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Emma Aug 2014
I use to write like
it was my only way to get oxygen
about all the things I wanted to do
places I dreamed to go
people I had met
and those I hoped to one day meet
my writing brought memories back to life
people back to life
feelings back to life
it would stop the the hands of time
but now I can't write because when I do
I write about you
and it brings it all back
and I feel like I do
after running a mile
in the middle of spring
and I'm asthmatic
Every morning I wake up and re-live this nightmare.
  Jul 2014 Emma
The Poetic Architect
A heart
if at peace
gives life
to the *body
  Jul 2014 Emma
why did you leave,
when I needed you
more than ever?

how did we become strangers,
when just yesterday we said
we would be running away
from the world together?

when did you decide,
that I wasn't good enough
to help and fix you
like I always used to?

what did I do wrong,
that made you want to leave
and forget me the day after?

where did you go,
after you left me and
why was it more
important than I?

who did you give my heart to,
after you stole it and ran
with nothing but broken tears?

why did you leave me,
with almost no explanation at all
and why did I ever think
we would truly be forever?

I kept on questioning my whole point of life since then...
  Jul 2014 Emma
Lani Foronda
g o o d b y e.
  Jul 2014 Emma
C Adams
We were short lived
But ******* we were beautiful
  Jul 2014 Emma
Sweet Serendipity
People often use the term "home is where the heart is" as reference that home is a literal place. That you can touch it, feel it, live in it and it's physically there. But I just can't seem to wrap my mind around that. Because my heart belongs to a home that isn't there in a physical sense. My home is the way you say my name and draw circles on my lower back. My home is built and structured in between your arms and in the crook of your neck. I've never felt more at home then when we are skin to skin and I want to pull you even closer. No my home is not a building, my home is you and that's where my heart will always be.
this is a rough draft, sorry
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