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 Nov 2014 Jazzelle Monae
Exhausted with existence,
I miss the days when I,
So joyed with this existence,
Grabbed the days as they flew by.
Each one, a thousand colors
On a million butterflies,
Quickly rose up into smoke
On a gold-to-ashen sky.

Disenchanted with reality,
I miss the time I spent
Thinking no moment was worth wasting,
For now I do resent
Each and every moment
I spend in this dull land.
In this land, now disenchanted,
Nothing's quite so grand.

I long to spend another day
Glad to be alive,
Where everything I hear
Becomes a reason to survive.
And I long to see that day
When these bitter feelings end.
World, you don't deserve it...
Can't we go back to being friends?
 Nov 2014 Jazzelle Monae
I sent your love letters to a different address,
She will never listen like you do,
My picture frames are all on their bellies,
Between the wooden skeletons lies your face placed beside mine,
Even after the waves settled, you were the only daydream left,
The way your lips grazed my own,
And how our hands came together like puzzle pieces,
You tell me that you love my poems,
All these words are yours, take them from me,
Leave your regards on my machine,
Just to hear your voice again
 Nov 2014 Jazzelle Monae
I was blessed with a smile that could convince you of anything,
But cursed with a tongue that could never make you stay.
oh, how I hate you
 Nov 2014 Jazzelle Monae
One look at him
And I knew I'd spend
far more time day dreaming
Of the day that he'd be mine.
Than having the chance to speak to him.
Because I knew he was prince charming
And I was unordinary.

Prince Charming Unordinary Him Love
 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
Please accept my apology for not leaving you alone. I'm sorry... So sorry.
I'm sorry that I love you.
I'm sorry that I get jealous of the forumers you flirt with,
I'm sorry for not having proof of what my sister did.
I'd cry with joy if you came back.
I could never love you more.
Is this goodbye?
To be alone is not so tragic,
to be alone, and yet at peace is magic
but oh to be alone with you
That my love is magic meant for two,
For in this life are many troubles,
we both have more than just a few
but when I see the love that lies behind your eyes
My troubles fade from view
And my world is born anew.
I've lived a life without emotion
Repressed feelings and thoughts
But nothing can hold so tightly to anger
As my whitened knuckles can,
absolutely desperate to not let go.

I once knew a girl named Mary
With long blonde curls and dark brown eyes
She knows the depths of me that no one reaches
I wonder if she can remember me,

and I wonder if she writes
 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
'Young lady, why is your poetry so dark?'
I don't know good sir, it's probably because I have my insides at war.
Legit question asked to me today
 Oct 2014 Jazzelle Monae
He nibbled at my ear and whispered 'Let yourself loose.'
I asked 'Darling,will you play with my monsters too?'
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