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Can I wear your heart?
Maybe I'll just try it on.
If it fits, it's mine!
Open up your heart to me.  Maybe we belong together....Maybe.
Love is such a gamble, you win some you lose some.
If you find a love that fits you perfect, try not to let it go!

By: Keva Minus ©
She was only 13 and she wished for
On her 14th  birthday she wished to
feel alive...
Her 15th birthday she wished she was dead...
She  is already dead inside so it doesn't matter...
When her 16th birthday came she wasn't there not longer....
she was DEAD.....
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It would take an entire lifetime
to express my love for you
I recognize each and every feeling
but the words won't find their way
the frustration is
what I feel for you
is buried deep inside
I've been digging deep
within myself
trying to pull them
from where they hide
the feelings exist, but
the words I miss
they may never leave my mouth
but trust me dear
I'll never stop
trying to pull them out
though I promise you
I'll never quit
searching for the phrase
know all the while
my love for you
keeps growing
with every passing day
To my love
I wonder if like a storm you are
unaware of the damage you inflict.
Flooding these walls with screams,
shattering the fragility of our home.

I assume you are too caught up
within your own struggles to break free.
The wrath of your thoughts and those
calculating fingers rake your flesh.

Etching violent artistry's to your soulless
voids. Little needles which pin-***** at
the dark corners of your mind; awakening
the dormant cruelty sheltered within.

It is only through the cusp of night that
apologies emerge as you feign delicacy.
Your liquid skies fade to hellish hues as
you tell me not to lust after hurricanes.
© copyright
I'm nineteen.  I don't know where to go.  What path to take?
I'm strong yet scared of people.
I'm fearless but I'm afraid to talk.
I have my strong thoughts.
I have my will. But I am afraid.  I don't know where to go.

He's 23; got his 30M and his own factory.
He's 22; got his own factory inaugurated by the president.
They're in their 20's.  Their bringing in a big chain of a foreign franchise to our country.  
They're young.  They are meeting with the big bosses of hotels.

Back to me.
Here I am.  I'm nineteen.  Where do I go now?
I am a lady.  I am not a flower vase.
alphabet strung into word
word woven to sentence

can't make love to be heard
speaks it loudest
in silence!
I had a dream
on the road, I saw people scream
there was a little boy
sitting by the side, I saw him cry.

While everyone around was insane
like a good citizen, first I asked him his name
" I am Praful, take me to my mother"
with no idea whatsoever, I took the boy and set out for the quest

I felt I am in the matrix movie
dodging fire,stones and flying bottles, no better than a rookie
for me this was a new part of the town
and I had no idea where to go around

Relying on this boy for navigation
like he had any clue, my stupid imagination
I kept looking for a police van
but in vain, saw only angry howling men

suddenly, we heard a shriek
"Praful !! where have you been ?? "
that was the mother, and instantly the boy ran to her
and I thought its end of this bother.

holding the boy she came towards me with fury
"you rascal, trying to kidnap my son? "
the boy didn't try to explain
to him, in a moment, I became a strange someone

Helpless in this situation I ran,
again, for the police van
luckily, I found an officer
"Sir ! take me home, i don't know these roads"
"Son ! sit in my car, while I tackle these jumping, screaming toads!"
I ducked at the rear seat tensed
for I could see the mother looking for revenge

I got up, sat on the bed, what a nightmare I had
asked God, " I was just trying to help, was that bad?"
We are concerned people, sometimes in wrong place at wrong time
we try to make things right, unfortunately we don't succeed every time
With tireless dedication

it reminds me, ticking patiently

that was a past occasion ,

what will be , is a future liability.
consequences are our decisions and actions of the past.
Morning light, without fail tells me something new, about you!
Each day adds some more in my story book about your love,
Some little thing, makes me think about invisible you each moment.
What do I do other than being possessed by you, in spirit, body and mind.
Ever  imagined a love in which body would never figure
yet the ecstasy is beyond anything one can compare,
one reaches there  only lifted by the wings of meditation..
Morning mist frames her face, the contrast, he couldn't miss
a wild flower  fresh, bathed in dew drops, she becomes fulfillment.
A bee, as usual seeking honey,without being aware what awaits,
sleeps in her  chamber,couched in her love the whole night,
he stole her heart, she whispers, he keeps it as the fragrance
and the pollen smeared all over his being vowing never to remove,
a love it is, in essence different from all that he has hitherto known,
as if in a dream, stealing her heart,  he flies up to the ultramarine sky
all abuzz with love tunes , orchestration of nature, intoxicating,
his heart is full of light love fills, now this bee is even ready to die.
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