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 Jul 2016
Lauren Ehrler
Self deprecation
Mood deflation
Perfect jeans you had
A size too small
Looks when you wear
Clothes you love

Silent thoughts
Silent tears
Sometimes makes it worse

Wishing it wasn't like this
That your thoughts didn't turn on you

It's not about the size
Or being a zero
It's about loving your body
And I don't love me like this
I did when I was healthy
I used to love EVERYTHING about me

I feel weak
I feel used
I feel fat

The mind is powerful
It is great at deceiving
Even the strongest minds
Have a breaking point

Each person is beautiful no matter what
Because there is no one else quite like you
There is always someone who has self doubt and untrue thoughts. This is truly about myself
 Jul 2016
Ann M Johnson
3 little words can be the easiest to say or be the most difficult of all.
3 little words we all have heard them.
3 little words can have the potential to have the most influence and meaning and impact others for many years to come.
3 little words work best as a verb.
3 little words can not just stand alone but need some action to back them.
3 little words can become meaningless and empty, without the necessary action, they can be too quickly discarded and forgotten like yesterday's news.
3 little words can produce either happiness or regret dependent on what actions follow. If the meaning is hollow broken promises can follow. Leaving broken hearts and shattering lives like an emotional earthquake in its wake.
Only 3 little words but consider how much impact they really have. Please remember words are a powerful influence either to a positive or negative degree.
3 little words what a difference they can make when spoken wisely and backed with the proper action they can be fulfilling instead of empty.
3 little words should only be used with caution, beware of the power of the tongue and please choose your words carefully.
The choice is up to you and me what impact we give to 3 little words.
 Jul 2016
Ann M Johnson
The Struggle
  ( inspired by the quote: No man is an island onto himself)

         It hurts to not find the right words that you want to say.
         It hurts when you see mostly clouds of gray.
         It hurts out to be caught out in pouring rain.
It hurts to be in constant pain.
It hurts to smile and not complain.
It hurts to feels stuck in the desert while desiring to climb a mountain top instead.
Sometimes it is difficult to just get out of bed.
It hurts to be sensitive in the midst of an uncaring world.
          It hurts to ask for help when preferring to do tasks by yourself.
          It hurts to be hanging on while needing to let go.
          It’s a struggle because through surrendering you can open up the heart to a new level of Love, joy ,and peace that you may have never experienced before.
          You don’t need to be a lonely island kept away and isolated all by yourself.
           You and I don’t need to walk all alone on this journey called life.
inspired by the quote: No man is an island onto himself.
Also, see my recent posting: Offline
 Jul 2016
Cynthia Jean

The dividers
and conquerors
all trying to convince you

And they are
on the frontlines.

stirring up

That people should die
for the mistakes
of the few.

God hates those who stir up strife.

The only
are the manipulators
the millionaires and billionaires...

those who orchestrate
the mess
who PAY people

turning them into mercenaries

and NOT for the reasons
they think.

don't care
about the cause

about the

when they
quell the mess
and put out the fires


how people
try to use your emotions





Reach out
try to





cj 2016
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

It's like a magic formula.  Apply it to any situation, and improvement begins almost immediately.  Think of what the world would be like if we all used this as a guideline--never rude, always kind, patient...We would have heaven on earth.---Debbie Macomber
 Jul 2016
I saw you.
I was intrigued by you.
I kissed you.
I wanted you.
I wanted to be there for you.
I love you.
I want to spend my life with you.
I promised I'd return to you.
I have been so far away from you.
I miss you.
I haven't heard from you.
Do I even trust you?
I have been ignored by you.
These open wounds were made by you.
Still I miss you.
I still lay awake thinking of you.
I don't want to know who's sleeping with you.
I pity those who fall for you.
Thank god I finally see you.
I cannot stand the sight of you.
I love you but I will learn to hate you.
I deserve better than you.
It really ***** when you have been deployed for seven months and the woman you love cheats on you.

Women, how I hate your kind sometimes.
 Jul 2016
Charlie Chirico
A person must judge another by their character. Ignorance and bias media make issues out of race. If you are a person that does not understand any movement, then most likely you have never stood up for anything in your life. It is sad that divisions are at play between people when we are all the same. We are humans. Your ***, race, or theology does not matter. What does matter is the fact that people come from different backgrounds. That is the only difference between people. You do not choose your parents. You do not choose your upbringing. A child that is handed everything will not understand the life a child has that only knows struggle. If you do not understand socioeconomic disparity and the reasons why they are in place, you will not understand injustice on a institutional level. When you see other races talking about ideologies such as "white privilege" it is completely justified because there are situations that a white man may not face ever in his lifetime, but a minority is aware of and taught at an early age because they will certainly come across it. The beauty of this country is being able to have an opinion without the fear of consequence, but understand that basic "Rights" are a fallacy. A right can be taken away. That in and of itself is a privilege. There is too much complacency within this generation and ones before it. You must have convictions. You must have beliefs that are not only based around religious faith, but the act of altruism. Does a person need to label something to reach a level a comfortability? No, not at all. That is a common misinterpretation of ignorance, when it is plainly a way to state that knowing what something is does not have to be explained. I'm not sure if some think education stops when schooling is finished, but it's not. And as much as people want to talk about this country and others falling to the wayside, it is because of inaction and not being able to unify and have empathy for others. Your life is your own, but to secure a future and continue progression we must all stand together and not be presumptuous, but rather be protective of community and critical thinking. There are too many losers in the system, and they aren't minorities, they're people not properly educated. You can't erase history as easy as you can erase atrocities that aren't just. Don't put your trust in your government, but your neighbors. But that doesn't mean that you should also exclude social programs that are needed as much as oxygen. This is the life you are given, and it is you decision to stand up or sit down. And if you do stand up, do it for the right reason: valuing life. If this message does not resonate with you, we have nothing in common, and that's fine, but don't talk about current events or social problems that are beyond your comprehension.

- Charlie
 Jul 2016
Carl Joseph Roberts
Do You Ever Wonder

Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet
Do you ever wonder
If you are strong enough
To take that one step forward
Never to look back
Do you ever wonder
Of the life that you must lead
Give yourself to others
Who you know to be in need
Do you ever wonder
If you have what it takes
To live your life the way you want
And know it's no mistake
Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet

Do you ever wonder

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please share and help trend
 Jul 2016
Andie May ostrander
cry yourself to sleep at night to the sounds of another pointless fight.
don't listen to mommy cry tonight, daddy doesn't mean to fight.
are you alright dear, are you ok?
I know it hurt when daddy drove away.
who would blame him you want to go.
You walk away but daddy drove.
     Years have gone, and so have you
along a tear stained avenue, with your mind and your manner to
you are your fathers son through and through.
      and just like him, children came, from a woman, you cant even remember her name.
Unlike him you tried to stay but just like he did you drove away.
      Your boys left now without a dad, you've given him no better life than you had.
Don't you remember crying yourself to sleep, doesn't matter the bottle you'll keep.
     While your boy learns to stand on his own two feet.
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