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 Apr 2015
It started with a fear.
then came peace.

I felt happy
and loved.

You told me you trusted me,
that you missed me like crazy when we were not together.
You told me you loved me

And I believed you.

Now I know the truth...

I still love you, miss you, want you
But I can´t have you.
Because I wasn´t enough for you.

And that´s what hurts the most...
I will always remember you and the way I loved you...  You will stay in my heart forever ...
 Apr 2015
Tamika Dakota
I wanted to change
But not for good
I wanted to be smarter
Don't know if I could
I wanted all the power
There's none that agreed
Every moment every hour, you're all I see
I wanted you to be there through the days I need you most
I wanted you to hold my hand, I rage, I scream, I boast
I wanted them to fade away so I'm all who you see.
I wish that I was made for you, cause you were made for me.
 Apr 2015
I wrote you a love letter today,

If you listen close enough
You'll hear the gentle drumming of my heart beat
Inside the envelope.

Don't drop it.
Open it gently.

Inside you will find
Chemical solutions, black
Ink on a page, a heavy handed mass
Of words, slotted carefully between each other,
Lines saturated in love.
Hand crafted works of art
An attempt to articulate and communicate
The fires you send swimming through
My veins, the tsunamis you send
Tripping of my tongue.

Scribbled confessions of just how much my body aches for your touch.

Don't drop it.
Open it gently.

It is yours.
It has always been yours.
I have always been yours.

— The End —