never stands still, it moves slowly.
Then it hit me, my words aren't ignored my words are lethal,
I figured it out some time ago but most of you have no clue,
a poetic death is wonderful as long as we set the mood.

I am a misfit; I bleed words for a living,
from each creative incision, you become a misfit too.
jdmaraccini Sep 2013
Life is a vast spiral tangled in the mouth of purpose,
we are human and live as one regardless if we are aware or not
Life has meaning, and purpose is a wonderful word.

We are more than we're taught to believe,
take a slave who is humble, honest, and meek,
conceived in chains that crumble, worthless and weak.
When this slave has a voice to honestly speak,
purpose will be what sets this slave free.

I beg you to question everything
until the truth is alive and heard.
Limitations are not superior
to the little information we all incur.

Hesitation is a noun, not a verb,
take first place instead of third.
Close your eyes to the blinding veil,
all your thoughts are overheard.

I take this cup of purpose and drink,
with all my might I take this flesh and dip my ink.
The wrong is blinded by the light,
I am born to dream in life.
I die from life to finally see,
I think my dreams are born in me,
without this I am nothing.

Life is a vast spiral tangled in the mouth of purpose.
Life has meaning, and purpose is a wonderful word.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Jul 2013
He suffered more than he thought he would ever suffer,
he hovered over the demons frolicking in betrayal.
How dare they deny the villain they created,
the pain has been too much to bear.
But he knew someday he would long to chase what most fear to face,
a choice to embrace the dark despair then vanish without a trace.

Stricken by a darkening gray his heartstrings a woman played,
the punishment is much to endure, every soul eventually breaks.
So, what should the vengeful do for destiny to intervene,
should the vengeful wait, but he is no longer part of the human race.
A table for two drifting in the shadows, eyes lost in every soul,
one question is left to contemplate, then he whispers into the mirror.

The phantom's revenge, loves vicious betrayal,
a terrible tale shall bring your life to an end.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
Would you walk with me into the pumpkin patch?
Lost among the grassy meadow
Would you dance around the scarecrow?
Staring at the smoking cauldron
Do you see the spirits flying over our heads?
Now its time for us to call them

In the waning years of the third era of time reel master was right to discipline us. We are foolish, your life ends here

Do you know why I brought you here with me tonight?
You are the one I chose to join me in my walk of sorrow
All the children walk with me into the darkness
Everyone is holding candles, lets begin the ceremony
I can hear those angels crying so I hold you close to me
Then I grab you by the neck and start to squeeze the life out of you
And then your body dies and your soul floats away
And then I say
Welcome to my pumpkin dream

Would you walk with me into the pumpkin patch?
Lost among the grassy meadow
Would you dance around the scarecrow?
Staring at the smoking cauldron
Do you see the spirits flying over our heads?
Now its time for us to call them

All the children walk with me into the darkness
Everyone is holding candles, lets begin the ceremony
I can hear those angels crying so I hold you close to me
Then I grab you by the neck and start to squeeze the life out of you

Death is upon you

Would you walk with me into the pumpkin patch?
Lost among the grassy meadow
Would you dance around the scarecrow?
Staring at the smoking cauldron
Do you see the spirits flying over our heads?
Now its time for us to call them

Welcome to my pumpkin dream
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Aug 2013
Divine Minds Transcend

(First experience with N,N-Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT)

Breathe in..Breathe out

Suddenly a rushing river of colorful static bounced off my chest
instantly a wounded soul I gasped vigorously
A count down so unfamiliar
I panicked and thrashed unwillingly
but there was nothing to hold on to
I feared it was to late
to deny this life full of fear
to accept I was afraid
Little did I understand
today I was about to see things clear

A violent pulsating thunder clapped loud
on my left the guides voice rang
"It's time to let go now"
on my right a gentle voice sang
"It's alright, breathe slow"
Peace fell on me for I was not alone
so I finally let go
and opened my minds eye
then vanished into the rabbit hole

The room fluttered, pulsated then streaked past me
A billion nuclear bombs inside my right eye
a warm embrace from death in my left
My mind and soul began to stretch
I was staring into a shattered void
A blazing spectacle terrorized with fear
stuttering shivers of a twinkling vortex
Wrapped in a celestial glow
the heavens reflected my thoughts like a mirror
I lost all sense of time
as new energy began to flow

Two alien beings sitting by my side
A vast ocean glow bright with radiant illumination
all thoughts transfigured
Godlike creatures basking in creation
Melting clusters of a constructed lie
mesmerized by the universe light
then life like a new born star
flickers in the imagination and dies

Looking inward, turning inside out
a darkened soul stands in place
The illuminated seed is planted now
but I will never be the same
I land gently inside my body
time to close the circle and pray
Grinning and smiling at my companions
I wave goodbye to the rabbit hole
and see the world with clarity
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Sep 2013
Divine Minds Transcend

Released from the chains that bound me
increased the flames that live and breathe
There is a world that found me
lost inside a lucid dream
The truth is hidden in the spinning ether
woven in the mystery of DMT

No more fear
or death
I promise you
transcendence is next

I was once lost in confusion
bound in a body I did not own
I was once the enemy
stuck in a world far from home
A dreamless reality
a nightmare I did not believe
Until one day my mind was blown
I fell into the cosmos
and watched my ego disintegrate
shattered into a million pieces
My outer shell peeled off perfectly

I arrived at a place I can not describe
I saw them standing over me
I could not hide
and then it happened
I was profoundly changed
during my journey in hyperspace

Oceans of light prevail
emotions and fear recede
as the spirit world sets sail
Our burning love endures
in the spinning ether
woven in the mystery of DMT

Embrace the truth
and peace
I promise you
transcendence is next
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Aug 2013
Divine Minds Transcend

Take a deep breath
are you ready to hack reality
Lay down and close your eyes
this is going to be amazing
Are you ready
ready to breathe into a cosmic smack down
and plunge into the great divide
Get rattled
Get shattered
Get snatched up from life
then drift into the glowing maze
a place to laugh and cry
Minds rewire during lunar flight
the blue monkey will grin from ear to ear
Strike a pose for your third eye
then return you back to life
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Oct 2013
Amble into the churning vortex the purple sky undulates.
The darkness devours the day; shall mankind grimace and falter?
The outcome is unambiguous, the sky is broken like an open scroll.
Three spheres cascade, black clouds shutter.
Wheels-within-wheels covered in eyes, the Ophanim descend,
surrounded by a golden altar, the wheels spin a radiant light.
Crushing bone, crumbling stone, a symbol of justice begets a reckoning from the might of the celestial throne.
Six wings the Seraphim are holy,
with two wings they cover their faces,
with two they cover their feet,
with two they begin to rise.
Four faces the Cherubim are glory,
eagle, ox, lion, and man.
Four conjoined wings covered with eyes,
guard the way to the tree of life.
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Jan 2014

Have you ever been in love gave your heart so open
Then the one you hold so dear leaves you oh so broken

They say that they understand you
They say that they know what you're going through
They say that the sky is always blue
I say that the end is overdue

Is it cold outside
do you hide from the loneliness and pain you keep inside
Until you see the rabbits eyes

We must follow the trail of crumbs
we must follow the trail of celestial static
Follow the trail of crumbs
follow the trail of The White Rabbit

Do you think I'm crazy
like a lady with a thousand cats
Do you think that maybe
I saw a rabbit wearing a hat
Standing over me
while the entire city was sleeping
He opened a book then began reading
he read about my life

(chorus here)

Have you ever been in love
gave your heart so open
Then the one you hold so dear
leaves you oh so broken
Heart in hand bleeding on the floor
The White Rabbit will let his love flow

(chorus here)
© JDMaraccini 2014

(Listen to this song here)
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
One windy day the storm clouds came and blew the pages away. A book about presumptuous children who were lost in mediocrity. As the flickering reel of images flashes with burning waves, memories riddled with shame sunk into the ocean of flames. That is when the seducer of old cast his soul into me, into a river he fell, into the rivers of hell.

From page to page the pen runs red with ink, as we drift into the darkness will you remember me? The final chapter is left for you to read, I close my eyes and say your name, then conjure you a king. Next to a fire wrapped in a blanket a beautiful smile follows a kiss. A flickering light across her face, with poison on her lips. He slumped to the ground gasping for air, then death took his breath.

The serpent of false dreams forces men to crawl. A misplaced faith brings misery as kingdoms and nations fall. Into the burning windmill, the windmill of spinning dreams. As it burns a hole in your soul, will you believe what you see?
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
I no longer believe in what I once knew
I no longer care
My eyes are open to the lies and the truth
while I am asleep I am aware
I fall asleep so easily
it's so easy to fall
So now I give it all away
from the beginning until the purist fate
There is nothing left to share
nothing at all

I would never sever a family tree
who would do such a terrible thing
I would never poison the food we eat
yet they took no shame in killing me
They burned my life and future down
now I stand over the devastation
As the dial of life keeps spinning
the world keeps turning
round and round

I no longer believe in what I once knew
this life is lost
I no longer seek the ugly truth
stop the world and push me off
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Dec 2013

One makes you tiny, the other makes you oh so tall
One makes you happy, the other makes your body fall
Join me in Wonderland and I will show you something special
Join me in Wonderland, but leave your ego at the door

The nether world will greet you when the last grain of sand drops
within the magical hourglass inside our makers' thoughts
Layer after layer we shed our fear till the ego is found
Drowned by the light of a supernova
shattered loud with a glorious sound

Walk with me through the Looking Glass
leave your body behind and join me at last
Lay with me and forget the past
tonight the sky ignites over Wonderland

For you my friend I'll bake you a cake and
cover it with spice
One slice will change your life
The White Rabbit never lies
And then you wake up
now your mind is free
you're finally free
You can see together we
form a river of energy

Walk with me through the Looking Glass
leave your body behind and join me at last
Lay with me and forget the past
tonight the sky ignites over Wonderland

Laying down on my bed of shame
I feel that nothing ever stays the same
Oh I'm laying down on my bed of shame
I feel so much inside
this never-ending pain

Walk with me through the Looking Glass
leave your body behind and join me at last
Lay with me and forget the past
tonight the sky ignites over Wonderland
© JDMaraccini 2014
jdmaraccini Feb 2020
There is wonder in this world; there is absolute pain,
to walk without feet beneath us unheard.
To float through winds and treacherous rain,
individual identity in a broken frame.
Who claims to astral project each word
in a frequency sacred geometry game?
Then deny, defend egotistical blame,
want not for this life in death we gain.
Then imprint with each breath our genetic strain.
jdmaraccini Jun 2014
Tossed into a vortex,
hopes, and dreams alive.
The way I am starting to see it,
life is a beautiful lie.
Like an animal tracked and hunted,
butchered, then tragically dies.
Into the grinder, idioms, and similes,
a cliché of elation pie.
© JDMaraccini 2014
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
We are not the voice to elect a king
We are anonymous

I am not the one you want to convene because I question everything
I am just a voice of honesty as degenerates overtake my home
Life in the wake of calamity cast on a pile of bones
It’s the new order of the ages, welcome to the end of days

The beast controls our lives impeding our ability to thrive
induced into a system designed for wealth, power, and lies
A price is paid for not conceding to an affirmation worth repeating
as I join the enlightened ones and wage a massive war
A circularity that deviates from its path is not a circle anymore

They will invoke internal and external threats
then establish many secret prisons
Slowly restricting the freedom of the
Press while surveying ordinary citizens
Chem-trails from government jets
will be dismissed as urban legends
Mandatory vaccinations
designed to lower urban intelligence
Radio-frequency identification chips
mandatory for men, women, and children
Man-made global pandemics
separated for segregated sterilization
Espionage becomes the new word for criticism
And dissent will be the new word for treason
In the name of self-preservation
they will subvert the rule of law

We are broken beyond repair, slaves for all we have
As they divide our families, we ignore another false flag
As history repeats, we are kept under control
But we are not the voices to elect a king

because we are anonymous
© JDMaraccini 2013
jdmaraccini Jul 2013
You are hidden on one side I am on fallen on the other,
we could work together but we are about to fall.
Push through the static noise, listen for the crying siren,
it doesn't have to be like this—a lamb killing a lion.
A melody over an angry voice, it doesn't have to be like this at all.

Weep for me so God can hear my honest suffering,
speak for me when I am gone, and just a memory.
We are held together by absolutely nothing
in the end we break our souls in two.

Broken by greed but I still mourn, a sigh of relief I'm honestly torn.
Yet I still believe there's another life for me,
asleep on a one-way street even after my soul is broken.
Even after they scorch my dreams, for now, I still breathe.

You are fallen on one side I am on hidden on the other,
we could work together yet pride may be the final call.
It doesn't have to be like this, it doesn't have to be like this at all

Weep for me under a tree on a rainy day,
walk with me and be thankful we live and breathe.
Talk with me and get lost in conversation,
until we fall asleep, until we sleep permanently,
I will be waiting; I will be waiting for you.

Weep for me so God can hear my honest suffering,
speak for me when I am gone, and just a memory.
We are held together by absolutely nothing,
in the end, I will be waiting.
In the end, I will weep for you.

— The End —