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 Apr 2016
This one time
I watched a special on T.V.
After the News.

This boy was epileptic
And the doctors took half of his brain out.
He was perfectly fine.
Just needed to practice using both hands and eyes.

I look around this school
And I see kids
With their brains.

My head swirls around
As they let go so easily.
Forget so, so easily.

My eyes land on you.
And your brain is fine
There is a big red stain on the front of your shirt.

I look down,
And there's a stain
On mine too.

The thing is,
It's easy to love with your brain
Because if you lose a part of it
You're okay.

People like us
Don't love with our brains.
We love with our hearts.
And sometimes they get cut up.

We have some band-aids but
We're still waiting
For stitches
From that one special

Until then
Sometimes our shirts get stained.
Yours, stained for him.
Mine, stained for you.
For Samm
 Apr 2016
Pauline Morris
Little boy blue, for you I blow the horn
I wish you was just lost amongst the corn
But the monster came and snatched your hand
Lead you off to an angry foreign land
I can see you, but can't touch your frozen heart
You was such a loving child at the start
But my little boy has grown into an angry man
Now in this empty field I stand
A trillion tears I've cried for you
Of the loss of my little boy blue
Who's eye's use to look up to me with love
You are my only son sent from above
But now you've gone into the void
Your innocence and ability to love destroyed
 Apr 2016
Javier Garza
Roaming these empty hallways
With dead eyes I see nothing of interest
Roaming from room to room
I see no light to lead me through the dark

It's a blind stumble
There's no joy
And all I see are baren walls
As I continue on walking

I keep on searching with half opened eyes
Partly wishing to find some meaning in all the emptiness
Half hoping to find some light to bring back color to this dull life

Cliché isn't it
That it was you who sparked some life in me
With a simple smile
Simply acknowledging me
It gave my life a little bit of meaning

So I continue walking through these empty hallways alongside you
The barren walls seem to have gotten some color
The hallways don't seem as dark
The lights seem to be working again

Then others came
More beings who spurred something deep within
Something absolutely human
It itself was light
And it interested me
A difference from the same dark
So I continued walking alongside my new companions

Together we all walked
No longer did I search in empty rooms
Or gazed through broken windows
Because I somehow managed to leave it all behind when I walked through the door that led to the outside world
To the life full of color
Full of new sounds and smells
To a brand new world full of wonder and interest

But what's most interesting
Is what led me to this world
The friends who brought me here
Who were the light amongst the bland
And the friend who started it all
So I'll explore this new world with him and the others
To see what else I might find of interest
To see what else might give my life meaning
 Apr 2016
Pauline Morris
Here I stand at the edge of the woods, hands trembling
At the thought of entering
How am I gonna do this
My sanctuary I miss

But it was taken away
One evil dark day
Once what brought me joy
Now seems to destroy
No longer happy memories
Me in his clutch is all I see

Please my friend take my hand and lead me
For the images he left are beastly
Hold me tight while I grive
For his dark deeds seethe
His putrid touch I still feel
It's to much, to real

I want my sanctuary back
I don't want this beautiful place to turn black
I want to hear the nightingale's song again
Watch the fish in the creeks swim
Watch the breeze
Play about the tree's
I want to once again sit quietly
Seeing the deer walk about so skittishly

Please my friend hold me tight
So these thoughts of his invasion I can fight
Please stay right beside
So when it gets to much in your arms I can hide
This time the darkness I can't fight on my own
For the cut he left was down to the bone
So grip my hand tight and lead me in
One deep breath let us begin
Confronting the memory where it began
Hold on to me so I can stand
Help me dear friend take back this land
 Apr 2016
Pauline Morris
You make happiness look so easy to achieve
It almost makes me believe
That there might be Something more for me
But we where dealt different cards
My problems fiercely followed and bombard
In this harsh game called life
I was dealt from the straight blade knife

Human monster's never claimed you in your youth
Your parents love was only there to sooth
A warm family and many friends
Always greeted you with warm hugs and grins
You never knew loss, only wins
You never seen the circling of shark fins

Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge your happy life
I'm glad the universe with you had no gripe
I only ask you don't judge where I stand
For human monsters have always had my hand
Dragging me into their agonizing lands
Till I was foever stuck in depressions quicksand

I would just like for you to acknowledge my pain is real
I'm not feeling sorry for myself, this darkness is sealed
It's not make belive in my head, it's the scars on my heart, in my memories, on my skin
The monsters keep coming there is no end

We where delt from diffrent decks
We are nothing but universal specks
You were dealt better cards
Mine from the start was marred
I don't judge or envy you
I don't want sympathy, all I ask is you give me the respect I'm due
 Apr 2016
Pauline Morris
I got your lovely flowers today
I watched as you knelt and swept the leaves away
I watched you cry as you laid them down
You stayed knelt there on the ground
For awail your soft crying was the only sound

Then you started talking, telling me you was sorry
But I didn't need your apology
I understood you couldn't come around more often
I loved when you found the time to stop in
It's ok we didn't spend more time togeather, life got in the way
I still love you even now, today

Don't want your tears
I know the future you fear
You think with the passing years
That I wont be near
But I promise my child, I will be
Just look you'll see

I'll be in the wind that moves the hair from your face
I'll be the flame that warms you in the fireplace
I'll be the rain that kisses your lips
I'll be the light when the darkness grips
I'll be that soft whisper in your ear
I'll do all I can to let you know I'm near
When your sad with eyes cast down
I'll leave you feathers and pennies to be found

My child you don't need to leave your flowers
Or to set here and cry and cower
For all that remains in the grave is my bones
I'm everywhere you roam
So dry your eyes my sweet child, lets go home
 Apr 2016
When I finally convinced myself that you loved me
as much as you said you did
I found out that you didn't.
The worst part is that you made me feel safe.
And that is something I rarely feel.
Now you're like my childhood house,
burnt to a crisp and unstable to live in.
I pass by everyday
and sometimes wish to go in it.
But I know that it will never be the same.
it's been a month
 Apr 2016
There was a certain air to the night, that reminded me too much of you.

I wasn't sure if it was your cologne or just a warmth within the winds.

Maybe it was the coldness of your empty side of the bed.

Or the weightlessness of my empty hands without yours in them.

Memories of you were inescapable. Everything about you lingered in the air.
In collaboration with Star Gazer :)
 Apr 2016
We're all just lost souls searching for that momentary distraction of happiness  

 Apr 2016
Star Gazer
I remember the days when I called you angel
We kept our hearts hidden playing house
But we were truly strangers to one another.
I remember the days when I called you darling
And kept running back to your side
Like I was caught between revolving doors.
I remember the days when I called you my love
Without knowing the true definition of love
Like I had been illiterate my whole life.
I remember the days when I told you I loved you
Without knowing the extent of what 3 words could do
Like a prophet sitting on a million tales.
I remember the days when I saw your face
I wept, I smiled and I laughed on the inside of myself
Where a knife could never ever penetrate.
I remember the days when I cheered upon your success
Where your joy meant my happiness
Only to realise I placed you on a pedestal.
I remember many things, but I can't seem to remember you,
I can't remember the memories,
They say when you part ways with another,
The memories become experiential,
That they either become coated and distorted
In bitterness or sweetness,
That they become coated in beauty,
But I don't remember the memories,
I don't remember you.
 Apr 2016
The Revolutionist
I carved our names on the tree
and then I set it on fire, to leave a constant reminder
of a love that spark, burned, and later died out....
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