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  Sep 2014 David Hall
one llucy
Both* the apple and your lips were *poison
Your mouth tainted with the forbidden fruit.

But I wanted you
I wasn't unsuspecting.

you were the snake
everyone knew you were the villain.

And that is why I kissed you
and took your deadly gift.
David Hall Sep 2014
*** isn't the only thing that sells
death sells too
think about it a minute
and admit that its true

war correspondent reporting live
from the middle of the war zone
another thousand people die
from the hole in the ozone

ebola outbreaks are trending
getting millions of views
while little girl abductions
top the evening news

we demonize *** on t.v.
like were ashamed of creation
while at least one prime time show
will feature de-capitation

the next time you buy a ticket
to the mass media fair
just stop and think a minute
buyer beware
  Sep 2014 David Hall
Ryan Cripps
Please, break my heart
So I can write a collection of poems.
I need to drown in the feeling
Of being alone.

I want my heart to break
I want my soul to ache.
For the feeling of achievement
I'll put my mentality at stake.

I need to chase the feeling.
I love to breathe that feeling.
Because I'm finally good at something.
And if my heart isn't broken,
Then I'm absolutely nothing.
Follow me on Hello Poetry :) (I followback)
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Twitter: @RadicalMartian (I followback)
~~~~There is turmoil in the turning,
      Breakage in the bend,
    Talks of new beginnings,
  Whispers of the end.

  Screams of silence so deafening,
    Lips that move without a sound.
      Never knowing what's happening,
        Feeling lost, fighting to be found.

        Something on the surface,
      That begs for something more.
    The meaning in the purpose,
  The dangle of the lure.

  The escaping thoughts of mind,
    Lost to the strong willed
      Caught up in the social grind,
        The way of life was once killed.

        Oh!, and ain't it a shame?
      Staying still, while life races by
    Losing this grandest of games
  Barely floating, while everyone else can fly...

  That's where some will find themselves,
    Arms down by their side.
      Standing here if nowhere else,
        This, their lot in life.
My first collaboration on Hello Poetry and I am honored for it to be with Mike Hauser!
Hope you enjoy it!
David Hall Sep 2014
I loved you from hello
I just never told you so
wasn't really anywhere
my love could ever go

I loved you from afar
like a distant shining star
each night I look up at you
and wonder where you are

I've loved you all along
my love was always strong
I loved you even though I knew
my love was probably wrong

I love you even still
my love for you is real
unless the hands of fate let go
it’s a love you’ll never feel
David Hall Sep 2014
beauty is of many faces
found in many forms and places
first is seen the beauty of the face
it's the greatest at the start
but before its dead it can swell your head
and leave you naught but a broken heart
all and all a rarer find
is the beauty of the mind
it grows and flowers with each season
it’s one true love is love of reason
if this beauty grows to great
it can see the need for love too late
if too much of this you own
expect a hard thought life alone
the most amazing of all is set apart
it's the deepest beauty of the heart
traces found almost everywhere
it’s on the wind and in a prayer
you'll find it anyplace that's wild
and in the laughter of a child
its the beauty that will never fade
still found today as god first made
when this beauty you can confess
you'll find true love and happiness
For Jack**

Lost in a tide of a million emotions,
pulled down by the weight of my unsteady heart
left to drown in an ocean of my own creation
as saltwater depths from mine eyes did depart.

I looked to the heavens for signs of my passing
then swallowed my pride with my last gasp of air
hoping for silence and peace everlasting,
no more would I cherish, no more would I care.

Then through the darkness a soft voice did beckon,
sweet cleansing comfort in it's knowing tone
a hand it was offered to aid my protection
and to help hold together my world weary bones.

As the ocean receded my heart broke the surface
I reclaimed my soul then rejected the tide
Your heart was a beacon of light in the darkness.
Sweet unending friend, in my heart you reside
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