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 Apr 2015
Shi Em
she glanced at the way he looked at her;
so full of love;
of hurt;

she envies her;
she's jealous of the fact that she can catch his
attention without an effort;

whilst no matter what she do;
he will never notice her;

she wishes to take away all his pain;
but how could she?
she's just another girl from the crowd.
 Apr 2015
You're the earth
and I'm a crack in a sidewalk
but my love is like the galaxy
and no matter how you twist and turn
or how far you're forced away from me
or how many storms or disasters I have to endure,
I will always remain among the rubble,
and my love will still embrace your every curve.
A quick testament
 Apr 2015
At first glance, I admired you
You're like playing guitar in a blue moon
My favorite song there it goes,
The night goes blank hearing you.

You sat here close to me
Lifting the strings so perfectly
Yes, it is a melody
Making one dream satisfyingly.
A poem I made night of year 2010 while in Sta. Rosa Laguna. In dedication.
 Apr 2015
You could not help but fall for her
Despite warnings from every cell of your brain
You could not contain
Your curiosity
How could someone be
Different shades of different emotions
At the same time
How could someone go
From being the blazing sun
To a violent storm
In the blink of an eye
And that was the trouble with her
You could not tell the next thing she does
And there were many with a prettier face than her
And a few with soul more tender
But none that could stir
A single emotion
One look from her
Caused ripples in your soul
The longing she developed
Became insatiable
Cause she was not the caresses and soft kisses sort
She would make sure you meant
Every compliment you uttered
Before she accepted them
She would ask why
You loved her
Instead of saying I love you too
She was never just simply pretty
You know the kind you put on your shelves
For a show
She was not just one element
but the whole package
Something you had never witnessed before
She had fire
Her  feelings weaved silent poetry
All around her
And everyone who saw her could see that
Everyone but herself
Her thoughts were too loud
-loud enough to make the deaf-toned world hear them
She was reckless personified
Descending towards nothing
And you would gladly go down with her
If it only gave you  few more moments to have her look into your eyes
Black eyes
Not seeing at you
But through you
Making you unravel yourself
She could not be bound to a place
She was the wind
that ruffles your hair
caresses your skin
and sweeps your tears off your cheeks
and fly away
just like that
leaving you fixated
on that spot
waiting for her to hit you again
but she is already gone
You never wanted to love her
Yet here you are
Loving her anyway.
A buddy of mine inspired this <3
 Apr 2015
Alex John Peace
Your lips so soft and red,
The thoughts of kissing you is stuck in my head,
your beauty so bright and warm,
Shining through  the darkest storm,
Your eyes like fire,
Light my day,
Through darkest night,
you lead my way.

Your neck a vision,
A road to bliss,
A trail from which i plant a kiss.

Your voice like music to my ears,
The sweetest sound of your laugh,
I long to hear.
 Apr 2015
Christopher Lowe
I don't love anyone
But I am
Passionate toward others
I am infatuated or enamored
Maybe I experience
A yearning for others
Perhaps I am devoted
Or hold others
In high regard
Or maybe I am
A little cowboy
Hankering for you
Or perhaps I am
A little Disney
Enchanted by you
Or it could be I am
A little short of will power
And you are my weakness
Maybe its my birthday
And you could be my cake
You could say
You are my delight
But I am never in love
Because really
Why should I only use
A four letter word
To tell others how I feel
I do actually love people, however I do think love is such an overused ugly word.  There are so many other ways to tell someone they mean something to you.  Get creative next time you want someone to know you care.
 Apr 2015
Katie Ann
You're a mess,
And I'm obsessed,
Just kiss me when you go.
 Apr 2015
Gillian Cortez
You are the subject
of unfinished poems
Whenever I try to finish
I just can't do it

And you're also the subject
of endless thoughts
Whether happy or disappointing
it makes me go crazy

Whether you're the reason
if not a lovesick excuse
I don't know why my favorite subject
Will always be you
 Apr 2015
Someone once told me,
that soul mates shared the same pain....

So I shared it from my core, a line straight to my heart.
It built the fiber of my being.

Some days I forget how soft the texture was,
How fragile the materials,

I found a way to make ends meet,
And I tugged away at the connection,

I kept pulling at your heartstrings,
Yeah, I yanked to pull you closer,

Thinking you understood my way....
But all I did was unravel you.

Starting at your heart.
Now I lay in a tangle of strings.

Don't know where the end is,
Don't know where the beginning went,

It's all knotted like my stomach.
Knowing I made you come undone.

There is a mess on the floor,
and it's definitely all my fault.

We can only know our own strings.
What binds us, what connects us,

Ultimately how to tear us apart
I've fallen into my own trap.

These Cris-crossed strings have made a net.
And I don't know how to get out again.
 Apr 2015
Caleb Reeves
You are perfect!
Body created by an artist
It's so cute the way you're picky about food and
you try to be healthy and active but
you drink and smoke.
Haha, you always make me laugh!

Wow, is this really happening?
We finally kissed!
You must really like me too!
You actually want to keep going?
Oh My God! You look better Naked than I imagined.
I could lay next to you like this every night.

So you don't want to be with me?
Got it.
No, no, it makes sense.
Yeah, I totally understand!
I'll be fine, it's no big deal, really.
I said I really liked you, but I didn't mean it either.

I don't understand.
Where did I go wrong?
Why am I not good enough?
I don't even know what I could do different.
If I ask I seem 'desperate'
Have I done this to someone before?
 Apr 2015
cheryl love
They used to meet in secret
a very long time ago.
Nobody knew they were together
Dancing the tango.
The Spanish square was lit
by the midnight moon
The click of his heels
played the tune.
Her heart was on fire
it sometimes skipped a beat
He could feel it racing
He could feel the heat.
Her dress was alive
swirling and impressive
His smile, her blue eyes
were expressive.
The moon was hidden
by clouds above
The only thing they knew
was about love.
The square held it breath
But this was a long time ago
now she stares out of her window
Her movements are slow.
He went away - she knew that
She has her memories, of that dance
She had a wedding ring as proof
of her beautiful romance.
 Apr 2015
Thomas Carew
I do not love thee for that fair
Rich fan of thy most curious hair;
Though the wires thereof be drawn
Finer than threads of lawn,
And are softer than the leaves
On which the subtle spider weaves.

I do not love thee for those flowers
Growing on thy cheeks, love’s bowers;
Though such cunning them hath spread,
None can paint them white and red:
Love’s golden arrows thence are shot,
Yet for them I love thee not.

I do not love thee for those soft
Red coral lips I’ve kissed so oft,
Nor teeth of pearl, the double guard
To speech whence music still is heard;
Though from those lips a kiss being taken
Mighty tyrants melt, and death awaken.

I do not love thee, O my fairest,
For that richest, for that rarest
Silver pillar, which stands under
Thy sound head, that globe of wonder;
Though that neck be whiter far
Than towers of polished ivory are.
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