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 Jan 2015 Ivy Grace Bell
I love you
And that's the problem
I will eventually hurt you
I will disappoint you
I will make you cry
It's not that I mean to
It's truly an accident
Love causes pain
That's why I wanted to tell you
I'm Sorry
Even if I haven't hurt you yet
I eventually will
 Jan 2015 Ivy Grace Bell
a heavy
and gently
to look
and as
it looked
it pushed
and I
ran out
of time
to hide
 Nov 2014 Ivy Grace Bell
Steve the ocelot
Works at the supermarket
But can't reach high shelves
defines for me
the endless possibilities
of poetry
in motion.
 Sep 2014 Ivy Grace Bell

I've fallen for you,
I don't want to get up
This feeling is too big for my body to hold
so lend me your arms for me to unfold.

they say that when you drown,
it's nothing like in the movies;
it's silent.
there's no splashing,
no screaming,
no kicking or crying for help.


and i guess it's true,
for i am drowning --
there is water in my lungs,
pouring into my heart,
filling my veins and escaping from my eyes --
yet i cannot speak.

i am rendered speechless
by you.


i'm not so sure if it's
the smooth white sand
ingrained in your skin,

or the intricate seashells
that are your daintily painted

maybe it's the pulsing red
of a moon during high tide
that shines through
your scarlet lips,

or maybe
it's the crashing waves
filling the ocean in your eyes.

maybe it's the way you sweep me up
and pull me under,
stealing my breath,
invading my thoughts.

or maybe it's how you
are unpredictable.
you are in alliance with the erratic skies
and fickle moon,
and yet,
no one can control you,
no one can predict your next move.


i find it fascinatingly beautiful
how easy it is
for you to destroy yourself,
how you hide within raging whirlpools
and tear yourself apart from the inside.

people are afraid of the ocean,
but the ocean is a part of you.
who knows, though?
maybe you're scared of the ocean too.


beware the girl with the ocean eyes,
for a heart that is eaten away by the sea
can never be whole again.*

 Jul 2014 Ivy Grace Bell
A small boy watched his brother
Happy as could be
One spun and twirled and loved a balloon
It was all he ever did need.
Somehow, someway the balloon popped
Right in his hands
He stopped.
They stood together for a moment
A silent weep shook through
One brother saw the other's tears fall
And knew what to do.
He hugged his shoulder
Picked up the plastic remains
Walked on side by side
Sharing a single pride
For one brother’s burden is both brothers’ fight.
 Jul 2014 Ivy Grace Bell
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
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