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 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
Kelly Rose
The rabbit hole she goes.

Inner demons and sorrows
Lurk and fester
An open wound
On one’s soul
So deeply hidden
So dark in nature
They remain submerged
But for the incessant taboo beat
That chokes the air she breathes
The only relief is
Deep in the rabbit hole.

Kelly Rose
© January 19, 2018
the man had hypnotic power
he drew people in
they thought he was of charismatic

whatever he'd say or do
they'd so senselessly agree to
as if they were blinded*  
by a beguiling view

gullible they who didn't closely
examine what he was about
below the veneer's surface
lay a slimy feigning trout

naive to his sham

trusting the sorcerer's
pretend magnetism
they'd been attracted
into a shadowy prism

does the mind recall
Jim Jones or Charlie Manson?
I wish I could express..
    my feelings…
      to confess that..
         how much I love her…

I wish I could convey..
    at least something…
      to make her feel..
        how much I concern her…

I wish I could bring..
   her dreams come true ...
     to improvise her life..
       in-order to secure her…*

I never was desperate..
     to express in words...
        may be she is aware..
           how much I admire her...

I made many plans..
   to be precise and certain…
     but never could..
      qualify to recognize her…

*Whatever I  do..
     my efforts are there…
       unconcerned to perceive..
         the extent I passion her…

deovrat - 10.02.2018 (c)
 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
i don’t like what i see in the mirror
because i am nothing more than an ugly mess.

tired eyes
flabby tummy and big thighs
self harm scars
and layers of skins enough to hide my confidence.

i don’t like my reflection.
i don’t like them at all.

i was told that i was perfect the way i am
but then they would tell me
“maybe if you lose weight a little bit more
you could get rid of that chubby cheeks and double chin”.

so i skipped breakfast,
and lunch,
and dinner,
and sometimes i lose control and puke all the way out.
my throat would burn but i felt victorious.

and just like that i spend days and weeks and months and every moments counting calories that will flow down inside this mouth
one hundred
two hundred
not more than three
or else their terrifying gazes will speak to me and say
“ew, disgusting.”

i hate my reflection and i dislike my being
because who would have loved a person like me,
a person with self love the size of a teardrop?

and then they told me again that i don’t have to go on diet because i’ve got the body of Victoria’s Secret’s models

but again,
why would he left me for a girl
she has smaller wrist, bigger chest and she’s always alive
i don’t blame him though
i am really not enough, right?

because anyone can say those three words
and anyone can say you’re perfect
as long as you fit their idea of perfection

i am no goddess and i know my place

but maybe
just maybe
i will finally be enough.
please leave your comment, thank you! :)
 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
I’m happy
(I’m depressed)

I love myself
(I hate myself)

I can’t wait to live my life
(I can’t wait to die)

I am lucky to have my friends
(why do they even like me?)

I have a family who loves me
(and I continue to disappoint them)

I am an excellent student
(I can’t focus in school)

I want to travel the world
(will I even live to do that?)

I’m fine
(I’m not fine)

I’m perfectly okay
(please help me)
 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
Pagan Paul
For some it is a poetic crime
to ever use an imperfect rhyme.
As the Emperor of enunciation
I embrace differing pronunciation.
So chain not words up in a prison
let them go with their own rhythm.

© Pagan Paul (Sept 2015)
Old poem I found in a notebook, previously unpublished.
I think I wrote it for another site where there were
a lot of snobbish 'academic' poets.
Words cannot explain the depths of my misery that I bare inside, for all the times I did you wrong.
You are the one person who was and is ALWAYS there for me, your PERFECT in every way, I love you so hard I would die for you?
Why do I question such acts of loyalty?
I do not understand, please, I'm so mentally challenged when it comes to you.
Am I that selfish, that I won't change my life for you, put you first?
When I know by ******* you deserve so much more!
I can't stress the word deserve enough!
If all the men in this world treated you like a KING, you would still deserve more.
You changed me, saved from my own self, you showed me TRUE love.
I know I love you, but I dont know if I am good enough for you, I am lowly & this is where I feel like i'm never good enough, but it hurts me when I hurt you by not trying.
PLEASE, I LOVE YOU & even until this day I never questioned my love for you, not ONCE in my life, I swear on that.
Even when I barely knew you.
So I will try, I will fight, I will strive to keep you happy but just know I am not perfect & just know all I want is your HAPPINESS!
I did you wrong, many times before & hate myself for it, I promise!
But just know, no matter what, I will never ever hate you.
On the day I die, before it & forever after I...WILL... ALWAYS... LOVE...YOU & will never & I mean EVER, no matter if I try my absolute hardest, forget you.
I Love You & that will forever stay, just like the world's beautifulest stain you left on my heart.
I'm sorry I did you wrong & I'm sorry for anything I do wrong in the future, but I will never leave, I will indefinitely fight for you & I.
It's you & I against the world.
 Feb 2018 Da Dallas
Iqra Ali
i hope today is the day your smile is genuine
i hope today you appreciate yourself and your efforts
that smile of yours is wealth to the poor
and medicine to the sick

if you try hard enough maybe your smile will be permanent
self love is the most important love of all.
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