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  May 2015 Ree
Lachrymose and Lies
I worked really hard
To get somewhere *I don't want to be
  Apr 2015 Ree
Jack Thompson
It used to be a need like addiction.
Broken creeping open at the seams.
One person one relentless affliction.

You've been my remedy.
Ointment to my pains.
Soothing the carcinogens in my veins.

Its taken time countless characters.
You've weeded out the unwanted.
Fear and weakness thwarted.

A love incomparably intense.
My perspective now shifted.
Like a viscous veil you lifted.

Building on what's left of me.
You are no longer my necessity
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
  Apr 2015 Ree
Trying to describe what happened to us
is like fumbling to forge stars from
the evanescent remains
ever fluent in our veins
of astral bodies drifting further away.

Translunar thoughts extort my orbit around you
regardless of your eyes, their contained gravity
despite your lucid voice and it's fervid pull,
how they all hold me in place.
You are your own universe
and I am lost in your space.

Asteroids of presentimental wounds cratered my trust
you eclipsed unhindered through my life
and flared into hers;
our syzygy was over
but I never noticed our declination occur,
with your ephemeral attention
and I, rapt in limerence,
stayed a sidereal fragment to your sky.

I never did and still don't mind...
Definitions just in case, and because I'm addicted to learning new words.
trans·lu·nar - adj. of, relating to, or denoting the trajectory of a spacecraft traveling between the earth and the moon.
ex·tort - v. obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.
pre·sen·ti·ment - n. an intuitive feeling about the future, especially one of foreboding.
syz·y·gy - n. a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun. "the planets were aligned in syzygy"
e·phem·er·al - adj. lasting for a very short time.
lim·er·ence n. - the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a ****** relationship.
si·de·re·al - adj. of or with respect to the distant stars (i.e., the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets).
  Apr 2015 Ree
Meg B
Months have gone by and still
you echo in my black hole,
your lips still brushing mine
in the wind that caresses my face,
your voice whispering through
the riffs and chords of songs,
your body visible in the contours of trees,
your face in the curves of the clouds,
and looking up desperately at
the night sky,
I envision you glancing at the same stars,
your soul having been imprinted permanently
on the Earth's ceiling,
so even when I close my eyes
you linger in the corners of my mind,
a universe of
constellations and planets,
galactic clusters of
immortal memories and undying
Months have gone by as I
continue to orbit around
the memory of you,
tilting onto your axis,
spinning round and round as
I try desperately to get back
to you, but you're
galaxies away.
Ree Apr 2015
I know when you stare at me,
It's her eyes you see.
But I'm not her.
And I'm not what you're searching for.
I've fallen in too deep.
So deep that I'm willing to give up everything.
But I'm afraid.
Afraid of how easily you'd throw it all away for her.
To have her in your arms.
To feel again.
To love.
For her,
You'll give us up.
I still **** at poetry.

— The End —