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 Aug 2014
This love
short circuits my system.

Unsure how to deal,
all such new ground.

What are the rules?
How does this end?
What goes in between?

Do not trust…
so says my head.

says my heart.

I am a rose.
Soft petals,
subtle scent,
but get too close,
hold too tight,
and you might bleed.

Perhaps more a
Venus fly trap.
Interesting, odd,
hybrid colors,
keep your distance,
at arms length,
pray for safety.

All It ever knew,
all it ever learned was…
don’t let’em too close,
always retreat,
and, if they reach out
to touch…
chomp down,

Your love overwhelms,
short circuits
my system.

Creates new paths,
opens doors unseen,
wraps the heart
in silk and velvet,
tenderly held
in a special place,
away from
unwanted storms,
aimed at maiming
and destruction.

Nerves grow,
reaching out
to new ground,
sprouting words and
images never
known before.

Not sure what
to make of it.

I hear again
the whispered exchange
between mind
and heart.

Mind asks,
“Can you…
should you…
What have you
learned in eons

Heart replies,
“We can smile,
wide, bright.
A smile that reaches
the eyes,
and we can try,
can’t we…maybe…

This time
we will try.

This time,
the heart wins.

-by Mercurychyld
Can one ever truly, blindly trust the mechanics of something
as complex as love? Who knows.
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
Table clock has rang
Boy has supposed to hang
He should be can
One day he will be a man
I think it is a big fun
Bag has on his shoulder
Books like some big boulder!
And he runs like a smart soldier

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
A school song for today's children who are carrying so many books when they are even under age...
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
Love, where did it make?
And how my love far away from your heart
How it moves through my life?

It installed early when river initiated from a waterfall
It roosts into soul and flows through the vein and vale
And it is seeking the sea where it melts with me

The high Himalayas are out of my range
I could not climb it, she thought
And it makes a dark shadow

The difference between you and me
The shadow as the twilight of the horizon
And after then the dark,
The very dark wall

The poet has a pair of dreaming wings like an angel
And his mind is a gay in such a jocund company

He could, she can break the shadow in mind and soul
How long the shadow!
How thick the wall!
That never stronger than the passion of a poet -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen  & Vanessa Gatley
Love: the unlimited inspiration of a poet/poetess.......
 Aug 2014
Michael Amery
Do not stress over the broken dreams of yesterday,
Cracks in the walls of your good intentions allow the glimmer of light,
Neither sought or understood,
To shine through.
You cannot know what awaits,
Not can you have more than the slightest effect on your life's outcome for 'you' as you know yourself to be is nothing more than a grouping of molecules more complex than the universe you reside in and your thoughts and designs no more authored by you than your eventual fate.
So please do not angst over broken hearts and what may have been,
You never really had a chance anyway,
Yet realize that something good and often better will come for within you resides the universe just as you reside within it.
 Aug 2014
Tiffanie Noel Doro
I have been cracking bones to get to my heart-
Keeping a firm grip-
Hindering it from running wild

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
 Aug 2014
Forgive me dearest for my childlike ways;
Those dormant traits which never seem to die.
Forgive my foolishness and futile days,
Although when seized how quickly seem to fly!
A word well intended uttered in haste;
A cup of cold water spilling as tears.
Each dream shattered as days blend into waste.
Unspoken thoughts hampered by icy fears.
Nor am I gifted with spirit mature
Able to gratify impulse or whim.
Some enjoy life so capable and sure
Untainted by cold nature's hand so grim.
Thus musing upon grey veiled tomorrow
May we refrain from worry to borrow.

© Hilda 8/10/14
 Aug 2014
The Masked Sleepyz
When it rains here,
there is no lightning, nor thunder to fear,
like a tear,
without the shakey voice,
you have the choice,
hide under a tree,
or let everyone one see,
you embrace the sadness,
you embrace the storm,
feeling the cold but accepting the warm,
shout at the clouds,
I'm not leaving!
as the sun shines,
and the tears are just lines,
you will smile knowing,
that when you feel the wind blowing,
and the rain makes you feel like a wet pup,
you can accept it.
I think I stopped writing aboot a storm within the first few lines
 Aug 2014
The Unbeliever
Today's new day
A bit less blood
Maybe my tongue
Doesn't papercut
Inside my mouth

Maybe my fists won't clench
That man won't undress me with his eyes
Make me unspecial, a *****

Today it's love
Everywhere, here
Seems to be, hope for me
The men are learning
Haven been broken
Taken to lengths unknown
Maybe one for me

Look at me
Unreadable, adorable
Beautiful, deep eyes

Let flowers sprout
Beneath my feet
Cool, rain wash
Away my sins
Forgive me, Father,
I might love again
Maybe, maybe

There is one
But not mine
A fantastic love
Broken, resilient
Vowed to try

I am jealous
Joy, though for a kindred soul
So lucky, what did she do?
Blessings from heaven
God's Gift to her

Will it prove true?
Or another lie?

I want it so badly
Unselfish for her
Because if there is one
There is two
I want to nurture
Guide and help

But to be anything more
Than an observer, spectator
Clapping hands, the audience alive
Will distract the stage, show
Maybe make a player, lover
Miss a step, trip out of step
Distractions, a bump

She's a beauty to behold
Him, in love, almost
It seems, a worship
Worthy goddess
Worthy love
For the men that make me think they might not be all the same, and will love her on her own terms...
For all the women, true to themselves, we must help them be the men we need them to be. Do something to show them they're on the right path.
So much love today! It's overwhelming!
 Aug 2014
Paula Lee
She chases the darkness,
Nothing, but darkness and her,
She sits there,
Darkness a blanket she can wear,
And she listens to the nothingness
that only the darkness allows;

And if she was still aware,
I'm sure she would get down on her knees
and Thank the darkness for the
The Blessed Silence
that cocoons her now;

and when daylight comes,
she runs and hides,
hiding from the light that burns,
hiding from the pain and hiding
from the voices, the voices to loud,
and she waits for the sunset,
Eager to be spared.
then she's running again,
into the darkness,
back to the Nothingness
that the darkness allows.*

And if she was still aware,
I'm sure she would get down on her knees,
and Thank the darkness
for the Silence,
The Blessed silence
that cocoons her now.
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