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 May 2015
Even if I fall in love with you,
Would it matter if I don't walk all the way?
I don't know what time has to offer,
Would it matter if I love only for a day?
I am not sure where I will be tomorrow,
Would it matter If I ask you to heal me today?
I don't know if I will feel the same always,
Would it matter if I let my emotions sway?
I don't know when our path will crossover,
Would it matter if I ask you, not to walk away?
I don't know if I will ever be sure of us,
Would it matter if you be the stronger clay?
I don't know anything about my situation,
Would it matter if you love me anyway?
 May 2015
Why do we need protection?
Why are we scared of rejection?
We are a cradle of complexities,
Full of lies and duplicities.
Why do we show, what we are not?
Layering up things and making it rot,
The chaos that we create for a gain,
I don't comprehend the love for the pain.
What is it that makes life move on?
With all the sorrows, it still beats on.
Laughing faces with aching hearts,
So many wishes and faking arts.
Why it is important to always win?
Pain is everywhere but still faces grin.
Should we, be scared or break free?
Self preservation is a strong decree.
Survival is a continuous fight,
Who knows which path is right?
Best to follow where the heart leads,
In the end we'll know if we did succeed.
 May 2015
Dear Abby,
I'm sorry we lost touch. I'm sorry you were sad. I'm sorry you felt the need to end your life.

I didn't want to know how you did it, because then it would be too real.
I know we weren't in each others lives anymore, but know that you have impacted me all the same. I care and have love for you. You were beautiful and so kind.

I wish you didn't jump. I wish you knew how much you were loved. I'm sorry Abby. I'm sorry. Rest in peace.
 May 2015
We don't have to wait,
Halloween comes every day,
Shadow figures on their way,
The side show
The freak show
The funhouse across the bay,
We go there on purpose every day.

My light is kind of
fading I can see it
in the mirror
I can't quite see my way
to make it there today.

Your flashlights
in this funhouse Darkness
to light the way,
for lost and wandering souls
as it has every day.

The soul whisperer
A lone long walker
The warrior spirit
A solo ocean swimmer
The darting eyed organizer
with the heart of gold
A stand-up comic
The old old sage
willing to fight it out
in the bleakness factory
every day.

As I make my way
to the exit sign
I can hear the five o'clock
the lobby scene
cops dragging
a woman
screaming my name
I go anyway.

For those kind souls
left behind
the listener hums a tune
in his own mind
closes the door
one last time
with a sigh,
has left it
all behind
short prayer to the passing
of time,
for those who put their
love and compassion
on the line
in every way
every day.
 May 2015
Luna Lynn
a ****** at her worst
i am opened raw
vulnerable and naked;
no wall

care for me delicately
before you toss me away
understand my flaws,
get to know me
but don't make me change

rock bottom; so it's as they say
i'm thrown a rope of thorns
to find my way

i hear a sound in the distance
it's a voice of reason; a chant of song
cheering me on

i may be mistaken
there ain't no choir for people like me
only a pocket full of prayers;
a head full of dreams

let me go
let me be
let me crawl
on ****** knee

a touch of fate grasps my arm for life
**** it, why fight?

you're watching me closely
aren't you?
(paranoia setting in)
what do you see so special about an angel soaked in sin?

standing on the ledge
below they are screaming JUMP
bare ***** and broken
i just look up
(C)Maxwell 2015
 May 2015
Just Melz
I dont care about signing the divorce,
I've already told you that.
All I want is my kids,
more than just a few measly weekends,
I want them to not call her mommy,
I want my kids to learn from me,
I want my kids to know that I love them,
I want my kids to not be used as pawns
in your battle to hurt me.
I want my kids to not get hurt by this war
that you are starting with your arrogance
and inflated ego,
I want my kids to not be emotionally abused by you.
My ex (the father of my kids) told me that if I sign over custody of my kids to him and give him a divorce that he would give me two weekends a month.
THIS was my response.
 May 2015
Keva Minus
Men:   I will bring you the moon.

" Can you just bring me a sandwich?"
Those Promises are empty.
I hate empty Promises !
Where is that moon you promised me?

By: Keva Minus ©
 May 2015
Mike Hauser
She is beauty, she is grace

She is the wonder of the day

She is whispered on the wind

Spoken highly of by men

The very talk of the town

She is the thought that comes around

She is the hope in all of this

She's at the top of every list

She is the dream you can't escape

Although you don't look for a way

She is the light to a man's path

Showing where it is all at

She's the cause and the effect

Over everything there is

After all is done and said

She is all that there is left

She is the fulfillment to man's need

All the best that's gone to seed

Out of all of this and that

She is woman at her best
 May 2015
Ann M Johnson
I count the minutes until we can be together
You are missed my friend
  My first love
  I knew it from the moment I first picked up a pen
You never judge me
  You seem to always love me
You make sense out of every silly thought
  In fact at times you turn the weirdest ideas
  Into an inspired work of art
  For these reasons and so many more
  I will love always love you
  I will come visit you soon  
   When  I get to take a study break
   Hopefully soon for sanity's sake
   Lets plan for June
   I will meet you soon
   I will bring a notebook and pen
   My love and friend
    Your name is like a sweet melody
    POETRY <3
This is dedicated to  ALL OF YOU< POETRY FRIENDS
Who also love the written Art of Poetry!!!!
 May 2015
Luna Lynn
i've held them in
and now they fall
it's a bittersweet taste after all

you love me forever
i love you the same

and it's for that very reason
we had to walk away

No hate, only love. Forever.

(C) Maxwell 2015
 May 2015
I stand at the feet
of this stunning sunset,
The sparks in my eyes,
light each star.

Rhythm of each twinkle,
          synced with that of my own.
          Strong and sure,
          albeit few and far.

Nameless wind brings to me,
stories of silky clouds
I pull your smile deep in my heart
and finally can breathe.

Familiar words
          without cloaks nor shrouds.
          Just words...
          Yours and mine to reveal what
          our hearts would unsheathe.

What day is this?
Perfect to find
the rebirth of
freshly dewed dreams.

It isn't yesterday
          nor is it tomorrow
          It's today...
          Where the sun would see us
          weave our tapestries
          through promise-bound seams.

I feel deep in my heart,
a fluttery stirring,
A hope,
a strength to reach out to you.

This hope you speak of...
          Tethered by no thread or string
          Mending my universe
          and making it new.

          So now I stand
          at the end of this set...
          Seeking the beacon
          that I had known.
          I'd again brave through this day
          Just so that I could hear your heart
          that beats with my own...

     *Dajena M

 May 2015
Gwen Johnson
I'm me for my hours spent on poetry
And my love of tea
And dancing off my energy
I'm me for singing quietly
And walking off shyly
But maybe I'm me for more than you can see
Maybe there's more to the hours spent in bed on netflix and tumblr
Maybe there's a girl that you don't see
She seems to think hiding is the best way to handle stress
And telling everyone she's okay will make her less of a mess
She rates herself lower than everyone she meets
She tries to communicate the best she can
But everything in her tells her to panic
And maybe I smile as much as I can
But something inside is crying out
And maybe I don't know me
Maybe that's something I'm still figuring out
Maybe I have all the pieces but they're mixed around
And maybe I could be more put together
But there's no such thing as perfection
So a little broken beauty won't hurt
I'm just another human
That has some things to figure out
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