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 Apr 2015
Antoinette G
On the wall
See how even the mighty
Struck with the blows of those
That know that their call
Will be heard by all

With the glass you had
Long in the past
And nothing left
But broken glass
And empty frame
A visible reminder of your pain

Can't you see
You aren't the real
Reflection of me
You are the thing that
I hate to see
Knowing that I will never be
The real true me

How I've tried to be the one
I am on the inside
But at every turn
Someone was there
To push me down
To where I'd been before

Please don't tell
Tell of the things that
I have spoken
Unto you
Because if it comes to light
That I am not as perfect as I seem
Than I will be like you mirror
*Broken at the seams
 Mar 2015
Antoinette G
They say if I want to fit in

Than I should

Walk like them

Talk like them

Dress Like them

They say that beauty

Is in the eye of the beholder

Well, someone needs to inform them

Because they say that in order to be pretty

Or to fit in

You have to be like them

It's everywhere you go

On the television on your favorite show

On the billboards you pass on the road

On the books that you read

On the movie screens

On the cover of magazines

They are there

They are what we all wish to be

They have the perfect faces

With the perfect teeth

With the perfect long legs

And the perfect bodies

We know that they aren't that perfect

But we still want to be like them

We know that they use filters

And have the top make-up artist working on them

Yet we still

Want to spend hundreds of dollars

So that we can have those clothes that they wear

Have that look  

By buying that $20 make-up

They rule our lives

They rule our minds

But why ?

Why do we let them decide

We need to take back our power

We need to show some self pride

We should stop looking to them

To tell us what pretty is

We need to become a me

A I'm pretty
Instead of a their pretty
We need to look at ourselves

And set the standard

Because your you

So you should be you

Instead of a them
 Mar 2015
Gillian Cortez
It was a lonely kind of smile

that painted my face

the moment you smiled at me

I hid my melancholy


It was a lonely kind of smile

one without a trace

of any kind of glee

as you gaze at me


It was a lonely kind of smile

before I looked away

Not minding your looks

So again I won’t be fooled


It was a lonely kind of smile

and I start to think

Though I’ll never resist you

I’ll try my best to……
 Mar 2015
Antoinette G
The first time isn't deep
It's basically just a scratch from the blade
It doesn't bleed a lot
But just enough
To feel the rush
The second time isn't much deeper
"It hurts to much"
But he still feels release
"The pain feels good"
One last slow cut across his arm
*The third time is deeper than before

It's bleeding more
It's hurting less
He loves it more
Hates it less
The fourth time he passes out
He cut deep enough to split the skin
"It makes me feel better"
He explains
"I like it. It puts the hurt on the outside"
The fifth time he goes to the hospital
It's an addiction
Just like other things
He can't stop
No matter how hard he tries
The sixth time there is no pain
He hates having a girlfriend
Then he will need to explain
She will leave him
He couldn't handle it
The seventh time it's his throat
He's home alone
Blasting music
He has a knife
Pressed against his throat
Wanting to be gone
One quick swipe
It's all over
 Mar 2015
Antoinette G
The girl stands in front of the world
She smiles and laughs
Frolics and plays
But there is a side of her wanting to be brave
This side wants to describe the feeling of the other
Fear, Abandoned, Lonely, Sad,and Scared
But the other side the one the girl lives in is to afraid
Afraid of the unknown
To afraid to stand up to the people who hurt her
Without fist or other forms of hurt
But with words
She feels that the words that they say must be true
These mean words were all she knew
Afraid to speak
Afraid to move
The world left her
So she waited
For someone, something to come and save her
To hold her
To love her the way they use to
She remembers the times
When someone cared
Someone held her when she cried
Now she watches as the one that uses to love her ignores her
Unless it's to insult or hurt her
She seems so perfect to others
But inside she's broken
They broke her
They left her and now
She's all alone
To suffer in silence
To sit alone and think of the words they say
She changes she tries to make herself better
To not be what all their lies say
She tries but
she's all alone
She feels out of place in her family
In her life and at home
They all pass her by
Leaving her all alone
All alone
That girl
That girl who everyone knows is all alone
They only see what she wants them to see
They see happily
They are happy to leave the girl all alone
All alone even when their are people around
The girl stand, sits, live, learns, and strives to fit their image
She tries but
They leave her all alone
Her heart has grown so cold
The girl that stand surrounded by friends is all alone
All alone
 Mar 2015
Antoinette G
To trust is to give yourself wholly to someone
You have no secrets
You have no wall in which you hide behind and cry
You have nothing to protect yourself from the times when your guards down

Your defenseless if they want to hurt you
You are weak if you trust some say
You let yourself open to someone
Which sometimes makes it hard to be brave

Why would you let this person into yourself?
Welcome them with open arms
Why let them have ammunition to hurt you with?
It's like you have given them a loaded gun
Why would you let them have that much power over you?

That is stupid
So stupid but humans are stupid
They let themselves trust
Let their love for another bring them to their knees

I was stupid enough to trust
That person let me down
Now I know that trust is stupid
I'm stupid for loving again

For letting my hopes get up
Because they always crash and burn
And it takes years for me to pick up all the tiny pieces of my heart
I know now I can't trust
I just can't anymore

Everyone in the world find it impossible to not hurt each other
To take the trust & break it
To exploit the trust that was bestowed to them
To hurt

Because that's
What people do
That's why I can't trust
Not anymore
 Mar 2015
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•play me a
tune of sweet serenade
•sing me a song of wistful
melody•recite me the words
you would            have said•
now whisper me your sighs
tenderly•paint me the
colours of night and day•write
me the poem of your heart•send me
your love on which I lay•make me the
end to all your starts•strum me the chord
of hopeful bliss•compose me a ballad that
sets my innermost free•so play me your
tune, the one that I would always miss
•and keep singing of us in a song,
so we'd be immortalised in
 Feb 2015
Dhaye Margaux
I always see forever in my angel's eyes
I believe that tomorrow for us never dies
I feel him here, a man so kind and wise
Yet everyday, his love is a great surprise

Never did I see that forever is true
A better tomorrow becomes bitter for you
Devotion is a lie, it's an illusion, too
A cruel fate until you fall through

Oh, an illusion for someone with hatred
Why I should listen to you who's outdated?
What I know is love is something that's sacred
I don't want now my time to be wasted

Ha! Hate just brings too much weight
Perhaps, love is an infatuation state
Temporary as it is, a passing moment to abate
Time is wasted into dreams that don't conflate

Why do you always tell me what you think?
Those things in your mind they always slink
Don't you see your limits, your own brink?
Can't you just let me find my heart's missing link?

I am just seeing reality, thinking out loud!
Reality is crowded as life is full of cloud
A prince without a crown is not allowed
A heart lost in the dream town is now cowed

I know you have so much words to say
You can turn me down all the way
But I will still stand and hold my love's bouquet
Hand in hand we will walk forever and a day
A Deliberation-Collaboration by Dhaye (Italic) and Pax.
 Feb 2015
Joel M Frye
trace your faded prints upon the dirt
around them, mud congeals to form my hurt
failing falling stars confuse my path

I shuffle feet for miles but stay inert
all false the trails refusing to subvert
antipathetic strands to stir my wrath

The trees all flay themselves to spill the secrets
thou swore undying oath to never keepest
lest all worlds align to hide the truth

Pausing, taking breaths beneath the deepest
floors of pits that tenderly would keep us
undestined, lost and wild to know our youth

And seek you out I must, I must, I will,
at universe's end, a galaxy
where we would rest, reborn; become, to be
where every breath relaxes into still

Ever will you walk alone, until
you witness me in my entirety
Come, my unforgotten one, you see
arrival less one is a bitter pill
Helen got her attention grabbed by Dante's sonnet variation; she made a helluva run at it, and asked a bear for direction while pondering through the woods.  Oh, bother....  ;)
We were like flowers in a field
Beautiful, curious and naive
Thinking our love was a one of a kind
We should have known better
We were only powerless creatures
Who believed everything
The wind whispered
We undressed each other
With the every piece
Of clothing we removed
We plucked a petal
Loves me
Loves me not
I guess we ran out of petals
 Feb 2015
do I
eat breakfast
or starve myself
again? tonight
i will write my
suicide note
but only in
in my head
tomorrow i
will wish
i was already
dead, and despite
all this i will still
will get myself out of bed.
 Feb 2015
Amitav Radiance
Words may be a hindrance
Forming hard crust over feelings
You wanted to convey
At the core of those words
The true meaning is lost forever
At times, when words don’t suffice
Pure and raw feelings are more potent
There are many miles traversed
Between the feelings and the words
Somewhere, the line is drawn inadvertently
Hurdles imaginary are the toughest ones
Endless numbers of words do not right
The wrongs meted out to the true feelings
Heart will wither away, if not revived
At the avenue where words are shunned
It’s where hearts shall meet, without prejudice
Not weighed down by the frills of words
Life is embellished with silence
When hearts do the talking, sans the words
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