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 Sep 2015 Em Rose
Daisy Fields
eyes meeting
hearts beating
minds racing
fingers tracing
hands clutching
flesh touching
lips locking
bodies rocking
sweat dripping
clothes slipping
time urging
souls merging
 Sep 2015 Em Rose
jeffrey conyers
Oh, they think they know.
While second guessing at best.
Pure speculation about us.
About our friends with benefits.
Without understanding just how deep it is.

We see the smiles.
We hear the giggles.
And notice the winking of the eyes.
And they still don't realize just what our friendship truly is.
While they try to materialize to themselves our friends with benefits relationship.

While they think it's ******.
Maybe even physical.
None gives it a guess that it's mostly emotional.

When we need a laugh.
When we need a listening ear.
That's when our friends with benefits appears.

When we need advice.
Whether it's good or bad.
That's when our friends with benefits kicks in.

We let them speculate.
We let them make their stupid mistakes.
Even when we could straighten out their wrongs.

All because our friends with benefits is so much more.
Then physical or ******.
 Sep 2015 Em Rose
You will always end up hurt.
I do not care how strong physically and mentally you are,
there will always be tears shed and hearts broken.
Because you cannot do something so physically intimate and
expect it to not be mentally intimate.
That is like jumping off a cliff and hoping you don't fall.
You cannot make pretend love.
You cannot look at someone and see them as an object.
For they are not an object, they are human
Someone will fall, and they will fall hard.
They will spend their time praying that each kiss is real.
They will pray that its more than just physical.
They will pray that rough touches and loud moans are more than lust.
They will spend their time hoping and praying
that you will see them as more than a quick distraction,
but, darling, this is not a fairytale.
They will not fall for you all because you kissed them differently.
They will not see you in a different light.
For this started as physical and it will stay physical.

No I have never been in this situation, but I know people who have
i don't know how to run
so i  crawl

while you keep running

i hope you will stop running
so my knees will stop bleeding
 Sep 2015 Em Rose
Cooper H
Inside my room my mind inside is telling me to be terrified, sad, hopeless altogether, albeit I don’t know why
Maybe it’s the monster under my bed
And maybe it’s the ghost trapped inside
And maybe the utterly scarifying unknown
Isn’t a monster or an imagined image of iridescent horror
I know inside that my unknown terror is a lonesome life of lifelessness without love
And the lying light stares at me under the crack of my door and softly screams at me
Telling me to be a man
To be a missing-out mixture of money and melancholy that makes me lonely, that returns me back to the place of unknown fear that I now know is loneliness
Loneliness from you and you and you and me and love
 Jul 2015 Em Rose
Naunie Baltzell
I am the stovetop
your mother warned you
not to touch when you were five.
You did it anyways, of course,
because you wanted to see if
you could survive the pain.
I remember you telling me
that story on our third date
after I told you I've never met anyone
I didn't end up hurting.
Masochism runs in the family
you said. Wreckage runs in mine.
When I was five I put aluminum foil
in the microwave just to
sit and watch the destruction
it created. When we met, I knew
we wouldn't last long.
Fire and ice together never does.
 Jul 2015 Em Rose
 Jul 2015 Em Rose
Her lover was faithful
But it was not kind.
It took all of her dreams,
And left them behind.

Now she's withering,
Like a dying flower.
The addictive white dust,  
Stealing her by the hour.

Her family disowned her ,
Her house reposessed.
But her white dusty lover,
Oh,  it loved her the best.
 Jun 2015 Em Rose
Pen Lux
*** makes me hungry
love makes me tired
don't drive a car?
hard to get hired
got a few small jobs
don't think I'll be fired
moving hard and fast
coffee's got me wired
*** makes me hungry
love makes me tired
he had heavy kisses
fiery big hands
quick and fragile
stimulation bound
a starved hound
who likes to pound
deeper and deeper
wants me screaming
*** makes me hungry
love makes me tired
 Jun 2015 Em Rose
i am the girls you haven’t kissed
the patch of skin below your wrist
i am the sky dark before dawn
your hair before you cut it, blonde and long
i am your neighbors window, a grocery bag
i am the best and the worst thing you’ve never had

you’ll dream of me as soon as i leave
i’ll pretend i don’t know that you watched me sleep
whispered my name, it was almost noon
wiped my eyes and swallowed the moon
thought about you on the train ride home
i’m not allowed to love you, i’ll leave you alone
(falling for you)
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