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 Oct 2014
Mike Hauser
Let me start off at the start
Where this tale begins
I was turning 5
Wishing I were 10

Always did I feel
Youthful years they held me back
There was so much more that I could do
But so much that I lacked

As sure as I live
Then I turned 10
Hoping soon to be
The tinder age of 13

I knew as a teen that I would be
Footloose and fancy free
13 seemed to hold me back
Had to be 16 is where it's at

16 soon arrived
I took the car to drive
But had nowhere go as an adult
Hoping 21 would make it so

Say hello 21
I took it on the run
Never looking back
Still something that I lacked

The big 3-0
Would be the age I know
The one to satisfy
The apple in my eye

What 30 did
Was came and went
40 hit me up side the head
Like an angry brick

Then I blinked and
50 learned my name
Nothing since that moment
Has ever been the same

Now with 60
Staring me in the face
Can I go back to 5
If there is any way
 Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance
What words are
But reflection of the mind
Spoken from the heart
Not always!
Embellished with flattery
Paying obeisance to the ego
Plethora of lies
May be music to the ears
Once they set in
And it’s too late
Every word becomes lethal
Shattering confidence
Words remain words
Nothing more
But a tirade
Vitriolic moments arise
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
I have had a hectic day
Poetry come and sweep me away
Transport me through time and space
Just take me to another place
I need a smile on my face
No one else can take your place
Poetry take me away

TV  will not do
I am devoted only to you
Give me a quote or a sonnet
My heart is yours
So write upon it
Poetry take me away

Poetry you are my most faithful friend
My love for you will never end
You are my undying trend
I want to spend time with you
Only you will do
My love for you is true
Poetry Take Me Away <3
I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for you!!!
 Oct 2014
Gwen Johnson
There is a monster in my head
It's feeding off my troubles
but for some reason
I don't want to let it go
 Oct 2014
Gwen Johnson
I've read my poems
over and over
It seems like the only person
I can connect with
Is me...
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
Before I was a poet who didn't know what he wanted to be
Lost in tragedy always being looked down upon by thee
I was never good enough no matter what I did
Always sitting in the darkest corner wondering why this had to be
Always crying becoming the pathetic boy they pushed upon me
But now that I think about it...
I should be laughing not crying
Thanking not dying
Smiling not pouting
I mean it's my birthday after all
I'm finally seventeen soon to be thirty
I don't care that I'm not the best at what I do
Or that i probably won't ever be
But one thing I promise to thee
All these years you were wrong about me
You don't know me
The obstacles I survived to get to where I am
The battles I fought losing parts of me
I would love to see how you survive my war
But until you fight it...
Don't do me
I don't care about your back story;
You sure as hell don't care about mine,
But you see...
To be or not to be
The thing is I am me,
And I am proud to be
The darkness encircled her
But light was around the corner
He was circling her
To give her a mighty bestowed...

Your beauty is like no other
I really want to know you
I am not like any other man
No matter your life, just give it a smile...

His kindness she knew, the wanting was no other
But she knew that it could never be
Although dreams seemed so real
Fantasies were bounding everywhere....

He guides her with a smile so dear,
She smiles back, to the light
So faint yet near is he,
Sending vibes of loving kindness he appears....

He climbs up to sit for a while
And then he rides away,
He has another life you see
Only a friend she can be....

Her heart is broken
She smiles her sad smile
Maybe one day
She will hear his soft-spoken ....*

Debbie Brooks 2014
 Oct 2014
Olivia Kent
And she sank into your eyes.
A transfixed fixture captured in the dark.
A camera image.
Stored in an antiquated box camera.
Locked away.
Awaiting revelation.

A chimera, maybe a feature of a potent imagination.
She's prowling through the shadowy lands.
In the contorted universal time.

He knows she's there.
She haunts his heart and feeds his mind.
Almost feels it.
He feels her very being, she feels him without pain sensation.
She feeds him emotion from a dessert spoon.
Just because she's sweet.
He holds her tight in his darkest moments.
And yet she saw him crying.
A child without a handkerchief.
Wipe your eyes sweet heart, she smiles.
She is waiting.
(C) Livvi
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
I don't understand why the innocent must pay for the treacherous ways
Why they must be cut down like trees without ever getting a say
Constantly being picked at as if they are the turkey on thanksgiving day
The only difference is they don't get a silver tray
No,their trays are where ever they finally collapse from the pressure
Maybe they'd get lucky and fall in bed of roses
Like it would make difference anyways;
Still the carving knives would be feet that trample upon them,
And the forks would be fist that lay waste to their remains
Their tears would be flavor that was locked in their tender meat
As they curl up in ball trying to lessin the pain
The pain,the endless nightmare they deal with every single day
That is the toll they must pay
Waiting for their bodies to finally decay
Until then they are a mp3 stuck on replay
Living the same life over and over again
Some days the pain is actually worse;
The bleeding scare tissue never really goes away
It is just reopened wider everyday
At times it gets so bad they just lay
As they stare at the clouds that pass by
Smiling begging them to stay,
But no they always go away
That is when the blade comes into play
Finally they would close their eyes and began to pray
Look the other way and just say
"So the treacherous finally got their way¨
 Oct 2014
These lines on my neck
Scars scarred of regrets
Reminding me everyday how i’m blessed
If the rope didn't break by chance
If those 'angels' hadn't come in time
I’ll be in a place where heaven & hell doesn't coexist

I live my life differently now
Every day breathing in spores of hope
Everyday with families & friends pulling me back-
from my melancholy past
Every time i intend to plummet

These strangers that i now called friends(angels)
Saved me from myself
When they saw someone from their pane
With a hope pulling end
They cut through every enmity
Cutting that rope of contempt

As I dropped
Head first kissing the floor
I knew then & there
Why my life is so eminent
Why let love end my existence
Why there are still people who cared
Why leave when there's-
so much more to live for

All these answers gushing in
Making me realize
Just like a rope
You can either use it to end your life
Or you can climb your way to the top

*Choose before you lose to the noose.
There are many form of suicides. And all of them are obtusely deluded.
More or less painful or the quickest way to die.
But hanging yourself by a rope that helped you to pull difficulties in life is just a stupid way to die.
So if u want to die, My best advice is wait.
Wait until you aged.
Wait until you can't remember your sins.
Wait until you cant remember why you wanted to die.
Flaws are meant to happen.
But don't let the intent/influence of suicide fool you.
You can never go back.
I assure you.
You can never ever come back.
 Oct 2014
The mind has its boundaries
Taking every life to its pasture
You often deny your existence is valid
Drained to flout all the people-
That tried to alleviate your worst outcome
You can’t foresee what’s imminent
Yet your past hinders you to move forward

Motions of the night sky
Appeases you within
The stars glinting like they know you exist
Taking every setback that you had
Full of misery & regret
You fathom what if you didn't live
It doesn't make any difference
To be conceived into eminence or filth

The fear of disappointment escalates
Disappointing your loved ones resents you
You concealed every skin of-
Impetus that espoused
Knowing you could be
Abundantly stronger than this
Yet fluctuation compels you
To cower in distress  

'Why can't I be normal?'
You questioned this in your head everyday
Fragments that made you elated dissipates-
Every time you tried to defeat yourself
Falling again & again

You’re afraid of losing your conscience-
Into the abyss that kept drawing you in
You conjure up notions of ingenuity
Just to rupture it repetitively

*Is this who you really are?
Is this what you really wanted?
To infinitely hate yourself?
You are better than this
I know it's not easy.
But, go out! It's not easy overcoming the enemy.
When the enemy is you. I get it. But this life, the life you're breathing has so much more to give. You have so much love to give. Let the hate out.
Be free. Don't let it end you,
knowing you're better than this.
(I repost this cause I think it deserves the recognition to spread the message that i wanna bring out)
 Oct 2014
I must say your conversation is not interesting  . What  do I got to do so we could start kissing. The only thing I want to learn from is your name
The only I want are your lips and hips.
Let's skip this boring introduction . Lets us go to that lonesome chamber the one the service any guest and pretend it’s ours tonight. Let me just feel the weight your body . Place my hand any part you want me to touch you. I never been great in reading people minds .

Sorry sometimes I get so lonely
My mind gets a bit naughty
All I got this lustful love to give
Sometimes I confuse those words .
In my raw desires I hide a long for affection
Don’t blame me if I hug threw the night.

Do you think I'm crazy ? Does my random mutter annoy you ?
why are you teasing me
Why are you keeping mouth silent
Why are you licking you lips like that
why do you keep looking at me with those eyes

She said “shh no more talking”

She was gone before delight
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