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 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
Being comfortable enough in your relationship with a girl to tease her (playfully I mean) means you have a better relationship than you would if you were comfortable showering her in compliments.
I personally find guys who tease me jokingly more attractive than the type who just tell me I'm pretty constantly. ;P Maybe that's just me, but it's cute. Plus it just feels more flirty to me, I guess. Idk.

This is the second post of this series I made. Expect more. :P
 Dec 2014
Velvety roses so pleasing to the senses
Convey such messages as apologies and love
The aroma of angels in blue blurry skies
Stardust, rainbows and dreams from above

To brighten your new day
With magic and laughter
A spectrum of colors
So brilliantly captured

A life refreshed
Each moment within
May the blessings of new days
On this day begin
Sorry I've been gone so long!
 Dec 2014
Tide Islands
After I quit the medication,
I couldn’t stop smelling
And I’d feel electric shocks
coursing through my
The doctor said it was withdrawal,
but I think you’re still
Somewhere inside of me. And the
rain in my head that’s been
To put you out for so long
has turned into a
 Dec 2014
Elizabeth Squires
due to the lack of word power
this very Sunday
I shall not be putting
on a high octane display

if a spark of inspiration
comes to me tonight
perchance I'll write
a verse or two of delight

my quill hath no vim
within its dull nib
which can offer up
a stanza to the crib

in deep contemplation
my mind doth sink
to find something that will
give the page a pinkish ink

whence my poetic form
returns from its absence
there will be verbiage
burgeoning over the fence
 Dec 2014
Elizabeth Squires
The scaffolding of the heart falls apart
When our beloved kin quickly depart
A repair kit is sought for the lasting grief
Tears are never ending in their sad stain
The living burdened with years of pain
Wrenched from those caring arms in cruelness
The soul e'er feels the ache of bitterness
To have consolation soothing relief
Always a cavern of dark clouds prevail
A death causes us to constantly ail  
In search of solace we all go looking
A brighter glimmering light regained
The sorrows of loss well ingrained
Our dearest leaving so overwhelming
 Dec 2014
Ann M Johnson
I'll be alone for Christmas
  You can count on that
   There is snow and no mistletoe
   No presents and no tree
    Christmas eve will find me
    Eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's
    I'll be alone for Christmas
    Yes, even in my dreams

    I'll be Alone for Christmas
    There is snow, no mistletoe

    Christmas eve will find me
    Eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's
    I'll be Alone for Christmas
    Yes, even in my dreams
     Yes, even in my dreams
I do love Christmas, whether Alone or not.
Hope this is a comic relief from holiday stress.
I think I'll need to have Kemps
I can not afford Ben & Jerry's
 Dec 2014
Gwen Johnson
I always liked when it snowed
Because no matter how cold it was outside
I'd always have somewhere and someone
to keep me warm
And no matter how little I had
I'd always have something to give
And I'd wear a bow
Because the gift of family was enough
Why isn't it always like this
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
I was lying in bed last night staring up

at the stars speckling the celestial indigo heavens

like glittery sprinkles across a birthday cake

and I thought to myself:

Where the hell is the ceiling?
This is just one of my favorite jokes I wanted to share, originally it was lot simpler I embellished it with the descriptive detail just for fun.
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
In my opinion...
If you have a British accent, you literally just got 354 times more attractive. ;P
I'm not saying stuff like that is any reason to actually get in a relationship with someone or anything, I am just saying it makes you extremely attractive.

I will be making this a series. Expect more ones like these :P
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine. Why?

Well, you're huddled in a ball, your knuckles are white from clutching your own skin too hard, you're trembling so bad it's scaring me and you're sobbing silently and uncontrollably with a mirror you just smashed beside you...

I'm just fine.
Don't believe me when I say it.
 Dec 2014
Ena Alysopriono
lly un
Sorry if you can't read it. Actually no i'm not. Try again
 Dec 2014
Mike Hauser
early 50's
don't mean maybe
here i come
slap the baby
hear me screaming
now i'm breathing
the proud parents
really beaming
mid december
it is chilly
named me mike
instead of billy
before you know it
kind of shy
don't you blow it
moved away
because of dad
left behind
friends i had
teenage years
finally settled
from seattle
culture shock
plus the weather
all i had
sonic sweaters
took no time
skin to leather
from the color
here's the years
i discovered
full time friends
part time lovers
a few times
things got drastic
drank to much
acted spastic
laid around
worked on fattening
mom and dad
were not laughing
as they begged
on their knees
find a job
so you can leave
i joined in
the military
with no war
not too scary
found a girl
we got married
had some kids
now it's scary
lost my job
lost my dime
standing in
unemployment lines
found a job
things are fine
moving to
the prime of life
with the kids
still at home
things are moving
right along
from the left
to the right
that's the story
of my life
Today I'm a year older so what better way I figure than to rerun the story of my life in a nutshell.
Or actually in a poem...
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