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Feb 2016 · 273
Em Rose Feb 2016
You don't see how much it kills me when you treat me like I'm nothing.
Jan 2016 · 393
Dream On
Em Rose Jan 2016
I had a dream we were in the ocean
You were holding me close and looking me in the eyes
But I wasn't looking back
It was like I was watching us from a distance near by
You said "I love you" and began to push my head under water
I woke up terrified and I knew
It wasn't because you tried to drown me
But because I said I love you too
Jan 2016 · 264
Em Rose Jan 2016
Isn't it interesting to think
There's people who have saved us
That have no idea
Dec 2015 · 302
I trusted you
Em Rose Dec 2015
I feel so broken here
Laying in this bed
Where I've given you so much of myself

I don't know why I thought what we had was special
Despite what everyone told me, I thought I saw your potential
Dec 2015 · 264
Em Rose Dec 2015
The miles feel longer
When you've lost yourself loving another
Dec 2015 · 249
Em Rose Dec 2015
The sun sets
And the sun rises
I fell for you somewhere in between

You made me feel everything, so deeply
When I was so used to feeling nothing
God bless the nights,
We were alive
Sep 2015 · 446
Em Rose Sep 2015
There was this night we took Ecstasy
And watched the sun rise
I remember us just staring out the window
The warm rays beating down on our skin shrinking the pupils in our bloodshot eyes
Just a bunch of young souls
Trying to get by
Rip Vinny
Sep 2015 · 276
Em Rose Sep 2015
Sometimes I just want to hide
But he sees me..
Even when no one else does
Jun 2015 · 646
It Must Be
Em Rose Jun 2015
When its 6am and he's on your mind
It must be love

When you drive over a thousand miles and he's the first person you need to see
It must be love

When you can feel yourself smiling inside when he kisses you... Really...
It must be love

When you hear a song and you know he'll love it
It must be love

When you've been waiting all day long to see his face, cause it's him you've been missing...
It     must    be      love

If it's not
It must be... something
Feb 2015 · 668
Em Rose Feb 2015
Lately I'm so lonely

Truth is, I left my heart in New Jersey

It's winter in Florida
And I feel like a foreigner
But the warm breeze
Reminds me of simpler times
How could there be
So much beauty to see
But nothing more beautiful than his smile

Over a thousand miles away
And even more things I wish
I had the strength to say
Dec 2014 · 281
Just A Thought
Em Rose Dec 2014
Lost hearts
Always seem to find each other
May 2014 · 708
Em Rose May 2014
I think it's cute when you cry
But I'd do anything to see you smile
May 2014 · 248
Em Rose May 2014
the war between remembering and forgetting
Apr 2014 · 637
His Words
Em Rose Apr 2014
I know I'm setting myself up for disaster
I still can't help but always answer

Good girl gone bad
The tears in my eyes are because it's true everything he said
I  just "take what I can get"

He asks me why I look so sad

It's because he's right
All along I've accepted what I should regret

Despite everything

All the ******* and lies

Hoping that anything

Could fill this void inside
Apr 2014 · 297
Em Rose Apr 2014
There's this quote I remember..

"If the good die young, we're gonna ******* live forever"

I used to believe that was true
I never thought I'd be here without you

I remember feeling invincible
Drinking beers
Popping different colored pills
Never paying attention to the time
Talking until the sunrise

Just a bunch of misfits wanting to belong

Showing eachother sides of ourselves no one else knew

Those days are gone
And somewhere along the line we lost you too

So I guess it's true
God only takes the good

We always thought we would live forever

I remember
And now that's all I can do
Mar 2014 · 515
Em Rose Mar 2014
Broken pieces of everything we used to be

These memories haunting me continuously

You say you can't say sorry for the things you've done intentionally
Deep down, I always knew you'd do this eventually
Mar 2014 · 806
Em Rose Mar 2014
I learned at an early age
There's things in life that happen you can't explain

I still remember waking up that morning in June
There was pain in my parent's eyes when they broke me the news

They said there had been an accident
And Amanda was badly hurt

I remember the feeling in the air
Because we all didn't know what to do

So we prayed,
I kept thinking in my head she'd be okay

And in the hospital
It hurt us all so bad to see her that way
I have to live with that memory each day

Machines the only thing making her breath
Her hair still curled from the sweet sixteen
Where she spent her last hours dancing and being free

I try so hard to forget her laying there bruised and swollen
Such a beautiful life prematurely stolen
Feb 2014 · 370
Em Rose Feb 2014
There's no amount of rinses or cycles to wash away the memories in these sheets
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
This Smile
Em Rose Feb 2014
You see it's all just a disguise

The pain isn't gone
It's just pushed deeper inside
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
12am Thoughts
Em Rose Jan 2014
I wonder if anyone cares about me as much as I care about you.
Jan 2014 · 278
Lost Words
Em Rose Jan 2014
There's so many things I should've told you

So many things I still wanna say

But I'm to afraid they will loose their meaning
the moment I let them escape
Jan 2014 · 445
Em Rose Jan 2014
It hurts to think about you
But sometimes I can't control my mind
Consistant like the moon
You come and drift into the lonely sky each night

So bright
and so beautiful
But somtimes half full

Through the darkness
I see your light
And I can't help but say yes
When I know I should say goodbye.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Distant Love
Em Rose Jan 2014
Even in my dreams you are unattainable
This undeniable force
Pulling me towards you
Craving your warmth
But feeling so cold
No matter what I'm told
I can't let go
**** advice
They don't know everything between you & I
I keep fighting to hold on
But when I look into your eyes
I find myself myself swimming
Through an empty sea of hope & lies
All the lies I wanted to push aside
Wishing to attain the unreachable
Save you from this life you been living
Show you there's so much more
Jan 2014 · 553
Em Rose Jan 2014
They say time heals all but there's days where everything just reminds me of you and it ******* hurts. There really are no words to describe losing one of your best friends.

You grow up feeling like you're invincible, going through life without looking back, then something like this happens and everything becomes messy. Life goes on but every day keeps passing by and they're not here. They aren't here to see the leaves falling. They aren't here to celebrate another year. I know I must accept loss as a part of life but I keep thinking "you should be here."
Jan 2014 · 372
What I Need Vs. What I Want
Em Rose Jan 2014
They say timing is everything

So I guess the world just isn't spinning in my direction
Because I always feel like something is missing

So I'm stuck searching
Re-Learning these lessons I've already been taught

Realizing what I need isn't what I want
Jan 2014 · 448
Em Rose Jan 2014
I'm alone in my room writing silly poems
Just a useless pile of bones

I wonder what you do alone
Do you think of me?
Of course you don't

But I think of you
And each night you made feel special

I love everything you do
It's like dancing with the devil

But beautiful
A sinner so perfectly flawed
Your eyes shimmer
Like a enchanting god

So good
So evil

Everything I want
Jan 2014 · 532
Syncronized Heartbeats
Em Rose Jan 2014
Syncronized heart beats
Breathing in and out
I feel so warm and complete

Peacefully, I close my eyes
My fingers glide along your tan skin
Tracing the words like "please don't leave"

In this moment I feel alive
Everything feels so natural
But this isn't just something that comes easy
So just stay with me
Just a little longer
We'll silence our phones and press ignore to the thoughts in our minds
Because it's just me and you tonight

— The End —