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 May 2015
Sia Jane
I missed you before you even left.
     “One day she will leave,” echoes
tirelessly throughout
      a hallway once adorned with love.
  I was too blinded those days,
even now in all truth
my own cigarette smoke covered
   the betrayal in your eyes
each time you told me,
                “I am truly, madly deeply,
                      in love with you.”
Smoke rings filled the room,
and in the haze
  of mist,
a Judas kiss.    

© Sia Jane
Written up as typed on my wonderful typewriter, Mr Darcy <3
 May 2015
Luna Lynn
i killed myself today
stood in the mirror and faded away

i watched the blood
pool down the drain

i was reborn into newness
and the fear was sustained

the death of myself is the truth
(C) Maxwell 2015
 May 2015
The thought of his lips touching mine
The closed eyes
The heart beat
Being one
Two different soul

The thought of his hands on my waist
Tickling fun
Naughty words
Dancing night
Two opposite poles

The thought of him on top of me
Sweet pain
Silent moan
Sweating along
Two musical notes

The thought of night with him alone
Racing tides
Jumping nerves
Thousands of miles
Getting short

The thought of him not letting me go
Wistful thinking
Raining wishes
Decided by fate
Time is at stake....
 May 2015
Kelly Rose
She will prevail

It can hurt
To have one's integrity or honor

She lives life
By her own rules
As the roads of life's journey
Are often like a maze
Filled with twists and turns
Leaving one confused and dazed

As one navigates their way
Through the labyrinth of life
Hard lessons are learned
One must live by
Their own rules
As they wade through
The deceptions and lies
Thrown their way by life

She rises above the petite hurts
And false accusations

Knowing the truth
Whether it is known to all
Or buried deeply inside
That she will prevail
 May 2015
Christina Testa
Carelessly chosen words flung through the air, stabbing into my heart. The jagged tips dipped in the venom of your seething rage. Penetrating echoes of the words fill my mind, echoing without fading away, the poison seeping into my veins. I stood before you as solid as stone, unwavering, seemingly unaware of the on-set of death. I turned without any further words and walked away, each step carrying me further into a state of apparent numbness, not a tear fell.

To you I am strong, you believe I'm fine, unshakable, the epitome of steadiness. You are blind.

As I escaped your view, surpassed your ear's range, the unearthly howl of agony found its voice. I fell to my knees from the searing pain as my heart broke. The tears came so fast and hard that it was just a stream of water flowing from my eyes. The air seemed unwilling to fill my lungs. I lay there dying the death of the heart while the mind and body are forced to carry on.

You are gone, forever gone, never again to return to me. The hope that you would find your way back to me, that there you would stay, erased indefinitely. The snake has spoken, the damage is done, a life is forever altered, I have become undone.
 May 2015
this is goodbye
my one true love,
The flowers on the sill
are a wilting.
It was just a
matter of time
once you knew
my frailties and charms,
You would have been a leaving.

The days were hot,
Now they've turned cold,
We could ask where did
the fireworks go,
Do we need to know?
Really does it matter?

Don't waste your poetry
on the likes of me,
I'll be leaving
after the sun goes down
when you are sleeping

Our one true love,
This poem will
one more forgotten
Part of a pair of poems - On Fire/The Beginning was first, this is second.
 May 2015
Ann M Johnson
Dear Depression,
It has been about 6 months of being away from you
I would breathe a sigh of relief
but I am afraid to let down my guard
If I give you an inch you would take ten miles
You are like a lion seeking to devour me
You are like a cobra waiting to strike
They say that misery loves company
You hang around with doubt and despair
You are close chums with Anxiety who I know to well
I have know you since I was a kid
Your connection to me grew stronger in my teens
I had a few good years apart from you here and there
Then all of a sudden you were back with all your bad friends
  and my life fell apart again even worse than before
  You robbed me in regards to my relationships with family and
  Sending me into isolation
  I have to make it clear I don't want you around
  I have had a taste of happiness and peace without you
  I don't want to give it up
  I will be better without you
  I will be in the company of family and friends and with other
  people who understand
  I will be the one wearing a genuine smile
  I will be the one encouraging others when they have a bad day
  I will be a shoulder to cry on for my friends and family or for any one else who needs a friend
I will be the one who is grateful for each new day
I will be the one who is hopeful that I will part ways with you forever
I am the one who is finally pursuing my hopes and dreams
That is why I need to be away from you and all your friends
Goodbye depression I will not cry, I need to part from you
In favor of an improved life
I know at times I will have bad days but I had worse ones with you
This is dedicated to mental heath awareness month in May.
 May 2015
Luna Lynn
i am a sinner
my sin keeps me awake in the night

walking with the devil isn't easy
with God by your side
my heart inspired by the love
my mind corrupted by evil

no wonder i never sleep right

hugging tight my broken pillow
i forgot to say my prayers to mend
hope God awakes me in the morn
just so i can sin again

never born a perfect
never lived a saint
i'm in love with second chances;
sometimes third helpings on my plate

today He has already sealed my fate
i just don't know the date

i can only hope He continues to forgive
as i continue to live
self destruction never wins
it's always too late

i was made a true believer, but i've
fallen victim to the biggest deceiver
and while i know the liar won't offer me a thing
i swim in pools of blood from the ring

save me oh Lord,
is there an angel you can send?
no doubt You are my Father,
but you see the devil is my friend

there it is
i've gone and sinned again

forgive me Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary
it isn't as easy as it is written
you eat it, you breathe it, you reap it
you sow, sow, sow
the guilt; you keep it
forever and ever
in a church we sin together
and point a finger or two
because that's easier than accepting what is truly wrong with me and you

there are priests who touch little boys
there are ****** killers as well
and today i told a lie to God
so together we all go to hell

Lord, save me and help me mend
help me sleep, help me wake
walk with me as i sin again
(C) Maxwell 2015
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