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 Oct 2018 k
 Oct 2018 k
if I was prettier
or skinnier
or more of something
if I was less loud
or less dark
or less something
maybe then
you would want me
I wanted you.
 Sep 2018 k
 Sep 2018 k
You asked me who I want to be, so here’s my answer:


I want to walk above the ground
I want to give my thank you speech
And wear the crown

I want to open my voice
I want to tell them exactly how I feel
And not give a **** about their ideals

I want room to grow from a fraction to a whole
I want my world to revolve around ME
And be able act fierce and carefree

I want to be the woman that intrigues strangers
I want to bravely approach them with friendly banter
And have spontaneous encounters that brings on laughter

I want to be someone more like me
Inspired by someone from this site, when he asked me "Who do you want to be"
Thank You :-)
 Sep 2018 k
i touched your soul
and scribbled my name on it
love, you’ll never get lost again
 Sep 2018 k
That Letter
 Sep 2018 k
A final letter I'll write,
For everyone to read,
For when I'm gone,
I will no longer impede.

A gun to the head would work,
But then so would a noose -
Tie it, hang it, and leave it for later.
Oh no, this is too loose.

I wish I could unsee it,
I wish I could unhear it,
I wish it never happened -
And I don't want to believe it.

Talking to her,
It's all a blur ,
For during every session,
I weep through her slurs.

I have been debased,
I have been misplaced,
And every time I see her face -
I feel like an absolute.

 Sep 2018 k
Tapiwa Individualist
Hatred hurts,
It hurts the hater.
It makes you feel they deserve it,
But do you deserve it?
Do you deserve to be killing yourself slowly?
Hatred steals,
It steals your joy,
It takes healing far from you,
Hatred betrays you,
It makes you think it's there for you,
It comforts you,
But guess what? It's deception.
Hatred is in no way close to revenge,
To let go of hatred is the ultimate win.
To hate is to lose,
You lose your peace of mind,
Allowing the people you don't want in your life to live in your head,
Is far worse than dropping the pride and letting go.

 Sep 2018 k
 Sep 2018 k
You make me feel like I'm floating in the darkness...
When your lips touch mine it's like I can finally breathe...
And when you hold me close, pressed against your firm body, you make me feel safe, and protected...
I hope to be the star in your darkest nights, and the warmth you feel on your lightest days...
 Sep 2018 k
for more than moms affection.
my body is screaming for food.
and tonight we get the
real deal instead of
our usual fast

or flash-

frozen repast.
but any food is my
friend because it’s under
my control, unlike most of the
rest of my life. i eat when i’m sad.

i eat when i’m lonely. i eat when
i hurts so much inside, it’s
either eat or find an
easy way to die.
the only

time i

can’t eat to
total contentment
is when daddy’s around. “no
daughter of mine will wear double-
digit clothes”, he said once, and meant it.
 Jul 2018 k
JL Smith
Please, don't leave me
You're all that I've got
I'm not ready to trust again
So, I'm alone
Here with you
Making sense of these thoughts

Only few understand
The power behind your art
I was gifted this talent
As it consumes me--every part

Others broke me down,
But you've strengthened my belief
As you flow freely
From my mind and veins with each heartbeat

Don't fail me, Words
You're all that I've got
You've lifted my spirit
To write is to share what life has taught

© JL Smith
 Jun 2018 k
JL Smith
 Jun 2018 k
JL Smith
Tonight, I dedicate this to you
My one-hundredth poem
To the reader who loyally returns
Day after day, view after view

For your support--warm words
Your encouragement and critique
And for the wisdom you've offered
I pray my poetry continually intrigues

You have a friend in me
If you've connected with my verse
I attempt to inspire love, kindness and growth
While revealing that your passion is a force

Do yourself a favor
Seize your greatness
Banish all cynics
Believe in your abilities
And live mightily courageous

Heed these steps
And watch the world around you change
The lives you will touch
Spread miracles through our gifts exchanged

© JL Smith
 Jun 2018 k
Aaron Bee
I missed you.
 Jun 2018 k
Aaron Bee
I only loved you
when it was
I'm really sorry
that I  didn't think
of you
( When it really mattered.)
What's the matter with my
soul? It isn't correct
but nothing feels wrong.

I feel something , I don't know
if it's "sorry".

Looking into the void.
I think I seen you.

Reached out.
We met again.

For the first time.

It was love

Possibly maybe.

holding on to right now.

Frozen. your face perfection.

Eyes closed.

Waiting so anxiously for you
to open them.

You don't.
   My heart arrested by your beauty.
   Shatters when you chose not
   to look at me.

I don't feel any signs of growing.
Been feeling like escaping into romantic perspectives. Wrote this at 1am this morning at work, listening to "on hold" by the **
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