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 Apr 2015 Ivy Grace Bell

She tells me I’m lucky
And **** she is right
I count those stars
Almost every night

Thanking each one
As they glow up above
For sending this woman
And showing me love

They twinkle and glisten
So many I see
All of these lucky stars
Shining for me

She tells me I’m lucky
But she needn’t say
For that’s how I feel
In her arms everyday
Your ****'s on parade
Snapchat your privates for me
**** pics of the soul
 Mar 2015 Ivy Grace Bell
Ruptured urethra
She has worn it to a nub
My filthy *** fiend
All of a sudden came infront of me.
Fearless, bold and daring was she.
Opened all her clothes one by one.
I stood still, momentarily stunned.

Started dancing with horrific pose.
My body sweated, my blood froze.
Razed anyone who stood in her way.
Static, outstretched ****** Lies lay.

Myth got wounded, profusely bled.
Fiction hastened with fractured head.
Falsehood hid behind proud Vanity.
Vanity veiled himself with Humility.

Without delay deceitful Deceit fled.
Headstrong Ignorance lay dead.
Witnessed her many ugly stance.
Today I saw Truth's naked dance.
I place my heart inside a jar
and shove it to the side.
If I said it did not hurt, well, I guess
I must have lied.
A kiss from your lips
Can make bitter taste sweet.
The feeling of your touch
Can bring feeling back to lost feet.

Dark days are irrelevant
In this apocalyptic place.
I feel nothing but happiness,
When I see your beautiful face.

But those sunny days
Don't seem to last.
Nothing but storms
Seem to be my forecast.

Because I see you with him,
And it produces pain.
I'm outside with no umbrella
And it's starting to rain.
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Three days ago you told me you'd never leave,
Three days later you're not talking to me.
Three days ago you said we were cute,
Now Three days later I'm hating you.
What happened to us between then?
Was this last week just pretend?
Was Winter break the last parade?
Before you decided to end my days.
Now I board down a ***** of heart break.
You got me pondering life while standing on an iced lake,
Not caring if I fall through,
Because I'm already drowning in the coldness of not being with you.
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