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There's something 'bout the way you smile
I can see sadness behind your eyes
You can't help but feel unwanted
'Cause you've been taken for granted

You find yourself trapped in your fears
'Cause you've been holding back your tears
But don't be scared to let it go
I'll be here with you through it all

When the wind is blowing so hard
And starts to tear your world apart
I'll stay by your side to hold you
Baby if you'd just let me to

When the rain starts to fall on you
And there's no place you can run to
I'll be right there to hold your hand
If you would just give me a chance

When someone goes and breaks your heart
I'll be right next to where you are
I never wanna see you cry
I wish you would just let me try

I will put my arms around you
I will stand in the rain with you
I will wipe away all those tears
I want you to know that i'm here

Wish i could be the one for you
I swear my love for you is true
I wish you would just let me try
And never let me leave your side
#true #love
floating above mountain tops
and swimming through seas.
my dreams become lonely in the morning when I leave.
lost between my pillow cases
are journeys forgotten and redeemed,
but the moon remembers to smile when I slip into bed
and my dreams forgive my absence
to find me once again.
I love him, but he'll never know.
I'll never say I do.
 Sep 2014 Heliza Rose
Everyday I have to swallow my heart
back down to where it belongs.
When it feels so broken,
and it seems like it's trying to
escape your body,
and it feels like it just wants out
to get away from the pain,
only for a moment-
I pour the biggest glass of water I can,
hands shaking,
and force my bleeding heart back down inside myself,
as the cold rushes past my lips and
down my throat,
I finish it hastily,
gasping for air,
wishing that I would just drown instead.
 Sep 2014 Heliza Rose
You want to know a secret, darling?
You're the one who keeps me breathing.
But stay quiet about it,
they might take you from me.
I'm happy that that person is mine to love. I don't care about anything, but I think about it.
 Sep 2014 Heliza Rose
my left foot,
is the one,
that now drags
yet my right breast
is the one
that has begun to sag
it's just a matter of balance
you see.

i have what i want...
sometimes more
still i whinge
and whine, like a bore.

i am loved and blest
with husband, child,
a cat and, the rest.

but still somedays
i know...
i have failed life's little

and somedays
i am way, way,
short on zest.

they tell me
i am,
peri menopausal
and that may well explain ....some of the above.

my hair is graying
and my waist ....
best not mention,
my waist(overound).

and to be honest
there are days,
i feel like i am fraying
around the edges.

but not,
going to complain
at least,
not loudly
for that may give
the impression
i'm vain....
and really i'm not...

i am just a....
middle aged mother
slowly....losing the plot.
at least that is how i feel tonite...
*my left foot drags slightly
when i am tired due to nerve
and muscle damage sustain
when i broke it at the start of this year.....
as to the breast sag....
apparently thats normal....
i got it checked(as you should with any changes to
your *******) it just happens sometimes....go figure.
She is suffering.
Her energy is draining.
Day by day, little by little
Her thoughts are going deeper
Deeper and deeper as the oceans.
She is fighting within herself
But sadness always dominate.
Starting to isolate herself
Never going out with friends
Always have her own reasons not to
This and that, No because
Really isolating herself
Face always at the web
Posting and liking things
Things she wish to be glued
Glued to her mind and soul
But all she wants is someone
Someone to push her to encourage her
But no one sees it, no one feels it.
All of her thoughts
She is always fighting it
She knows she could make it
She knows she could change
But at this moment
She needs time, longer time
She wants to be alone
She wants to escape
She wants to sleep for a long time
She wants to cry
But time wouldn't allow her to
All she could do is to isolate herself
Isolate to protect herself
Isolate for her to be strong
Isolate for her to realize
Realize that to isolate herself is not the answer.
Never the answer.
 Sep 2014 Heliza Rose
Kapil Dutta
"The Fault is not in the stars, The Fault is in me."
- Me.
the #fault #is #in #me
When I asked you to fix me,
You told me I wasn't broken.
But, let this soak in.
I just wanted to know,
If i was still a pretty enough picture to be worth, agonizing over a puzzle.
Even when it's a struggle.
And you have to nuzzle each piece into place,
Kissing the pieces bent out of shape,
Searching for pieces gone missing,
But you can't make a raisin back into a grape.
Yes, I Remember your middle name
And who says we can't celebrate failure?
Don't be sad, we tried, we tried.
When you write your story in the sand it washes away with the tide.
It isn't our fault.
We may have cut ourselves open, But we didn't ask for the salt in our
Can I still say "we"?
I guess you're kind of done with me.
I don't blame you, Puzzles are frustrating.
they're a tease.
Please, tell me I haven't lost the most important piece.
Tell me I haven't lost

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
 Aug 2014 Heliza Rose
AD Sifford
I don't really know what to say
But I've got to say something
Because I'm buried deep in your grace
It's piling up on me
'Cause time and time again I sin
But you've forgiven me
You do not condemn me

Lord I don't really know what to do
So again I come to You
In hopes that you will give me the strength
I need to finally change
'Cause I'm drowning in this sin
This sin that's holding me
God come and set me free

It's time for me to be the man
You created me to be
O God, I need You; take my soul
It's in You I shall be free
I'd die to live for You, My King
And I'll do anything
Just take my heart and dig me out
From this sin that's holding me

I don't really know what to say
But I'm crying out to You
And I will do whatever it takes
Lord, bring me home to You
God cleanse my heart and wash my stains
O, make this spirit new

'Cause here I am, deep in your grace
Just crying out to You
From deep, I call to You,
God make this Spirit new

My merciful, loving God
So deep, I long for You
|Written 2011--minor edits carried over from song version, made May, 2013|

"Deep In Grace" was written on the same day, and the same two papers, as "One Click". For more background information on these poems, see my collection page Ignite, and the poem "One Click" (my second most recent self-written post before this one). These poems birth out of the same time period in my life and struggle, and follow closely after my Ignite collection.
God bless, and may this poem affect you in a positive way, and stir your affection for our Savior, and Creator, Jesus, The LORD, our God, as I certainly hope it does.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
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