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1.4k · Mar 2018
The ocean
Gloria Burns Mar 2018
I was always told
That love was sparks and flames
Skies full of fireworks
That scream out their name

But love is much better
It’s an beautiful vast ocean
A beach where everything
Moves in slow motion

When you go to this beach
You are scared to get in the water
You are scared of jellyfish stinging
And ***** pinching harder

But once you get in
You never want to leave
You’re pulled in by the current
And there is a pure kind of peace

A peace that is joined
By a large crashing wave
It is chaos joining the peace
And they become one in the same

In love you find yourself drowning
And begging for air
But even as you suffocate
You want to stay there

You can’t give up this new feeling
It’s love that swallows you whole
It lures you with chaotic peace
Drowns you and takes your soul

Love is not fire works
It’s not sparks and it’s not flames
Love is not that simple
The ocean is not that tame
1.1k · Aug 2018
Not In Love
Gloria Burns Aug 2018
And I think I’ve finally fallen out of love
But what’s interesting is
I still love him but
I am no longer in love with him
I don’t think you ever stop loving someone that you have fallen for, but it does get easier
830 · Feb 2017
Gloria Burns Feb 2017
Tears steamed down my face
My life was starting to change
People say they're always there
But when I need them
They disappear
I'm starting to feel
Really alone
When no one bothers
To pick up the phone
And when I do hang out with friends
I'm faced with the stress
That is my parents
My parents think I'm always gone
They say I don't help
They don't realize I try to help
But usually homework is keeping me
Sometimes I think they deserve
To be told that they don't help
My life has slowly been flipped over
And small things make me sob
But they don't seem
To ever notice that I'm about ready
To finally fall
My friends have always talked about depression and how bad things are. But until recently I've never understood. I wish I still didn't understand
801 · Oct 2016
Gloria Burns Oct 2016
The anchiant tree bid farewell to its entity
It's chartreuse leaves fell swiftly to the ground
Its roots still holding the corpse earthbound
The exhausted landmark left our reality
And forgot it's dying identity
It did not leave any fruit to be found
It seemed almost no life was life around
The old tree left into eternity
Though there did seem to be something left
The tree, like a pheonix, left a new soul
The young life would make many hearts whole
It would grow to be crowned as the new king
And give the people a new place to sing
And it's years of wisdom would show in rings.
782 · Jun 2018
They were wrong
Gloria Burns Jun 2018
He’s a **** they said
He’s inconsiderate they said
He’s shallow they said
Give it a week
You’ll hate him they said
But they were wrong
He wasn’t a ****
He truly thought it was the right thing to     do
He wanted me to be ok
He wasn’t inconsiderate
He didn’t want me to suffer more
And he thought I would if we dragged it on
He wasn’t shallow
He cared
He cried when we broke up
And I’ll never hate him
It will take me a long time to get over him
And a part of me will always love him
And I wanted to hate him
I wanted to be *******
I wanted to not want to see him again
And I couldn’t
I couldn’t hate him or be ******* or not want to see him
I loved him
And I wanted to be friends
But I had to keep telling myself
It will hurt a thousand times worse to be just friends
464 · Feb 2016
I Guess It's OK
Gloria Burns Feb 2016
Do all high schoolers go home
And cry themselves to sleep
Before realizing
That they still have homework

Is it normal
To do more homework, extra curricular
    activities, and clubs
Then have a social life
And care for the people you love

Is it ok
To develop higher anxiety levels
Because your expectations are set too high
And you have to be in the top 10% at least

Is it all right
To have a fake smile, and a fake laugh
Because you don't want people to know how
     hurt you are
Or how tired and achy your body is

And I bet it's fine
To not have any breaks
Unless you procrastinate that huge project
     worth 40% of your grade
Or the mountains of homework inscripted in
     your soul

And I guess it perfectly ordinary
To not feel like you can go to anyone
Because after saying it's ok and that they will
     always be there for you
They will explain how much more they want
     out of you

Or am I the exception
The exception to the happy, normal life
Where everyone gets sleep and is joyful
Where people have time and friends instead
     of homework and stress

I'm so tired of this exception to the good life
I'm so tired
333 · Apr 2016
Gloria Burns Apr 2016
When is tomorrow?  
When tomorrow comes it will no longer be tomorrow
When tomorrow comes it will be today

What is later?
When later comes it will no longer be later
When later comes it will be now

But you can't say I'll do it today and then do it tomorrow
That would be a lie

You can't say I'll do it now and then do it later
Then you would be cheating yourself.

Or are you

Because if tomorrow becomes today
And if you say you'll do it today
But you do it tomorrow
Then you held true to your promise

Because if later becomes now
And if you say you'll do it now
But you do it later
Then no one can say you're wrong
318 · Aug 2016
Listen To Me
Gloria Burns Aug 2016
I don't know what it's like
I don't know how you feel
But I want you to know
I'll always be here

I care too much
To feel ok
With the look in your eyes
Bringing down my day

Listen to me:
You are important
You are too precious to lose
You are worth too much
To end your life so soon

I'll do what it takes
To help you out
I'll skip school for you
Without a doubt

Even though we aren't  as close
As I'd like us to be
You still mean everything in the galaxy
To me

Listen to me:
You are needed
You are special
You can't end your life
Because you are essential

I'll bake you brownies
Or even buy you ****
I'll do whatever it takes
Whatever you need

You can talk to me
I'll listen any time
I'll listen all night
Just to make sure you're fine

Listen to me:
You have all your friends
All your family too
Remember we'll sob forever
If we lose you

You'll be forgiven
Of course you will
But we'll never forgive ourselves
For not being there

Everything will change
If you say your final goodbye
Our lives won't be ok
We'll cry and we'll cry

Once more just listen to me:
Don't **** yourself
You are not alone
We all want you here
Don't make us burry you under stone.
My friend is suicidal, and I'm doing everything I can to help him through it.  I'm so worried for him.  I won't be Abel to live without him.  If you are thinking about killing yourself remember how important you are to others. Your friends and family eill never be able to live with themselves if you follow through.
317 · May 2016
Gloria Burns May 2016
No I'm not tired
I'm exhausted
And not from lack of sleep
But from everything else

The drama is too much
The stress levels are too high
The classes are overwhelming
And I feel like I'm about to die

I have too many expectations
That I set too high
And too many limits
That I set for myself

I have no one to talk to
Even though everyone is willing to hear
Because I'm scared they will judge me
By what travels to there ear

It's the drama

My friends have it all
And my coworkers as well
They gossip everyday
About what's terrible and what's swell

I should care about what they say
But really I don't care a bit
All I want is peace, quiet,
A book , and a blanket

It's the stress

I'm stressed about nearly everything
I feel like I'm losing my friends
Bands pushing me really hard
And school seems it will never end

I wish I could try harder in school
I wish I could try harder in band
But the times I have to try a little more
Is wasted on my friends

I know I need more confidence
I know things will turn out all right
But everything is changing
And I just want to cry

I'm sorry I told you all of this
I wish i didn't feel like this
I tired now can't you see
But I guess now is no time for quits
296 · Jun 2018
Gloria Burns Jun 2018
I never knew that someone who made everything in my world a little brighter would be the reason my world went completely dark.
264 · Apr 2016
I am who I am
Gloria Burns Apr 2016
I am who I am
So I'll write this in ink
I don't give a ****
What other people think
244 · Feb 2017
Gloria Burns Feb 2017
You know that feeling
Where you're always sad
And there's so many reasons why
That you don't know which one     pushed you over the edge

That's how I feel all the time

You know how sometimes you cry
And people ask what's wrong
But your answer is so big
You can't answer

That's how it is every time I cry

You know that feeling
When you're working on something
And then there's so many other things
That you get get overwhelmed

What about those times
when you're so tired
But there's no time for sleep
And the caffeine stopped working

I know these feelings
I experience them far too often
So I'm sorry

— The End —