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 Aug 2014
Joe Cole
Under loved
Under paid
Under wanted

But hey life's good
 Aug 2014
Joe Cole
I'm 69 years old and every day for years has been special to me
I see the news every day, more death and destruction
Young men and women of every nation and yes children too
Denied the right to grow old
Victims of the bullet, bomb, rocket, famine
On my head a scar
Between the tip of my left ear and the few brains I have left
Yes, an eighth of an inch more, no head left
Courtesy of an AK 47
Another occasion 9 days in hospital, 5 of them completely blind
Courtesy of an improvised bomb
And yet I'm still here to tell about it
While so many are not
Should I be feeling guilt?
I don't know
But I still ask myself the question after all these years
Why so many have died
And yet I survived
These days I live by the motto

Live for today, tomorrow might never come
 Aug 2014
Amanda In Scarlet
I am skilled in the art of the bitter self-slur.
Coward, selfish, ugly, weak,
For now, these are my truths.
I blend them, drink them in,
They make me thin.
I am myself. These are my choices,
I direct rage inwards, flee non-sanctuary,
Take refuge in the trees, and there, a black-eyed dog
bares his teeth and threatens, but I let him,
I pet him. His tongue is rough, and grazes me,
I laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
 Aug 2014
Sand dunes edge an indigo horizon
Their creamy shades highlighted
By silver moon
Briny water laps gently at ticklish toes
I breathe you in, great mother
Your looted depths, the womb
We all sprang from
My gaze seeks light across the miles
Hopeful that distant shores are also straining
To find my prism shining in the dark
Chilled arms raise up to hug a body
Too long gone without the warmth of touch
I shiver, grinding sand beneath my feet
Perhaps if I stand long enough, dig deep enough
Stone will form, encasing me whole
The only remnants of life
A single tear
Shed in mourning for a lost embrace
 Aug 2014
Summer breeze coasting through the trees
Wind chimes remind me
I've had better times
But here I am again
Because I can't sleep peacefully
Mary Jane hides the worst in me

As I shut my eyes,
I only see
Liquid black
Like the color of my soul
I was doing so well you see


But I had a crack in my shield
And the nightmares came back
Brutally vengeful
I only had my screams to keep me company

3 hours, and one very hot shower later
And I'm back,
Contemplating life on the patio
Flicking a lighter
Breathing deep
Letting the smoke seep
Back into my system


It's a vicious cycle
Recovering from memories

My nightmare waits for me back home
2 hours and 12 minutes away
I can't put it off any longer
Just thinking about him makes me anxious
And terribly sad
Because people who tell you they love you
Shouldn't hurt you
They shouldn't force and rip their way inside of you
Until everything burns
Make no mistake
Tears don't blur the violence
Soap never disinfects the shame of silence

I think I should be over it by now
Honestly, **** happens
People get ***** every day
Anyone who tells you different is a liar
Or perhaps just blind
Either way,
I don't need prayers
I don't need sympathy
I probably need a **** lobotomy
Or maybe just a clean slate

So I continue to breathe
One breath at a time
While my eyes gradually drift close

I am alive
But parts of me are dead
But even Wonder Woman needs a day off

© 2014 Peach
"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away"
 Aug 2014
Hardening your heart won't stop it breaking

They're hardly conversations we've been making

Blunt words still bruise

Soft words confuse -

Both ways you'll still be aching
 Aug 2014
James Sebastian
That night in
your car with
the windows steamed
up maybe because
for the first time
in months I
had felt warm
and as the light
slowly melted away
I did not notice
it was the start of
something beautiful
but beauty fades
glory fades
and now you're
fading and I'm left
wondering if it was
ever beautiful
at all
 Aug 2014
James Sebastian
I often wonder
as the night
closes in and
so do the walls
around my mind
I wonder when
it happened in
human evolution
that we would
become inescapably
immobilised by
the hands of a
 Aug 2014
Jonny Angel
I’ve ever known
has gone away
& I’ve spent a lifetime
waking up with a broken heart.
I wish she was here,
the one who took me to a place
nobody else ever could.
I wish I could wake up next to her
so she could feel the pain
of my emptiness
without her.
 Aug 2014
anna victoria
The night you took it, we were drunk off our *****.
It was a mistake. I should have never trusted you.
It was the best night of my life, and the worst.
I regret it, or maybe I'm just upset that you never called.
For you it was just ***.
For me, it was my first.
18 year build up.
You made me feel special and good.
All night. All day. Nonstop.
Joking. Laughing. Kissing. Cuddling.
You took a picture on my phone,
You said I was the most beautiful girl.
Shouldn't have listened.
All the things you said,
Been running through my head.
Can't stop thinking of you.
How can I miss someone I barely know?
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
I thought you would call.
You never did.
Now all I can think about,
are all my imperfections
That would make you not want me.
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