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baby girl
grown up now
again on her own
magnificent in her being
has become a tortured soul

some things don't seem fair
shouldn't have happened this way
are things as they should be?
that's what the wise ones say

watching your
sweet love child struggle
to make it through each day
such heart break to see a life
unfold this way

I hope and I pray
I hope and pray each and every day
she will choose this life
that she will choose to stay

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
 Dec 2014
Sameer Denzi
Poets of old sang of a garden so beautiful
Even time stops there to stand and stare
Its crystal springs will invigorate souls
Its fruits of nectar will sensually soothe
Its shades will induce a blissful sleep
Its flowers bloom to an infinite hue

To find this elusive garden so beautiful
A treacherous trek one must undertake
On unmarked trails and crumpling bridges
With blistered soles and grumbling stomachs
Short-cuts there are, but who knows to where
For no one's come back or reached the other end

Trek past meadows, valleys, fiords and peaks
Their beauty will compel you to stand and stare
The trees will call you to their fruits and shade
Tired limbs will beg you to rest and rejuvenate
So tarry a while, to enjoy the fruits and views
But tarry too long and you'll forget the way...

To that Garden ever so beautiful
Life is a poor imitation of reality
Poem dedicated to 'Born'
 Dec 2014
Lesson one: give your heart to someone who gives theirs back. And hell she'll give you her heart on her sleeve, with a magic that allows you to conceive, real love, the kind that others dream of, the kind you look above and wish upon a star for, everything you wanted, she'll give you more.
Lesson two: find eyes that embody a maze that you could get lost in for days. And as you gaze at each other, you are no longer dazed by anxieties and caution signs because she reads through the lines and untangles and unwinds knots others have left behind.
Lesson three: lust is not love but when you find both, grab them tight. Because for the first time in your life you'll feel as though you got something right and as you see her in sight and she sets you alight with just one look, take note of the tattered heart she willingly took, the time she gave up to read into and not judge by the cover of your book.
Lesson four: always hold the door but never hold back. Hold the door for opportunity and unity in a way you could never construe existed, because within moments she'll have your eyes misted, your vision twisted, into the future, you see yourselves sharing, and those walls that she's tearing down will form new foundations for you to find your own ground.
Lesson five: tell her everyday how beautiful you think she is. Because with every day that passes, through each lens of her glasses she'll develop a tainted view and this time it's up to you to offer her your eyes, to help her see and realise, her beauty inside. Inside the body you adore, the woman you'd do anything for.
Lesson six: love is meant to last. So run her a bath, fill up her glass, do the dishes, commend her wishes, lay her fears to rest as she curls into your chest, calm the wars in her mind, undo and unwind with the love that you find in a fountain overflowing with her name, show her your game, not now but for forever, that whatever the weather, you will be there, show her you care and if you tried you couldn't care any more, tell her every day what you're grateful for.
Lesson seven: draw a line under the faults your find for she is only human too, let her know you love her through and through.
Lesson eight: show her. Kiss her, hold her, brush your fingers through her hair and stare into her eyes, as they sparkle and shine as the milk and honey on her lips and yours become entwined. For her make time, all the time in the world, because only once, will you find this girl, this lady, the one that you'll say, made you into the person you always wanted to be, who gave you eyes to see, only once will you find this lady, who will set you free, allow you to be all that you can be, and you shall do the same for her too, only once do you find the other half of you.
First draft..
 Dec 2014
Joe Cole
It's midnight in the city, a gently falling rain
Just the odd car passing,  the distant rumble of a train

I sit here and listen to the creatures of the night
Listen because I can't see them for they stay out of sight

One sound stands out above the rest, continually it's heard
Even on the darkest night the singing of a bird

I know not what it looks like, colourful or drab
It doesn't realy matter because the songs are never sad

All night she sings while others sleep, her songs so loud and clear
Bringing happiness in the darkness to all who are there to hear

Why does she sing her sweet refrain through the hours of the night?
Perhaps she sings for those of us who have to stay awake

Then come the early morning light and a mighty choir is heard
No human intervention but a choir of singing birds

It's with reluctance that I must leave here with the coming of the light
But later I'll be back once more to hear her singing through the night
Long lonly nights working as a security officer and listening to the same bird singing in all weathers was the inspiration for this poem. Sorry for the typos
 Dec 2014
How captivating it is
To watch the sun who was told she must love the sky, to fearlessly defy,
To fall to her knees,
Ignoring others pleas and
With all in sight
Kiss the earth goodnight.
 Dec 2014
kiss me
and you shall test revenge.
put your hand o'er my heart
and you'll hear the beat to which Lillith's children dance
Let me drain all the blood from your body
oh,c'mon! you don't need to be sorry
allow me to carve a smile across your face
and when they find you,
I shall fade.
Oh non, rien de rien
Oh non, je ne regrette rien

You left a hollow space in my heart
but darling, you can't undo the past.
you screamed in pain
of language I knew not a trace
Regrets? I have not one.
I was your angel who shone in the sun
but now, I am the ruler of your demons
Oh non rien de rien
Oh non,je ne regrette rien

Oh no,no regrets
Oh no,i have no regrets
 Dec 2014
SG Holter
Here. brush and palette.
paint us on the
walls of tomorrow's

bright colours, please.
I didn't walk this far
to darken.
paint us

smiling. laughing. content.
believing. no prayers on
knees; no coin wet with
wishing well water.

all we need is imagination
and faith.
bellies made for butterflies;
skin for tingling.

life is meant for risks.
we only live a thousand

this fantastic view shows
nothing unsoft. I didn't climb
this high not to
 Dec 2014
Her pain…
My knees are blistered
Hands clenched, white knuckles
My thoughts echo in my head
Over and over
Can’t you hear me…pleading

Her pain…
I’ve carved initials in imaginary trees
Wrote poems in fresh blood
Cried for no reason…yes reasons
My breath is heavy on my chest
I stare up…up…up

Her pain…
I am weaker, yet still strong
Singing promises in off tempo phrases
Drowning in sanded fears
Clutching my heartstrings
Dreaming nightmare blemishes

Her pain…
I have done the best I can
Smiled when I couldn’t
Laughed as I frowned
Collapsed against my well wishes
Screaming to the heavens

Her pain…put it all on me, all on me, all on me, all on me
 Dec 2014
When I say I want you
I don't just mean right here, right now,
I mean
I want all of you, from now until we're nearing the end of our lifeline, so we can replay and rewind the hands of time and get lost and reminisce, seal our memories with a kiss and smile in bliss.

I want you when you're smiling
And laughter is tumbling down your chin, when you bear your heart on your sleeve and cautiously invite me in. So I can carefully clasp it in my palms and disable the ringing of alarms, your concerns and qualms.
I want you when you're crying
Head in hands, fed up with the demands of day to day life, when struggles are rife. So I can get down on my knees, answer your pleas, anxieties cease, and place your hands in mine, as we unravel and unwind, the confusions in your mind.
I want you when you're insecure, when your wondering should I want more, when your unsure as to why it is that I adore, you. So I can carefully reassure that you are everything I've ever wanted and more and tell you one by one everything about you that I am grateful for.
I want you through the frustrations and accusations because we live in a nation that can be too small to accept, the love shared between our chests, because we both have *******.
I want you when you're wide awake at three in the morning, life's stresses and messes portrayed in the concern masking your smile. So I can walk each and every mile needed to reconcile your inner peace.
I want you when your fast asleep, where our bodies meet and greet each other in the most beautiful of embraces. So I can capture and appreciate the wonder of fate  and the miracles it makes as the ground shakes and my heart forsakes everything it was and everything it could be, because you now own it in its entirety.

I want you in a million and one spaces, places, pauses, causes.

I want you through and through, I want you, everything you think, feel, do,
I want you irrevocably, inexorably, infinitely.
For as long as you shall have me.
First draft, will definitely revisit.
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