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 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Mine otherworldly ethereal
I seeith thineself so desolate;
For thee to smile again
I shalt be pecked by crow's, cut to bit's.


Kilig bringer to mine belly
Purpose to mine well-being;
Ill taketh all thine past blemishes
I'll dieth a million death's, for thine jubilation to forthbring.


Definition to life itself
Mine bride, soon to be;
Greatest thing is mine queen
Thou art already a wife to me.


When thou feeleth
That the rope is best;
I'll taketh that twine
Around mine own neck.


So when thou art bottommost
Down in the pit's of hell;
Just remember I'm coming to freeith thee
As I'll replaceth thee with me, I'll taketh thy cell.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Kilig means- butterfly's in ones stomach- Filipino tongue...
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Tis, without mine Reyna
I'd be more than lost;
Tis, I'd giveth mine soul
For mine Jane's peace at any cost.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl jane nagley dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Mine reyna
Mine soul;
If I don't awaketh tommorrow
I'll seeith thee, in the angel grove.

Mine Jane
Mine sweet;
If the next day don't cometh
At the fountain we'll meet.

Mine lampway
To God;
If this spirit leaveth at dusk
I'll be watching aloft.

Mine queen
Mine soulmate;
I wanted to thanketh thee
For being mine protector, and mate.

Mine Jane
Mine Jane
Mine Jane
Mine Jane

I loveth thee
Me more.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Dearest Jane, I knoweth thou hath lost thine sweet pet
But little Choco wilt never forgetteth thy love, or thy caress;
Dearest Jane, I knoweth thine little hamster meant thy all
But Jane dearest, knoweth he's happy, in a pain free place of God.


Dearest Reyna, I knoweth many tear's, thou hath shed for choco
Just knoweth mine queen, his spirit's next to thee, in clear view;
Dearest amour, he wilt be missed by me and thou, he's in cloud's
Dearest soulmate, he's sitting, waiting at heaven's gate, in shroud.


Dearest Filipino rose, ourn Choco is not just some ghost
Dearest Filipino rose, thine infant is smiling, serpahim his host;
Dearest kilig bringer, I'm here to comfort thee from pain stinger's
Dearest jane, if I couldst I'd let god taketh mine life, to save choco.


Dearest creation of celestial's, choco is extraterrestrial
Dearest amare, thou wilt pet thine friend again, when times here;
Dearest joy of life, soon to be wife, mine all, mine light, comfort
Dearest Jane, dryeth thine water, choco is better, as I'll make thou

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane/her pet choco dedication
Jane mine queen lost her baby choco her hampster this is for her comfort and remembering choco
Rip furry angel....
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

I shalt consign mineself
In a balikbayan box;
A snug hole to tryeth to **** air
Mine lung's tightly in lock.


On a plane, on a ship, in a bus
I shalt squeezeth mine carrion in;
Thinking of mine betrothed amare
How I must risketh mine life, for me to get there.


As I wilt meeteth her at the Sari-sari store's
Though I wilt be broke, no money, only amour;
Though tis love's not about money, or materialistic junk
As I thinkest all this, I thinkest soon ill break from mine trunk.


As the plane halt's, mine crate roll's around
Mine queen hath found me, in shock, her tear's cometh down;
Because I fleweth mineself in this darkly space
It was all for a purpose, to seeith the one I loveth, and her face.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
balikbayan box is a box u send of goods from another country to Philippine's..
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I kneweth when God saidst
Let there be light;
He wouldst sendeth an angel to me
It was Jane in the night.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
As tis I walked the wood's
Alone and afraid;
I hath found a honeycomb
As the honey drips, from mine sweet Jane.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Betimes, in the ages of shadowed black
Stripes were mine Mark's, scar's on mine back;
I cried for a rescuer, a healer of medicinal fact's
She sprinkled me with her babaylan docteretic caress.


The tincture's she Gaveth me, were godly induced
Whenever her lingo speaketh, mine heart goes loose;
As tis she knoweth, she maketh me feel better to
She's a lullaby, when I cryeth, a queen, a poem, mine muse.


Tis she's mine solace, mine palisade palace
I'm the mad hatter, as tis she's mine wonderland Alice;
She maketh men crazy, with her beautiful charm's
I loveth mine queen, the angel in mine arms.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
babaylan- means like a healer or religious women in Filipino..
docteretic- a made up word by mineself lol meaning like a doctor
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

When I saw you crying,

My heart was crushed into smithereens,

Your sobs reverberated into my world,

And gives the most disconsolate euphony within me,

All I ever desire,

Is for you to be happy,

Oh how I really wanted to hug you,

Comfort you and wipe away all those tears from your eyes,

But I knew we are far from each other,

So let my genuine love enclasp you,

And give you the best console.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I lived in darkness
For way to long;
But then mine angel
Cameth along.

She woreth a feather
Filipino brawn;
Native ******
She strummed me song's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Dear Jane:

This isn't some romantic love poem as I always do for you, or even some made up rhyme that may sound good for some... As some do know as well as you, these poems I write aren't for the fun of it and there not to fill space and boredom time as many do, its mine sincere love as you know...and Jane, I know lately queen you've felt for year's now, especially after your last ex-man, that you aren't good enough or worthy to God or even for me, or for family , or for anyone..not even for YOU!!!!.. You see yourself as nothing more lately as a useless being just breathing and none worth and you feel as if garbage... Well mine soulmate, mine Reyna, mine earl Jane.....

Can I tell you this?
You ARENT some piece of trash or garbage as your ex and others made you feel. You ARENT worthless or useless. You have a purpose, and that purpose is to love God first as you know because he first loved you, and as all beings to love all family , being's, people, friends, everyone and forgive always!!!!l despite what monstrous conditions you have been through Jane.and fact is nothing against the other poets in here but I love all poets here , hope they don't take this wrong way, but I don't care if this is liked, this is about mine love for you and giving you truth on your worth, its not meant to be liked, this is meant to show u your soul and bodys worth queen Earl Jane!!!! Here's the fact ever since I met you I saw a light in you, a light that just struck me, I felt as a blind man seeing for once in his sad life. You have given me hope, and life, and the well of living Waters, because when I first talked to u Jane, I saw God inside you and honestly u want Truth? U always say people look up to me yes? Well here's the facts Jane... You always say you look up to me.. Fact is I actually look up to u for guidance. . for help alot when I'm down and lost at times... As an angel you are, and u are mine saved me when I first met u.. And u save me daily from many demons that try to come at me spiritually and in all ways.  You help me see mineself better.   Fact is YOU are the one who makes me wanna do better. And noone has done that ever Jane..  EVER!!!!!! And when someone can make us wanna do better we would be foolish to let such a king or queen go.  As u know I'm never leaving you as you are so afraid I will... As u see I'm not others.. As I see you more than aren't others !! U are a God sent creation to me for a reason, we met for a purpose as for me to guide u and show you things, and for u to guide me and show me love mankind knows nothing of.. ! You are mine life world and love.... And I cannot (repeat this) cannot thank you enough jane for saving a lowly peasant as me, though u call me your king.... I am your soulmate a lowly being in the presence of a seraphim... How was I soo blessed ? Lol don't ask me .. But finding u and knowing I've known u for ages now as I've been waiting for ( YOU) not another... Is the most grand feeling finding mine  other half.. Mine lost soul and spirit I've been seeking, and have found her again ( YOU) so when you say u have no meaning or purpose, never forget . our God is leading u through all this hell., and look at you.... Your almost an engineer at such a young age... And a miracle to me, to your mum, dad, brother, sisters, family, to those u just come across on daily basis .... They like me can see your aura and how brightly it shines and how much an angel you are.... To so many of us... So when u feel like trash and garbage as your ex and past has made you feel... Plz read this, and know this Jane.... You saved mine life... And to God and you mine ( angel) I'm more than greatful daily and nightly, and I don't think you'd call that trash... I think that's called u are the most amazing being and soul, and cherub I've ever met and will ever meet .. And I will spend daily when u are down out, and depressed, taking the time... To make u smile if even once .. Because you have no idea,

How much I love you queen earl Jane..
Mine best friend
Mine soulmate
Mine Reyna
Mine all....
So when you feel like quote: trash.... Take a look at this
And see you saved and save mine life daily
As all others who know you.....

I love you more mine Filipino rose...
I love you mine queen
I love you
Mine Reyna.....
Mine earl Jane........

Sincerely Brandon Cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/letter to her
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Saurian Jovian's and Martian's clasp me to catastrophe rubble,
Dusty airpocket's, with blue sky bubble's, I tryeth to reacheth. Whilst their hobnail's art click cackling, mine suffocation is intensified by magnitude; longitude and latitude, distance is cleverly missing, mine red flow rushes, mine heartbeat nudge's; Harmonious harp playing angelic one, Gale's her hail assail into the impenetrable. She's Immortal and invincible; on forearm's, nose to her garb, her bouquet fragrance I canst telleth a lie; got me broiling in mammal wild primal heat.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

                            I love him more than my lips could say,

More than my mind could think,

                                                        ­       More than my body could act,

                             More than my heart could love,

              And more than my life could live..........

                                           ­     with love

                                                   © Earl Jane
                                                    ♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
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