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 Jan 2016 Eriko
I can't write out what I really mean to say
All I can bring myself to do is cry and cry
Until I am breathless.

And I am ashamed of what I have done
I hold the most regret in my heart and feel the pain of my choice every single day

I wonder what you would look like
And what you would laugh like
And of what color your eyes and hair would be

And I just don't understand how I could ever be forgiven.

I wish so desperately I could go back and choose differently.
I become so angry now when I hear women and men talk about abortion
I want to scream and cry until I am drained.
I hold my stomach and wish I hadn't been so selfish

I wish I could hold you, every minute, every day
I wish I had you sleeping beside me with a sister you would have loved so dearly
And she would have loved you more than anything.
She would have protected you... Which is what I should have done.

It's been a year and a half. You would have been one soon.
Maybe walking by now.
I wonder if you still grew, with God up in heaven with all of the other millions of children who should have been here.
I wonder if you can see me and my tears.

You still consume my thoughts
As if you made your bed there and are forever sleeping..

I will never make peace with the decision I made.
This is not meant to be a poem. It is not meant to be "beautifully written". There is nothing beautiful about the regret that I carry. I went to church today and the priest talked of abortion. He said "People wonder where the scientists are who will find the cure for cancer.  Where are the brilliant individuals who will create the cure for AIDS?  And God looks upon us and says: I have sent them to you, but you erase them away".

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could go back.
comes from
the reconciliation

if you're seeking peace
reconcile first
your heart and mind
 Jan 2016 Eriko
I want to shout until my ears hurt.
I want to curse until I ran out of words.
I want to run until I can't stand on my feet.
I want to stab myself until I can no longer breathe.

I want to be back to my own self,
I want to be free.
But everytime I try.
I can feel your hands' tight grip.

I've been depressed for three years now.
I've been suffering for sleepless nights.
I've been seeking for help a lot of times,
But no one dared to notice my cry.

They knew me as a strong girl,
The one who always smile.
But this time I know I'm afraid.
Afraid of what I can do to myself.
I really need help. I can't even understand myself. I think I'll turn crazy any moment from now.
 Jan 2016 Eriko
 Jan 2016 Eriko
Waiting for the right person
Is better than getting stuck with the wrong one
Yeah that hurt my feelings. But, tbh I think I'm in a better position that you. Not having an active love life doesn't have to be bad. It's better than having an actively negative abusive one.
 Jan 2016 Eriko
i am tired
not for lack of sleep--
no, i slept quite well last night
and i've had my coffee

it's something deeper, something
inherently present, in the
fibers of my skin,
in my tendons, in my eyes.

i am exhausted,
fatiguely by life,
by the noise and silence,
the people, and
the empty rooms,
the light and dark;
by hope and despair

so worn down by the world
that nothing in it can
refresh my mind from the constant buzzing.

i am tired and there are not
enough hours in the night
for the type of rest i need...
 Jan 2016 Eriko
Little black bird,
I was once you
I died inside myself and hung in the shadows
There was nothing on this earth lonelier than I was
Just as you write

I was once you
I saw a slight glimmer on earth and that was only a puddle beneath my feet from my tears falling off my face
I saw humanity but nothing worth saving
I felt nothing and screamed inside all day long until it was time to finally rest for a few hours
I answered questions doubtfully and walked alone

I was once you
Silence understood me better than anyone could ever begin to
Darkness was my best friend
Love was my enemy
Family was a foreign concept
The sidewalk knew me better than I wanted to admit
My diary stared me back in the face and mocked me
The mirror couldn't stand me
My eyes were always hazy
And music was my savior

The realm in which I lived was heavy
Every day was an ongoing battle of depression and it was never ending
Life was a sick joke and happiness did not exist. Ever.

Because I was once you,
I know that you are great.
I know how beautiful you really are inside
Beneath the destruction,
In the place where nobody else knows where to find
Someplace you have not yet discovered

Trust me little black bird,
You may be small but you are not overlooked.
You may feel weak
But you are stronger than you realize.
Share love with others around you. Sometimes all we need is someone who understands us. Show compassion.
 Jan 2016 Eriko
m i a
what if we were colour blind?
and colour wouldn't exist in our eyes
everything would be grey like the skies on today.

what if we were colour blind?
and art wouldn't dance around in our minds, would our hearts die? would our souls cry?

what if we were color blind?
would our skin colour be a problem, would we still see racism in a random news column?

what if we were colour blind?
and we would no longer be able to see the fantasy of things, and we'll forever be stuck in reality or something.

**what would you do if we were all colour blind?
i was going to add more, but my mind when blank. <3
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