suicidal, not afraid to say the name, whatever takes the pain away, my friends will always say the same: 'you're fine, get help, you're not okay', this drink means more, than being brave. 'I'll stop', I'm saying every day. whatever takes the pain away.
Push me Slap me Kick me Throw me out Punch me Scratch me Beat me Stone me Hang me Frame me Torture me Make me bleed **** me But still I will always Always Love you...
No matter the pain You put me through For some reason I won't stop Loving you Defending you With all my might With every fiber Of my being I will fight for you Until I am so broken I know not a single reason But to fight
Even so Is this good? Am I still me? Or am I a machine? For I have no feelings I am numb Only wanting to stay And fight For the ones close to me Yet I feel nothing But boundless pain...