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 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Customer service you say
I look at things a different way
Especially after spending half my day
Trying to get things resolved
Testing my patience and nerves
Been on hold for God only knows how long
Trying to stay strong
Please hold your call is important you first said that 5 hours ago
I hate being bounced around to different departments and then put on hold again
I am not a bouncy ball
I am wondering if I could talk to a guy named Paul instead of people who's names I gave up trying to pronounce 2 hours ago
You say to make a selection, but there is not a valid choice listed
If I press sales, will I get a person to talk to then?
If they think they can sell me something my call might be important then, especially if they get a commission
If I have to take much more of this, do I have permission to Scream
I feel like I'm stuck in a bad dream
My patience is getting thinner and my hair too
I pulled some out while I bit my tongue
I did  not want to say things I might later regret
I want to say one thing if I may speak my mind
I gave your customer service a new name
It is Customer Disservice
This is based on my experience with so called Customer Service.
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Take away
               The air
                             I breathe
                                           Just  Leave
                                                                Me Poetry
Poetry is  important to me like breathing.
 Oct 2014
Death is such an inevitable thing right?

That's what she said before
leaving me without saying goodbye.
And after all those years,
I finally realized what it really meant.
It was our *love
that has died
and cannot be saved
no matter how hard we try.
I'm missing her.
 Oct 2014

do not go

past pale
shadows lurk

for you
have further
to go
you have more
you have more

have bones
cracks and

dying is
grief work

our faces
to the

only hope
wonder if
this too
shall pass

is the
boulder's press
on the
shoulder blade

than clotted

but tho
the world
be a
painted black



the knife
you'd use
in vain


the surface

dark rust

you can find it

all the
shifting sands
of years

you'll find
it was





For all those who grieve.

Though life seems to have
Lost its colors
It is the very waters of grief
That become

 Oct 2014
Brielle O'Brien
I have always wondered
If I died,
if you would have attended my funeral
But I never imagined I'd be going to yours
Dead at 19
 Oct 2014
Sad Girl
I always give in. I can express one thing to him and then act on another just because I don't want him to hurt or feel unwanted. I don't know what to do, I am constantly at war with myself. He is too sweet, I can be quite sour. Public displays of affection make me feel uncomfortable. I am just so weird and he is way too normal, he wants to call me baby. The moments become soiled and I start to recoil.  He treats me like his girlfriend and I just want to be his friend. He wants to settle down, I want to ***** around. He wants to hold my hand and I want him to hold my throat. I try to tell him that we are not right, but I look at his face and see his pain and loneliness- my heart breaks for him every time. He tries to hold me tight and I am often out of fight. What ever am I going to do? I've let love make a mess of me.
 Oct 2014
Jon Shierling
I have no desire
to be awake at this time of the morning
on a Saturday.

But here I am.
And since this is in fact
I can accept some thing at least.

Nodding vaguely at the sky,
acknowledging in weariness
how beautiful indeed
the mystery really is.
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
D etermined
R esponsible
E ncouraging
A ttitude
M otivated
E ffort
R ewards

you may call me a dreamer.
 Oct 2014
Sometimes you feel
like a violent earthquake
lodged inside this tiny space
you passionately refer to as
the opening being a tissue paper flower
so delicately framing
the dark, endless center
(if you probed deep enough
you'd find
my heart beating
in patient rhythms
waiting upside down
beneath my left breast)
Sometimes I'm afraid
you'll get stuck in there
and I'll have to call my mother
scream into the phone "How
do I get it out of me?" She'd
probably laugh
then break the connection
(if you searched long enough
you'd find
a broken chain
of paper dolls with minds
full of passion and miracles)
Sometimes you'll ask
brave lover of mine
if it was as good for me
as it was for you
did the oceans roar
the trees sway, the heavens sigh
you look into that space between
ask if I felt the earth move
(if you dreamed hard enough
you'd find
me alone in this room
in this bed you built
trembling beneath you)
 Oct 2014
I smash open my skull and pry apart my frontal lobe ,
so I could forget how your smile made me felt.

I pull my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers,
to make me forget the taste your tongue left me.

I tear my fingernails off and replace them with sharpened glass between the ripped flesh,
to forget the tender sweet touch from your hands.

I gorge my eyes out,
so I can forget how you used to look as you slept.

I stab my ear canals with scissors,
to forget the sound of you laughing.

I plug my nose up with mothballs,
so I forget how your clothes smelt when I wore them.

I peel off my skin piece by piece
to forget how soft your skin was.

I can’t forget.
An old poem I wrote awhile back. Would of done the one I wrote today but it's extremely cheesy (and it's just to help me with remembering important figures in Chemistry).
 Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes
Spent time with a new friend today
I asked her if I could help
This is what she had to say
"Why yes Dear, take me over to the concierge desk
I just arrived here to stay"
I pushed her wheelchair over to the nurses station
Where her finger pointed me to go, as we headed that direction
She told me she heard this was a four star Hotel*
She needed to get her suite number to know
Her spirit was exuberant
Full of delight
It made my mind wander
Perhaps God invented Alzheimer's
To protect our minds from fright
I remember my Papa
How towards the end He would forget that he was in pain
It was quite a blessing
*To be "insane"
Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom
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