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 Mar 2015 elena
Phil Lindsey
 Mar 2015 elena
Phil Lindsey
Spring came quickly and
Ended abruptly.
Summer came sweaty and hot.
Autumn winds blew the leaves from the trees and
By the time Winter came, we forgot.

Spring came quickly and ended abruptly.
But it will come again.
Birth and growth and hope and dreams
Learning to live in a freshly made joyous world with
Only the overstated problems of the youth, and
None of the fears of the aged.
Curiosity and wonder and eternal rebirth.

Summer came sweaty and hot.
Long hours of hard labor.
Work and growth and goals and dreams
Chasing elusive, sometimes irresponsible goals often
At the expense of happiness and contentment.
Adrenalin filled days and nights
Peaks and valleys and elastic resolve.

Autumn winds blew the leaves from the trees.
Exposing naked branches,
And squirrel’s nests abandoned by the owners who are
Preparing for the months ahead
Without understanding why.
Others, with lessor goals, content and
Ever resting.

By the time Winter came we forgot.
It arrives too soon.
Memories of growth and hope and regrets
Realizing the fears of the aged have arrived and
Will never leave.
Understanding that Seasons change and
In Winter, life on earth recedes.

Spring came quickly and ended abruptly.
 Sep 2014 elena
Marisa Hope
 Sep 2014 elena
Marisa Hope
If you knew it wasn't me all along,
Why did you drag me by your side?
Why did you take me for granted?
Was it your intention to make me cry?
Because here I am,
Still wondering why,
What I ever did to you.
All I did was love you,
All I did was care.
I guess I cared too much,
Because now you're nowhere.
You'll forever be ingrained in my mind,
Footprints on my heart.
You've left your mark on me,
Changed who I am,
But now you're not here to see.
You don't get to see the new me,
The me that you helped form.
I learned from you,
And you sure as hell taught me a lot.
You taught me how to love,
Not just others but myself.
I'm not quite sure why you're still the topic of my writing,
For it's been over a year.
But not a day goes by where I don't think about you.
I miss you,
I miss us,
Whatever it may have been,
You can't tell me you didn't feel it too.
 Sep 2014 elena
Maria Villalta
I used to make my parents proud,
I used to be the glue that keep my friends together,
now I don't even know
who I am.

the first two sentences are from the song: Millstone//Brand New
 Sep 2014 elena
b for short
I love you, but not in the way that poets mention.
It’s a love with mostly beautiful parts—
those which beautiful words
could do their best to validate and describe.

But there are other parts,
the hot, jealous breath on my neck,
heavy and hanging over me—
a howling black cloud
patiently waiting to

Other parts,
the craggy barbed wire ribs you wear—
the ones I take in when I wrap myself around you.
Who these are meant to protect
remains unclear.

Other parts,
the guilt I foster when we touch
while you remind me in a soft whisper
that you’re not mine to keep.
I face the bare wall and hesitate to accept
that to touch is simply to use,
and to use is so far from to love.

I love you, just not in the way that poets mention—
in that rigid crack between the brick and mortar—
in a narrow place where even the loudest secrets dare not echo.
I love you in that stretch of light between heel and shadow—
in the space that implies
but does not define

I love you, but not in a way that poets mention.
I love you in the silent incomplete—
the only way you’ll allow.

I love you alone.
© Bitsy Sanders, July 2014

I had taken this down previously, but I'm not quite sure what I was ashamed of. She's back to stay.
 Sep 2014 elena
Derek Yohn
I don't need you to read my words
any more than I want to re-live the past.

This world is burning,
fanaticism is rising,
interests are separating and
this American Dream is lost.

But please, do carry on...

tell me how hard math is,
or how love isn't what you thought it,
or how you cut yourself to feel alive,
or how life isn't fair.

Fill me up with ****** nature poems.

Convince me that sacrifice is what happens
when you give your iPod away
instead of what you read in
after-action reports from Afghanistan.

Tell me it will be okay.

Write me the perfect poem.
 Sep 2014 elena
Layla Thurman
I'm a little wilted orchid
poisonous and dead
if you aren't too careful love,
I might just lose my head.

Flowers aren't so pretty
when their colors aren't so bright
I haven't had colors in a long time love,
The sun has bleached me white.

Yet you still think I'm beautiful
Im grateful, darling its true
I am almost recovered love
and its all thanks to you.
 Sep 2014 elena
Heart Rants
 Sep 2014 elena
Sitting here alone with people around
But I only see one person in mind
She is the person so fortunate I've found
She is the person who loves me in kind.

My head is spinning as I sit here thinking
My heart is aching for the girl I'm missing
My lips they mutter, words of love they're saying
My hope is wishful that these words you're hearing.

I feel this love in my heart, it's growing
To proportions of unfathomable enormity
Sometimes it feels like my boat is sinking
When I think of the undeniable reality.

This reality that I wake up to everyday
Keeps hurling obstacles that I must face
I need the strength so my hopes don't fray
Wishing for more so I can finish this race.

I love her dearly; without her a life I can't imagine
I love her deeply; I never thought I was capable of such
I love her strong; with hopes so high, I would pin
I love her furiously; never thought I could love this much.

She is the sun that around, my world does spin
She is my star that I always look up to see
She is my moon that so clearly I have seen
She is my universe that I'm traipsing through helplessly.

I've never stopped wishing for a life beside her
I've never stopped wanting for her to be with me
I've never stopped hoping for the a life we'd make together
I will never stop trying for I believe it's meant to be.

I have pined for her so, many a sleepless night
I have yearned for her through the hours of the day
I have craved for her; craved with all of my might
I have longed to utter the words I've wanted to say.

Countless of times, these words I've spouted
In my heart I've said them oh so many more
These words are strong like a volcano just erupted
These words are true for they come from my core.

So I sit here still with these people around
They don't know why my heart aches so
It matters not if my feet don't touch the ground
I'd still dare to dream and to her they will go.

Dreams of you I'll never stop conjuring
Thoughts of you I'll never stop thinking
With words so sweet I'll never stop praising
For the woman in my dreams, my heart is loving.

So let me be, you people; you never will know
You'll never know who it is who excites my heart
You'll never understand what makes my love grow
She's the one who had ensnared me from the start.
 Sep 2014 elena
Ashley Rodden
All the love letters written on tear stained paper
Smeared my hearts ink across the blank pages
My heart's broke for the last time
You promised truth
and really made me believe all  your lies
I thought love was suppose to be free...
but the cost for yours was way too steep and
It hurts but I don't think it can get much worse
Being so invisibly desperate for you

I took my chances on a bruised and beaten heart
Guess I got what I deserved, after all
Forgiving is hard to do
Now pain is all I have to show
You took my heart and you broke my soul

Your urge to break loose was just too strong
And I've almost forgotten what the color of your eyes were
and your scars or how you got them
Seldom did your words reign true
When you were failing me and
I was just trying to save you

You were always so sad
hiding behind your mask
And I came so far with my soul
But you never seen the gem within me
I could of been your happy ever after
But I'm only human and though
I tried hard not to, I crashed and burnt out

The words from your tongue were knives in my heart
You built me up just to tear me apart
I just wanted to turn your mechanical heart back on
I held up the weight of your world and mine times three
Just trying to be your everything but
Somehow I lost the love I loved the most

I've learned how to live half alive now for what it's worth
I wish I would of missed the first time we kissed
because you've been nothing but a broken promise since
I'm left like a smoking gun now that all our love is gone
I thought we found some magic
But you left me neglected, how tragic

Now I walk away and let it be
Ignore my instincts as I'm led astray
Another bend, another break
I'm not sure where I go from here
Between wet pages and all this smeared ink
A tragic, lost en devour our love has come to be
 Sep 2014 elena
Ashley Rodden
I've had enough
and I say it sadly
The last year
has been driving
me insane
Everything I thought
I knew
hurts so badly but,
All the daggers
in the world
could never
cut me like the words
you let roll
off your careless tongue
I hear you whisper
with your hand
resting on my hip
You will always
feel my fingertips
tracing the scars
and tattoos upon
your skin
It took so long
for you to get
close enough  
to me
I didn't want
to be a curse
as your patience
was always
my blessing
But all the doctors
and the pills
can't cure the way
I feel about myself
Too afraid to ask for help
from anyone, for anything
It takes time
prescribing a means
to an end
And I'm
Feeling addicted to
this prescription
The problem lies
within the help
for me
this time
So, I just smile through
the pain
and suffer as
I let go of
 Sep 2014 elena
 Sep 2014 elena
What do you see?
I see a crooked nose & asymmetrical features everywhere
What do you see?
I see saggy ******* & ***** freckles everywhere
What do you see?
I see a fat boy who’s trying so hard to breathe
What do you see?
I see a skinny girl who looks like a stick

What do i see?
I see a guy who made his single-mother proud by getting a degree
What do i see?
I see a lady who dances like she owns the world
What do i see?
I see a boy who runs knowing he’s better than this
What do i see?
I see a girl working at her age to let her siblings eat

What you think you see
Is what others seen

The best in you.
You scrutinized on what you are
**Others perceived on what you've done.
Everyone has insecurities that they tried to hide or deny.
Most of them exposed themselves to be deprived on how or what they look like. Sometimes we just forget to just be ourselves.  To be human.
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