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 Oct 2016 M K
Luisa C
 Oct 2016 M K
Luisa C
I will learn how to swim.
I will steady my breaths and relax my aching chest,
my hands cupping the water in a loving embrace.
The rough waves will not frighten me away,
I will view them as inviting to splash in.

I will learn how to ease my arms
and kick my legs through powerful torrents,
not stopping even when crashes of blue stake me,
even when the pain runs throbbing through my body.

I will learn how to conquer the storm
and be one with the fish,
unafraid and invincible
through the sharp broken shells,
swimming towards the light of the underneath corals.
I will pass ships with pride and be brave enough to close my eyes,
using the sea as my resting pillow.

I will learn how to swim.
And against the waves I will win.
 May 2015 M K
Juliana Ciullo
I am a child of the earth.
I am strong and durable like the soil that gives life to beauty.
I am the beauty of a flower blossoming among the weeds.
I was taught to fight through pain not succumb to it,
I was taught to stand tall like the trees that allow life to survive.
I am the air that gives freedom to winged things.
I am everything.
We are all everything.
If someone ever tries to make you think differently take lessons from the sky:
Shine as bright as you can while you can because like the sun your light will eventually die,
Don’t let pain or holes in your heart diminish your power,
Be like the o-zone layer, continue to protect what’s important to you.
The most important thing to remember is to never change who you are for the benefit of another.
Be like the weeds who continue to grow even when they are shunned and told that they are useless.
Be like the birds soaring high over the heads of their enemies.
Be like the ground that supports the people who tread upon it but never appreciate it.
Realize that you don’t need the appreciation of anyone but you.
Be like a hurricane destroying whatever tries to stop you from getting to wherever it is you want to be.
Be like whoever you want to be.
Be like you.
Be a child of the earth.
 May 2015 M K
Jennifer Weiss
It is so good to see you laugh.
So good to see you put yourself first,
and for neither one of us to finish last.

Dear beautiful child of God,
I think you're going to be amazed.
When you see the old, broken pieces
so quickly faded and washed away.

When you get to see a Godly creation,
newly formed and imperfectly made.
A creation of yourself that is so perfect,
because you gave yourself away.

Dear beautiful  you,
I hope you're forgetting about the past.
About what once was, so something better
might come to pass.

Dear you,
it is so good to see you smile.
Even if it is an
awkward, stolen glance
and only lasts this little
short while.
It will last.
 May 2015 M K
 May 2015 M K
Not everyone needs angels. But I know I need mine.
not everyone needs a savior. But all I have is mine.
Ill never force it on you. Or make you say its true.
Just don't ask me to explain myself. I owe nothing to you.
I believe in equal rights. I also go to church. I believe in contradiction or coincidence or faith.
I believe there are other ways to heaven then what's written on a page.
I have religious beliefs that explain how my brain works.
and personal beliefs that explain how my heart works.
 Mar 2015 M K
Thuto Undefined
* X *
 Mar 2015 M K
Thuto Undefined
I can't talk to nobody,
I feel like nobody understands,
So I pick up some paper and grab me a pen.
You see me smile, but if you only knew..
I'm just glad that God gave me a pen, paper, and the ability to write.
Cause when I feel like no hears me,
I just write..
 Mar 2015 M K
You are what you are
no bypassing the issue
And if you force change on someone
the issue is you

we all were created to be something
from the addicts to the presidents
for those that may be wondering
hopeless nerds and the awkward
are who I represent

Me? I'm a hardened cynical writing fiend
inking and abusing pages like schoolly D when he asked, P.S.K. what does it mean
you won't find this engrossing
as I'm prone to bouts of vicious self loathing

You? well clearly you must like what I write
I personally don't see why but hey that's alright
but then you always are your own worst critic
So even though I may think I'm dumber than a post tied to a box of rocks
you may see something different

Bottom line is, we all are something unique and strange
because of this humans should try to engage
the idea of being loving and not war hungry ******
because who know how long we have until the final curtain call
And when the author's pen makes that last click
 Mar 2015 M K
Ivy Grace Bell
The masts of the great ships wave to me,
a final farewell,
beckoning me forward.
Off the cliff,
into the abyss,
with an anchor to hold me down.
 Mar 2015 M K
Mark Lecuona
It delivers
A crushing blow
Yet it feels
It renders
The final verdict
With numbing callousness
It senses
No pain
It knows
No guilt
It experiences
No empathy
It is lifeless
A tool
Awaiting direction
From the killer
The one who decides
While it sits
Ever silent
Never wavering
Not knowing
Its fate
Or its victim
Or why
It could be anyone
A little girl
It cares not
Like a caterpillar
It waits
For transformation
For motion
And then
It lives
A life
Singularly focused
On death
Then delivering
Of a life
In its travels
In its delivery
The executioner
Without a hood
Without a conscience
Without feeling
Without anything
Resembling humanity
Only inevitable death
Just like life
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