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Emily Joyce Dec 2014
I will hand you the gun but I'll never let you have the bullets.
Emily Joyce Feb 2016
My mother left my father because he was ill a lot
She said couldn't be happy living like this
but  I get sick a lot now too
how long before she leaves me.
Emily Joyce Oct 2018
“Are you mad at me?”
Stare at the words. Will asking make it worse?
“Are you mad at me?”
Press send. Or delete.
“Are you mad at me?”
............... Send. Sent. Now to wait.
“Are you mad at me?”
It’s been ten minutes. Has it been seen yet?
“Are you mad at me?”
30 minutes. What about now?
Anxiety. My chest feels tight and...
“Are you mad at me?”
It’s been 45 minutes. Surely by now...
Something large has taken up residence in my rib cage and it’s hard to breathe. My anxiety has been joined by doubt and self hate.
“Are you mad at me?”
They’re ignoring me. I know it. They know what this does to me. They know.
“Are you mad at me?”
1 hour.
My skin itches and crawls. My nails demand blood as they scratch. The weight in my chest has turned violent.
“Are you mad at me?”
1 hour. 30 minutes.
My heart is trying to escape the storm within and I can feel it banging on my ribs demanding exit. They’re ignoring me. But what did I do?
“Are you mad at me?”
Does the punishment fit the crime?
Emily Joyce Mar 2015
Someone once asked me If I was okay.
I can’t remember the context of the question, or the person who asked.
But I can remember how I answered.
Could remember the way my mind thought of thousands of answers.
Could remember wanting to say no.

Heart pleading and begging, just let them in. While my mind told my heart to shut the hell up.  
Can still remember, heart ignoring the mind, screaming tell them.

Tell them how much it hurts to breathe, that every breath you take, is like trying to breathe in the thick black smoke from a fire. Even though theres something still kicking inside you that fights so hard for every little breath.

That your skin itches every time you see a knife because, even though you've never used one on yourself before, you wonder how good it would feel dragged across your skin, painting lines of barley there control with your own blood.

That you can’t lay on your side because sometimes you can hear your heartbeat that way and yours, it irritates you.

That there are two bottles of prescribed pain pills sitting on your nightstand and sometimes you just want to sleep.

That, No, you’re not as strong as you pretend to be and no, you’re not afraid of the monsters in your closet anymore, because the ones inside your head are much worse.

That you’re tired of lying awake at night staring at the ceiling as you remember every little mistake you’ve ever made.

I also remember my minds reminder that its not their burden to bear
I remember the most clearly pulling on the mask, I have spent so many years perfecting over my face, giving my best plastic smile and stating confidently, careful to keep the shake out of my voice,
“Of Course”.
Written on 02-20-15
Emily Joyce Jan 2018
They can be brought on by guilt or desperation
said in quiet whispers behind closed doors
screamed from rooftops where everyone will hear you, you hope everyone will hear you
dragged out by suffocating pressure or freely given like the air that fills your lungs
hard and soft and all places in between
spoken with sharp edges and lashing tongues
with warmth like hot chocolate after playing in the snow
they can bring pain or joy
fickle things
I'm sorry                                                                                
                                                                      I love you
It was never you                                                          
                                             Always you
Emily Joyce May 2014
Daddy don't leave me
I just got you back
I know you've been in pain for years
but to tell you a secret so have I
I know what DNR is
you have no need to explain
I knew this day was coming
just not this day and age
i'm sorry for your pain
I know you just want out
but daddy please don't leave me yet
I only just got you back
I will miss you daddy. But your life is your choice and if you chose not to be in pain anymore I understand.
Emily Joyce May 2014
I knew this day was coming
since the day you told me
that the only way I could help you
is through the single bullet
of a gun
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
Dear future whoever you are,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if I can't seem to say the words "I love you" without stumbling over the words, or saying them really fast and running away, or them sounding stiff and forced like I don't really mean them, because I can assure you

I do

But you see the thing is

My family was never big on "I love you's"

Or affection for that matter, you see

We prefer "make sure the doors locked" being thrown over a shoulder as it rushes out the door

Or the ever so entertaining " put your seatbelt on, before I decide to test my breaks" as we are driving down a road

And just let me apologize in advance if you ever tell me that you, love me

And I freeze

It's not from shock I swear, okay maybe it is, a little bit, depending on the situation

But its probably mostly due to not being used to hearing it

I mean in the fifteen years I have under my belt so far I can't recall ever  hearing them said to me

So forgive me if I freeze, and then give an awkwardly delayed " I love you" back

And just know this

No matter how awkward or delayed or stuttered or fast it's said

I only say those three words when I mean them

And it's hard for me to say them

It really is

So dear future whoever you are

Please understand

I may not have heard them much

But I understand the meaning behind them

And just know

I love you, too
I'm not sure what to read in school when I get back, any suggestions?
( I'm really proud of this one! )
Emily Joyce May 2014
Drip, Drip, Drip
watch the blood flow
deep dark red
seeping from a cut
it doesn't hurt much
and thats all she'll ever know
Emily Joyce Jun 2014
I miss you, I love you and I am so sorry.
Emily Joyce May 2016
I exchange my pain for needles
The needles may burn but the pain, it's like fire
Spreading through my veins until I can't fight anymore
The needles help, like water
The drugs spread and sooth me
Like a river flowing over dry, cracked land.
I exchange my pain for needles
I'm not afraid anymore
Emily Joyce Nov 2014
I remember feelings
I remember how much I hated how strong they were
how much of a hold they could get over a person
twisting and pulling you down
until you're on your hands and knees
wanting to shut them off, and sometimes you can
and its all good, until they return
and you crumble and fall.
Nothing good ever comes from feelings
they all cause pain in one form or another
I've come to find its easier to turn them off
because I can
they're like a light switch to me
all under my control
on and off
and on
and off
I mean I can't be suicidal if I can't feel the suicide
Emily Joyce Jan 2015
Its almost like drowning,
All I can hear are the voices in my head screaming
"Do it, do it" as I stare at the knife in my hand
and I want to so ******* badly.
I don't know how strong my will is anymore,
or how much longer I'll be able to fight it.
Emily Joyce Feb 2016
There is a war inside my body
Where fire and ice collide
There is a war inside my body
Where I am helpless but to watch
There is a war inside my body
There is a ticking clock
There is a war inside my body
My mind has given up
There is a war inside my body
My body might not be enough
Emily Joyce Feb 2016
Standing at the top of a building I wonder how many had come before me
How many broken souls had stood here and wondered if they could fly
thought about testing if they could
and then stepped back, away from the ledge
using so much strengh to do so
because they're not allowed to jump
they have to be strong
because no one else is anymore
and it's all they have ever been allowed to be
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
I've never been a glass half empty or glass half full person.
I've either been a my glass is new and shiny and I'm going to love the **** out of it person
Or a
not only is my glass empty but it's shattered and I've cut myself on the pieces person.
Emily Joyce Nov 2015
They say the grass is greener on the other side
Is it true
Has your grass turned from a haunting black to a vibrant green
Green means go you know
You always said you'd give anything to run again
I hope you can run again
Emily Joyce Nov 2015
Somewhere inside me is a little girl
a little girl that is scared and confused
and oh, oh so fragile
*handle with care
Emily Joyce Jun 2014
I’m winding a trail through the woods while you sleep.
Listening to your family weep.
Cause all this stress had made me weary.
Though life is quiet dreary, I’ll never make it
Without my Hansel and Gretel crumbs.
Inspired by a book I read recently. (Being friends with boys by Terra Elan McVoy)
Emily Joyce Jun 2014
Ever since I was nine I have been unsure of where to call home.
You see my parents had divorced and moved to live apart.
Ever since I was nine I feel guilt calling the others house home when in the presence of the other parent.
I have heard the phrase “Home is where the heart is”
and if this is true that I and my shattered, blackening heart
are both royally and monumentally ******.
Emily Joyce Oct 2014
Maybe if the waters hot enough
Maybe if I stand there long enough
I'll melt the scars
Off my body and heart
Emily Joyce Oct 2015
How to know when you're sick
You hurt.
Your bathroom mirror is overflowing with pill bottles
Your eldest child is accustomed to dialing  911
You're familiar with the hospital

**How to know when you're dying

Everything hurts
The pill bottles double, prescriptions changing
Bi-weekly visits to the hospital become necessary for  your survival
When your eldest child dials 911, the paramedics that arrive know you by name

How to know when you're free
Your lungs draw their last breath
Your struggling heart beats one final time
The piercing sound of your heart monitor fills the hospital room
Your pain is finally gone
You're free.
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
Hush child
Daddy’s sick again
Hush child
Let him sleep
Hush child
Turn the tv down
Hush child
let him sleep
Help child
Daddy needs something
Help child
get the trash can
help child
get the water
help child
dial 911
cry child
Daddy’s sick again
cry child
daddy’s not coming home
scream child
daddy’s not sick anymore
scream child
you are, and there is no cure.
So my Father isn't sick anymore.
And he passed before I could tell him that I found out whats wrong with me.
Emily Joyce Aug 2020
If you must tell a lie, do so well -
Lies likely fall apart
Often crumbling due to bumbling
A speakers deadly demise
My passion is the lonely lie
Lone creates shine
A lie must deliver cleverly
Or all would align -
A poetic imitation of Emily Dickinson's "Tell all the truth but tell it slant" I did for my poetry class.
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
You’re eight years old
You and your father have gone into the woods surrounding the house to explore
You are laughing and running and falling in the colorful leaves
Your father follows behind you
Walking, he cannot run
Hasn’t been able to for years
Suddenly you hear an angry roar
You freeze
There is a bear
There is a bear 20 feet from you
30 from father
You scream in fright
The bear gives chase
Father doesn’t move
There is another deafening roar
You break through the trees surrounding your yard, look behind you
Father isn’t there
Father couldn’t run
You start to cry out, “Daddy”, sobbing

**** awake
Tears streaming down your face
Turns out it wasn’t just dream you crying
Call out
Emily Joyce Oct 2017
I am a pumpkin.
I am new and young and happy. The grass is comforting and cool. I spend my days lounging in the warm sun surrounded by other pumpkins.
I am a pumpkin.
The grass is changing but I am still comfortable.  The sun isn't as warm but my company makes it all okay.
I am a pumpkin.
I have been taken from what I knew. Everything is different and I'm scared. Why has this happened?
I am a pumpkin.
Until I'm not.
I am a pumpkin but something is wrong.
My head hurts.
It's gone.
I am a pumpkin.
I feel wrong.
I can feel you removing my seeds.
I know I can't stop you but please, be gentle.
I am a pumpkin.
I am a pumpkin.
I am... hurting.
The carving is sharp and mechanical.
It's excruciating.
It's okay. It'll be over soon.
Smile? Why?
I am a pumpkin.
I am a pumpkin.
I am a pumpkin no more.
I am a jack-o-lantern.
I am changed.
I am sore and in pain.
I am bitter but concealed.
I am a jack-o-lantern.
Watch me wither.
Watch me rot.
Watch me smile.
About my experience growing up and having Endometriosis.
Emily Joyce May 2016
Its been a year
On the anniversary of your death I went to school.
It was a Friday and I woke up late, rushing to get ready I forgot to put on your necklace.
All day I kept reaching for that necklace around my neck and every time it tore my heart a little more.  
Because just like the rest of the previous year, you were missing.
Emily Joyce May 2016
I will not get you a gun
I will not help you hold it steady to your temple as your hand shakes
I will give you a number instead
1 (800) 273-8255
That's the suicide hotline
I remember the fist time you asked me for a gun
I was twelve
I waited until you were asleep before placing notes into your books
"I love you"
You were an avid reader and I knew you'd find them eventually
Looking through your books today I found one of those notes
I still wonder how many you found
I had spread them throughout the books in your wall to wall library
I remember how many I wrote
One for each year I had been alive to love you
I still love you
Emily Joyce Apr 2014
Plastic Hearts

A single crack is how it starts, ripping through our plastic hearts.
And as we scream and plead and beg, Our friends don’t know quite how much it hurts.
We learn to stop, learn to numb. Even if it is quite dumb.  
Never allowing one to get to close. For fear of an overdose.
Because when all you’ve learned to love can leave, You don’t know what to believe.
All I’ve ever known was pain, until I found the one who kept me sane. Ripping through our plastic hearts.
One day we were ripped apart, I and my dead heart.
But every cry and plead and beg, only casts us more into the dark. Ripping through our dead plastic hearts.

Every cut and every plead
Is always met with a need
Everyday and every way
I can feel my heart dying.
Fighting to stay, fighting to slay
All we’ve ever known is pain
Emily Joyce May 2015
She looks up into the ever darkening night sky and laughs bitterly
two choices, two horrible options
One diagnosis makes you want to die
and the other it’s inevitable
ovarian cancer

She laughs again
staring at the night sky
she's afraid
she can feel it slowly bubbling up
like a *** set to a boil on the stove
except no ones watching over her
no ones making sure she doesn't boil over

She looks up into the ever darkening sky
tears slipping down her face
praying to a God she doesn’t believe in
*let the medication work
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
Stop the shaking
You have to stop the shaking
The pills, even though they’re right next to you, they seem unreachable
You reach, struggling to grasp the orange and white bottle with a quaking hand
Your hands, they tremble, as you struggle to open a lid
While your mind screams at you “Make it stop”
Stop the pain
Stop the pain
Stop the pain
You’re not sure which bottle you grabbed
you don’t care
Naproxen Sodium
They both work
They’ll both help, numb
After several attempts to remove the lid, you succeed
Drag yourself out of bed with a pill or two in your sweating palms
Through the hall and dining room
into the kitchen
Grabbing a bowl
dropping said bowl, your shaking is worse
The pain always makes you shake
Don’t bend down
You won’t be able to get back up
Grab another bowl
Place it on the granite counter
Grind the pill into dust
Add yogurt or applesauce
whatever’s accessible
Force your weakened body to open its mouth
Don’t throw up
Don’t throw up
Stumble back to your bedroom
Fall into bed
Fall into the drugs
Fall into the numbness
You stopped the pain
For now.
Emily Joyce Oct 2014
I am a soldier
even in my dreams
fighting against monsters in my memories
I am a soldier
I'm not so strong anymore
fighting against the blade at my wrist
I have won the battle
I am losing the war
Emily Joyce Aug 2018
Sometimes I look up into the sky and feel myself disappear.
I want to return to the the stars, live among the cosmos
Explore every black hole and feel the warmth of the lingering sun
Weave through the asteroid belts and get lost in an everlasting void
I want to cup every star in my hands and whisper
“You’re beautiful”
Because even though I’m sure they know they are,
that they bring a light to my life I had no idea I needed before I first set my sights on them,
it’s still a nice thing to hear.
I need to feel the weightlessness and freedom only the galaxy can offer
I look up into the sky and feel myself disappear.
But I never get far
No matter how hard I try or how much I long to be a part of that great expanse
  I am no star and I do not belong within the sky.
Could have also written "I am no star and I have no place within the sky" but i couldn't decide what i liked better. Also, surprise I'm back.
Emily Joyce May 2018
Beware of strangers online
that's what you've always been taught
Yet look at you now
Was it all for naught?
Be careful of those who wish to harm
They'll seem nice at first and later raise alarm.
Emily Joyce Apr 2014
Who am I to blame?
For this monster waking from inside
Is surely going to win this time
Not sure how much more I can with hold
Unhappy with those who dare to laugh
who dare to stare, dare to mold.
I am myself it screams!
How dare you try and change me.
I will return once again, not to be locked up in this pen.
And if you should stand in my way, I hope you’re ready to pay
For I am a monster locked inside, Of a scared young girls mind
Slowly breaking down, with every awful sound
One day she will eventually break, and our revenge I will take.
Emily Joyce Apr 2014
I always get asked why I read so much and the answer is simple really.
Its because I can escape to live and breath as someone else if only for a short amount of time.
When I'm reading I can breath again and all my problem just disappear as the word on the pages of this magnificent creation fill my mind.
Like my own personal movie acting itself out inside my head.
I read because while I may be losing my house and worrying about every little detail, Becca is moving on to college and a newer, sweeter better life. I read because even though I know its not real it still feels like it for a blissfuly small amount of time.
But really I read most of all because I love to read and the value of books, at least to me, could never be put into words.
I love to read.
Emily Joyce Jun 2014
There is oxygen
but I refuse to breathe
there is light
but I dont want to see
there is life
but it doesn’t want me
Emily Joyce Feb 2016
I've been searching for an exit but I'm lost inside my head
everything is black now
And I feel dead
Emily Joyce May 2016
You are my ball and chain
Emily Joyce May 2014
Hide the pills
guard the steel
close your eyes
refuse to feel
shatter your bones
block your heart
better to be left in the dark
than let them shatter what's left of your heart
Emily Joyce Feb 2018
It will find you
Somehow the loudest, alone in bed
Summoning all those voices in your head
Thinking isn’t bad
Overthinking, though, is deadly
Open the window and stare at the stars
Wonder if they can feel this all the way on Mars
Has it found anyone else
This burning, bright violence
Emily Joyce May 2014
I can't seem to get around
without lowering my head down
can't take much more
before i'll fall down to the floor
no one to help me up from the dust
laugh at me if you must
I'll get back up again
its only a matter of when
Emily Joyce Feb 2016
You take your health for granted
Emily Joyce May 2015
She needs help, she knows she does
she doesn’t want help
she wants to ******* fix herself
Emily Joyce May 2014
When its so hard to break
feeling sick and unwell
heading back into hell
time comes and goes
its finally time to go
Emily Joyce Mar 2015
Why didn't you want me to see you
Why didn't you want us to see you
Why didn't you say something
Why didn't you call me
Why didn't you call me
Why wouldn't you let us say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
Emily Joyce Apr 2015
I wonder what it would be like to have wings
To be able to fly, soar
I bet it’d feel like freedom.

— The End —