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Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Danae Rae Mar 2016
I am holding a grudge,
Because they held a grudge.
against grudge,
against grudge.
An unfailing friendship defying the odds.
Falling apart because we can not forgive each other.
Unfailing is failing.
Nov 2015 · 526
Winter Blues
Danae Rae Nov 2015
If winter could come sooner, I would be okay
I want wake up in he morning longing to stay warm in bed.
Drinking hot chocolate watching the sun rise.
Reading late into the night.
Baking cookies, with a scent that fills the room.
Watching the snowflakes fall onto the eyelashes of children.
As they cavort in the town singing carols of joy and happiness.
It is all I long for.
Oh winter, come sooner.
Oct 2015 · 404
Danae Rae Oct 2015
Overwhelmed, overjoyed
All because of a silly boy
Oct 2015 · 380
Danae Rae Oct 2015
My heart is lost in a silent sea.
Why can't you just let it be.

My feet fall beneath the earth.
I don't need your support.

My eyes don't see the sun in the sky.
So I may as well be blind.

My ears can't hear the harmony .
Deaf is what I shall be.

My life has no hopeful tone.
Why was I born?
Aug 2015 · 422
Thoughts in the night.
Danae Rae Aug 2015
Stars in the sky,
not a person will watch with me.
Coffee in my hand,
not a person to talk with me.
The city across the way,
not a person to walk with me.
Rain falling on my head,
not a person to dance with me.
Instrument in a case,
not a person to sing with me.

This is what I need a friend to go with.
Because adventures in my heart and I haven't been there yet.
Aug 2015 · 524
Danae Rae Aug 2015
Let our feet fall away from our perfectly broken world.
Where the grass dies, children cry, and people lie.
Help us guide the way our world is headed  
and let us not be overcome with complete dread.
May the sky be bluer then blue and the sun shine bright.
So we can be immersed in complete delight.
Aug 2015 · 495
Danae Rae Aug 2015
Here I am lost in a garden of hearts
Some are taken some are not
I am here just lost in thought

Maybe soon we can be here
Please let us not be in fear

I am lost in a garden of hearts and
some are taken some are not.
Aug 2015 · 429
Danae Rae Aug 2015
For I am just a thorn on a rose stem
I am nothing but below the petals
Knocking people down one by one
Pricking fingers, pricking thumbs
Adjectives roll off my tongue
Plucking the heartstrings that are to strung.
Aug 2015 · 627
Danae Rae Aug 2015
Summer is fading
Hot days are ending
Ice is coming and I am not ready.
T**ime flies by all to quickly
Aug 2015 · 487
I am me.
Danae Rae Aug 2015
Contradiction could just be
the worlds best thing.
Adding simple diversity to everything.
A world with out it would be
black and white this; black and white me.
So embrace you and embrace me
because contradiction could just be
the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Contradicting me.
Aug 2015 · 970
Danae Rae Aug 2015
I wish people weren't afraid of:

How great would it be if we could just be completely free.
Jul 2015 · 396
Danae Rae Jul 2015
A house is a shell that encases my peace and serenity.
I do appreciate its protection.
Jul 2015 · 549
Danae Rae Jul 2015
Mystifyingly our world still stands
Even though we pollute and commute
Our world is strong
The trees still rustle it the wind
The flowers still bend
and the birds whistle a tune.
The city hustles about.
The farmers harvest their crops.
The snow falls lightly
and the beauty isn't dying.
Still our world stands.
Yay Earth!
Jul 2015 · 2.1k
Danae Rae Jul 2015
She's drowning herself
Because she doesn't see beauty

Because her dad abused her
Eventually her mom left her
And her boyfriend ***** her
Ultimately her world was ending
The air was thinning
You said your friendship was pending

She drown herself because she couldn't see
She was a spitting image of beauty
Jul 2015 · 345
Danae Rae Jul 2015
My toes curl
My body heaves

My legs go numb
I can no longer see

This is what you do to me
Put me through anxiety
Jul 2015 · 285
Danae Rae Jul 2015
Dying or crying; its all the same
A game we all play
When our hormones rage.

A knife in our spine
A punch in our back
Being a teenager is kind of like that

I knife at our wrist
A gun at our head
Will someone stop us before we're all dead?

"But there's more to life."
"Put down the knife."
Simply stated they've never known
How it feels to be so prone

— The End —