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 Dec 2014
SG Holter
Torn was the fabric of our
painful pasts.

torn by shots fired from heart
to heart, ricocheting between

bruises and disappointments,
then wedging themselves between

ribs, to rest and incapsulate.
I run my asking fingers across

your entry wound.
we did this to ourselves.

torn to pieces, the drapes between
us and The Holiest of Heavens.

let us never cease fire.
empty your every clip;

beautiful, beautiful
 Dec 2014
Joe Cole
You know I have no idea
What is a cliche or metaphors?
Sorry no idea
I write from the heart
The love of words
I don't need the *******
Write what you think and feel
That's true poetry
 Dec 2014
Christopher Lowe
Irrational beauty
A fly away thought
Of yesterdays
And places far away
Of your back on the grass
Or your feet In the sand
Your head in Clouds
Hand in my
 Dec 2014
He came everyday to see her 
As her life slowly withers
She mount every will to endure the pain
With him standing to catch her faint
There's no way she can submit to fear
Frail like a snail slowly reaching the end
He didn't give up, he knew she'll get better

He loved her through her 
misery and pain. Even though 
she was fading out into the black 
and grey. He promised to kiss her 
and stay. With his shining light he 
let her demons come out and play 
and managed to stop the sad songs 
that were stuck on in her head every 
single day. Hand in hand he walked 
with her out of the dark while he tore 
the shadows that used to follow her apart. 
Kissing her under the night sky claiming 
that he was love drunk. Turning her lips 
to crushed cranberry red. “You’ll get better 
I promise” he said.

She kept thinking what if she dies
And he finds another soul
She hated that thought
But she rendered to the cold
She knew deep inside
She's not getting  better
Her life filching barely at its end
She smiled through pretense crescent
Deceiving like the moon gleaming
Fate fall through and disguised in surprise
Accidents love kissing loyal men
She survived and he died
She cries forever
Until she listens to his last voicemail
"Baby, I don't wanna say this. But I told you so.. you got well. I'm sorry I couldn't make it till the end, so please learn to love again."
Erenn in Italics
Carolin in Bold
Sometimes fate has its twist and accidents happen. But please learn to love again.
My first ever collab with Carolin!!
She's amazing and crazy talented!
Go read her amazing writes!
 Dec 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I'm tired
   *My whole being wants to give up
I feel like giving up on everything. Except for writing.
 Nov 2014
Poetic T
I looked at the picture of you
I never felt my tears
Collect upon the plain glass
Collecting my emotions in the corner
A puddle of
Of not having you by my side,
"You left me"
"You deserted me"
"You left a broken heart"
After you
There is no life,
There is but loneliness
"I throw the picture"
Its frame shatters upon
But out of destruction
I see a written note,
"Your words"
I franticly
Tread upon broken glass
To read this moment frozen
Never spoken from lips till now,
"Dearest one"
"I treasured our moments"
"With each breath I breathed you in"
"I want you to remember the times"
"That mattered"
"Those times are your treasures"
"In the hard times"
"Read these words"
"I love you without hesitation"
"I will love you from a far"
"My love for you never went out"
"It still burns from a far"
"I will never leave you"
"look towards the heavens"
"Know that I am forever in your heart"
He was always the romantic
"I hold this note to my heart"
My darling, I will never give in
For one day we will meet,
With that day, it will be as if we were *never apart.
Loss of a loved one is not an easy path..
 Nov 2014
Ember Evanescent
Dear Pamela Rae

You are such a kind and magnificent soul.

You poetry is deeply moving.

You are a deeply moving person and poet.

You words make my day all the time and you are truly inspiring.

I have selected some of my favorite lines from your poetry and
responded to them.

Take my smile,
dear Universe
so that I might know pain
-Pamela Rae

What an extraordinary thought! Beautifully written and insightful.

I have a room
where I keep
so many memories
-Pamela Rae

It is a powerful feeling to imagine the waves of recollections washing over you as you step into a room that hold memories. Unique idea and gives physicality to otherwise intangible echoes of the past.

My heart stopped.
I thought I had
lost you.
-Pamela Rae

The dread and terror that vibrate within this phrase is so impactful you can just imagine the feeling of your pounding heart suddenly coming to a halt. To be unable to function due to shock so exquisitely contrasts numbness and anguish.

All she needs
Is to escape into life.
-Pamela Rae

Magnificent concept. To find refuge in living. Your mind works in a wonderful way.

Without Questions
there would be
no answers.
-Pamela Rae

True and lovely. Wise words. Simple and brilliant.

You keep telling me
About the mistakes I've made,
The things I've done
As if speaking of them
Will change what took place
Nothing can change
The past, nothing can erase
The hurt, the pain, the sadness—
-Pamela Rae

Such aching heartbreak grips these poetic words in such a real way. Emotions made out of syllables. I can feel the agony crawling across my skin like early winter frost on a window pane. Enchanting yet haunting.

Stop being so scared, my friend--
it's going to be okay.
-Pamela Rae

Words of encouragement are such a rare find in poetry. You come across as such a supportive person for this and I genuinely believe you are.

Dear Pamela Rae,
Your comments on my poetry and your messages always make me smile.
You have a way with words that is unlike anyone else’s.
You don’t bend them to your will the way a puppet master manipulates strings, you softly mold them like clay, gently and kindly the way your soul works in this world: Gently and Kindly.
I see so much beauty in your work and in you.
I see such unprecedented elegance and I want you to know, you are Starlight.
I can’t think of a metaphor to do your brilliance justice, but Starlight is as close as I can get.
You shine through darkness, your kind words pierce particularly my own dark days and provide delicate brightness to trace the path to smiling again.
You seem like a strong and phenomenal, inspiring person and poet.
I want to thank you for your kindness.
If you were a tiny crystal in a beach of powdery white sand, you would be precious enough to be worth searching through every grain of it to find you.
Rare and priceless.
In my eyes, you are Crystal Starlight. :)
Thank you for being amazing you.

It has made a difference in my life.

Love Ember
 Nov 2014
Everything I am, everything I shall be,
Everything I was, everything you see,
I give to thee
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