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As the **** of a 12-dollar cigar
touches the tip of the tongue,
the nervous system shoots a signal to the brain,
to process the sweet tinge
of delicious poison
that hits the back of the throat.
Slow suicide, baby,
really doesn't get any smoother.

Human bodies may desire health,
but it’s the mind that struggles
and tests mortality
as the heart races
for the best ****.

Hipsters and their vapor pipes,
their overpriced organic groceries,
coke binges and ****** addictions,
gym memberships and spinning classes,
they’re socialized to believe life
goes on forever.
They behave as if death
is a kind of curse.

We can run from sins,
wash our souls in the rain
of fresh lovers in new cities.
Sins, however, collect.
They grow in strength.
All we have in the end,
is the sweet tinge of satisfaction
that comes from killing oneself
in style.
To be included in my next collection, **** River Sins.
Everyone is fake.

*I just want to find someone real...
Are you real?
- - -
(If you get the title, I love you.)
Just One Would Be Enough...LoL

If someone tries to take from me
What they don't deserve
I slap the crap out of them
And call it lesson learned

When a person does a crazy thing
And I can't believe my eyes
I can run them over
Say they deserved to die

I see a group of strangers
All doing the same dumb thing
I get to shoot them with a gun
Say it was meant to be

Slow drivers in the fast lane
Who think they own the road
I wreck their car into a ditch
And have a clear path home

Teenagers who won't listen
Who think they know it all
They get strangled with my hand
With no regrets at all

Some days I wish that I could do
All the things above
But Knowing that I really can't
Just one would be enough...LOL

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Jul 2014 Dan DeVeronica
CM Cain
 Jul 2014 Dan DeVeronica
CM Cain
i'm drowning myself by accident,
the sea water, well it's to far deep my dear
and the people that are swimming around me
well - i'm just to afraid to ask for help
from sharks
Every night was a test
not to my artistry
but to my ability to
feel something

The monsters don't hide in the closet, or under the bed, or in your head all full of juice. They roost. It's not their fault, following through with some innate longing they're called to.

It's a simple, impish existence, these monsters, who might prefer to be doctors or lawyers or sound designers for Alice Cooper or Rob Zombie or Blondie; alas they burrow and nest inside my ***** laundry.

A wise person might have said, "Take care, kiddo, and guard your head against the evil that so easily nestles there." I reflect on this through the cloudy density of my beer an wonder, could he have been right? Might I fallen intrigued, ensnared, by the casual taunt of an apple's dare?  

We climb the beanstalk for the giant only; the goose is second hand. The giant's defeat is the glory. It doesn't matter what the stakes contain, live or die, princess or mother or cow or land, as long as a marching band greets us at the end of the ride.

The monsters don't hide in the closet, or under the bed or in you head full of juice. They roost, and they can't help us themselves in a world full of books gathering dust on shelves overlooked where their hardcovers guard against  stray shells unloosed.
It's ok to expose children to halloween-type scary fiction. The world is a scary place, and to give them some fantastic monster-type literature, like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Bam Stoker's Dracula is a fun and guidable way to explain the real horrors of the world and familiarize them with the fact that we live in a place that is beautiful but often misunderstood or dangerous. It's not always that way, though, and books and literature can help ignite a different kind of passion in them that may, despite the fantastic fear in these books, provide a different sort of outlook that instills tolerance and peace.

I also believe that this was inspired by the fact that I'm housesitting and the refrigerator literally sound like it is talking. Because oh my god. Look out, that's the next one.
This night has fallen so must I into the sleep so dear only the the singing birds slinging their melodies hear the last dying crickets in the gray glow of the first hint of the sunrisen day.

Catlike and furtive, creeping toward the last of this or that odd prey, these words unwind till the thread runs out.

All heart within but stark without.
Goodnight, 2:30. You made my day.
Don't let this self-effacing exterior fool you
I am meglo-maniac in the making
Social media the perfect introvert's mask
Reinventing myself daily
Vanessa Ives, girl-about-town, quirky geek
An attention *****
******* in the digital wind
For a like, a follow, a retweet.
I am alone
You are in between your comrades
We are something
I am sad
You are laughing at a dry joke
We are something
I am dying
You are jumping
We are something
I am something dead, babe
You are just beginning to live
We are estranged but
We are something

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