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 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
Yeah, I do have an image in my mind of a "perfect man"
few girls don't,
but here's where I differ,
I don't want perfect.
Perfection is overoverrated
 Dec 2014
This much I know now
My heart's been crying forever.
It stopped, when

beating to the 
same rhythm.
Dedicated to someone I've fallen deeply on HP:)
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
In my opinion, the girls who everyone thinks are shy and angelic are the crazy ones sweetly staring at people they hate thinking of all the ways they could easily **** them and make it look like an accident.
It's the quiet ones to watch for. Also, this is me. Terrifyingly. :P

This is the third post of this series I made. Expect more. :P
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
I gave you a little part of my heart
Not the whole thing, thank God
But I did give you a tiny piece of it
I know, you didn't throw it at the wall
You didn't hurl it off a cliff
You didn't even beat it to bits with a baseball bat
But you dropped it
Accident or not
That little piece I gave you
You shattered it.
Thank a lot.
I love feeling worthless, it's great.
Just, fabulous.
The last few lines are soaked with sarcasm, in case you didn't catch on to that.
“Its who you are.”
The voice said to me
As I sat alone in bed.
My eyes gazed into the darkness
And my body was filled with dread.
It was a voice in my head
That lived with me
From my days filled with despair.
It whispers and shouts and snickers to me, saying:
"Nobody ******* Cares"
“It’s who you are.”
It says again.
I sigh and believe the words deep inside .
Because as kind as I am and try to be.
Darkness was always by my side.
I grin to myself.
I let it sink to my soul.
The horrid and most violent thoughts From the ******.
The man I once was
Soon became nothing.
In the end
That is who I am.
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
Alright, alright fine.

I guess maybe I over reacted a little bit

I mean, I suppose it's not as though we were dating, just flirting

Flirting is a very different thing. No commitment.

It's not like you broke any promises

I guess that if I had thought that I had a chance with someone I had convinced myself I loved for a long time, I would probably have done the same thing

I'm still ****** of course, don't get me wrong

I still want to hurt you

I still hate you with every ounce of my being

I still have reason to blame you

Don't get me wrong on that.

I still blame you, and have every right to


I suppose


I don't loathe you anymore

I guess I have re-examined and a lot of it was in my head

I made up a lot and mistook lots of what you said

I'm not saying I don't believe I had every right to react negatively

But I guess I'll admit, I overreacted.


But you still hurt me.

Even if you didn't mean to.

And I have developed a bit of a plan.

I overreacted. I have decided that I didn't need to freak out that much and it was my fault that I got that hurt, but it was his fault I got hurt at all. So I maintain, I had every right to react. Also, I hate him.
 Dec 2014
Lets talk about how years evolve from days,
And when it comes to me, no one ever stays.
It sounds ridiculous but only I feel productive when I'm doing nothing.
Sitting back, just relaxing.
Popping blue beans, burning bowls of green.
And just thinking.
Daydreaming about how things could have been.
How things could still be.
But how things will probably be.
Just close your eyes and let music be your guide.

Entire lives constructed and played out
in grand fashion. A world so detailed
I would rather get lost,
And never come back to this travesty of a society,
so raw and primal.
so human.
My world is so beautiful and yet so depressing
because it's what ours could be, but never will become.
Anything to distract me from this.
The 24 year old burnout grinding through school because there aren't many options left.
So where will I'll be in 5 years?
I wont.
 Dec 2014
fiachra breac
I struggle to breathe when I think about my actions.
I struggle to feel what my heart wants to feel.
I plot my own demise and think how best to word it.
Because sometimes my only gift seems to be my absence.

I give by taking away.
And it cuts me.

They wouldn't really mind - not for long anyway.
It's all just a mist, right? A vapour?
But I've got to get up every morning - regardless of my desires - because I'm still too scared to let go.
And if my gift is Absence, then I pray it happens quickly.
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
It's great that you would die for me
But I have enough people
Who would give their soul for mine
Would you swallow your pride for me?
Because very few people
Would do that for anyone
When put to the test
I have a lot of pride, but I swallow it for certain people. Pride means more to me than life, but loyalty means more to me than pride. That is what actually matters to me.
 Dec 2014
Sheila Hackett
Falling on to the ground,
I crumpled in despair.
I know that you are gone for ever,
No longer to be there.

Your face, is in every young man i see,
Your walk, your hairstyle, your smile.
Thought I saw you, in town today,
My heart skipped a beat by a mile.

You were young and loving,
Had a family, a wife.
Four beautiful children,
Such a perfect life.

But your time had come,
And you went home.
And you left your family,
All alone.

Good memories we have,
Of you and your smile.
And our memory of you,
Will last a long while.

For my son who died Nine Years ago today
R.I.P. Kraig we love and miss you every day x
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
You don't text me for months and months

Then suddenly you have the nerve to say "Hey how are you?"

Then I don't hear a word from you for a full week, and suddenly my phone buzzes once again with a message from you.

Apparently you miss me.

That doesn't even make sense, I'm not the type people miss.
Why are you doing this to me? Telling me I used to make you nervous when I sat near you, saying you were too scared to even make eye contact with me, and I throw my phone at the couch because you need to stop this. It's not fair. Stop doing this to me.
Someone slap me the next time I smile when I read a text from him.
I even KNOW he's lying but I can't. f*cking. stop. *** is wrong with me
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
I know it's not true, but I just feel like there are no guys who look at a girl and fall in love with her soul before loving her body as well. It's always vice versa and often times they never even get past the first step and never love their soul.
There is nothing wrong with ***, it's perfectly natural I'm just saying, it has become the goal when searching for a significant other, and it breaks my heart. I would love a man even if I could never have *** with him due to a disorder or medical problem or whatever if I loved his soul, I'm not saying I would be thrilled about it, never having the opportunity to have children or anything, but if I really loved him, I would. And even though I know it is not necessarily true it just feels like no man would love a woman who he could never be intimate with even if he loved her soul.  

I'm getting sick of the only compliment any woman ever receives being "you're pretty" referring to her looks. Mainly because I am not even that.

Oh, and to be clear, I DO recognize women do this as well, they only judge based on looks and stuff and I acknowledge that, not trying to be sexist I'm sorry if I have offended anyone, I'm just in a  mood right now and need to express it.
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