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 Apr 2015
Beebz The Queen
lay with me, oh lay me down
touch me softly, kiss me slow
stepping out into the great unknown
hold me baby, touch me now

hand on my leg and hand in my hair
taste your sweat, our chests bear
breathe you in like the summer air
the sweetest, deepest love affair

your hands wander and travel freely
my nails scrape your back tenderly
searching for love through lust is the key
you found what you were looking for; me
 Nov 2014
Beebz The Queen
I long more than anything
To live deep under the sea
To have the blankets of salt water
Completely suround me

To be able to live
With a dolphin heart
And be totally playful
Cause i know its my part

To make others smile
Whenever they see me play
Cause God gave me the gift
To make anyone's day

I want  a dolphin heart
But not a dolphins mind
I long for a playful spirit
And i long to be kind

But i wish to be courageous
And i want to be daring and brave
So a lion's soul i wish for too
Because those are my gifts that God gave

I wish to be a leader
Because Christ has called me
So a dolphins heart and a lion's soul
Is who im meant to be
Yet again a poem for my friend
 Nov 2014
................A gaping
        written curse...                black hole        
of a mere                             in my    
the vacuum                              space time
    put out by                                continuum...
         Flames                              Tearing a      
 supernovae...                         huge rift        
  of stellar                      in my very
         fireworks              universe...      

 Nov 2014
\      .     /
   \   .    ^       /.. 
  =      <   •   >    =  
         /        V       \         
/  /
\ \
  | |
   \ \
   /  /

sparking at the end
•eating away at my wick•
forcing me into a backward bend•
now by the second I tick...•I am truly
seething•I am... TNT•I am so close to
exploding...•I am...incendiary•it feels
like a crime•but..............there isn't left
much room•it's just a matter of time•
before I finally decide to go...fizz...
 Sep 2014
He said that he was scared of commitment
scared their relationship would be permanent
             And he couldn't handle that

*but his skin was covered in tattoos.
 Sep 2014
Kristo Frost
This notebook and I share a secret,
which I will never reveal.

This notebook, on the other hand,
has at times sleighted me slightly.

This notebook is not to be trusted,
for if I trust it, I may be betrayed.

This notebook and I share a secret;
it will never be told lest I talk.
Thanks to all the readers!
 Sep 2014
Poetic T
 Sep 2014
Mrs Ashley Somebody
She's too perfect.
She's just perfect.
Like...her face wasn't tanned,
it was painted.  
....I feel like somebody just
counted out each of her hairs one by one
and put them in place, like
'one, two, three...
two hundred twenty-one....
three million, five thousand and twenty-one..."
 Sep 2014
I walk with my head down
trying not to be seen
But I can feel them staring
their eyes boring into the back of my head
as I continue down the empty street
 Sep 2014
You and I are always together
in sweat and showers,
delicious dinners,
in choice, in trials, in travels
and at bedtime.
I watch you sleep and wonder
if we are together in dream.
Because I can never get tired of you.

— The End —