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 Nov 2015 kasia
pralay patra
Under the blue sky
Sitting by the sea side
Across the sea, setting sun
I have had you on my arm.

Around the open sky
Blowing the cool wind
Seeing the homeward birds
There were only two of us.

The waves were flowing
Waters were forth gushing
As the sea was deep
We were so in love and lips.

Still now all things remained similar
Only we have separated and dissimilar
 Nov 2015 kasia
Alexa Sinclair
So you're
Telling me
You're mad

Cause she
Kissed the
Guy you

Well wait
A minute
We can't

Kiss any
guys (Without
your consent)

But you
Can kiss
anyone you

No matter
Who else
Likes him

Wait a
Minute, I
Like this
Guy too

I'm not
Mad, just
A little

So why
Are you
So angry
At this

Other girl
Your friend
Cause all
Is fair

In love
and war
I have
Feelings too

I like
The guy
You now

And you're
Gonna kiss

Did you
Ever think
That might
Hurt me

Like she
Hurt you
When she
Kissed him

Wait a minute.
That's not right.
 Nov 2015 kasia
That Was Fun
 Nov 2015 kasia
The toidy bowl was broken
So I came up with a plan

To squat down
In the backyard

And bury my business
In the sand

The solid movement
Was over

Soon it was done

And with a grin
I smiled
And said "Now that was fun!"
There is a connection to people a long time ago---I made it when I went in the sand.
 Nov 2015 kasia
The Creation
 Nov 2015 kasia
I'm fully aware
Of the sadness in your kiss,
But the softness of your lips
Makes it easy to bear.

And yes, I am conscious
That your kind hands are calloused,
But I will always hold them,
I will always be there.
 Nov 2015 kasia
Maha Salman
I love you Hello Poetry*
because you showed me that there are people out there who care,
that there are people out there who are so beautifully broken that it hurts to see them in *pain
because they are just so stunning.
I love you Hello Poetry
not only for showing me the most amazing people this world has ever seen but for developing me as a poet. For making me realise that there is at least one person who truly enjoyed my poetry, for helping me learn that I shouldn't give up on my dreams. And I still can't believe that so many people have seen my poetry and have acknowledged me as a poet.
I love you Hello Poetry
for giving me the most treasured gift that I have ever received
for giving me hope.
And as a thanks, I have given you my heart
take care of it as it will forever be in my *words.
This may not be a poem but instead of pouring out my heart in my words,  I ripped it out and just put it on paper.
 Nov 2015 kasia
Michaela Ferris
Who am I to ask you for the time of day?
When you look at me as if I am a wall of grey.
My insecurities are fuelled by that devastating look in your eyes
That rips my very being from existents.
For you see, I am not like you
I am the nothingness that creeps inside your head
And haunts your once pleasant dreams
Until you plead for death to take you in its icy grip.

Who am I to ask if you will stay by my side?
For I am one of those many lost souls
And my abandonment issues how I wish to blame you.
You deserted me but I know I am the one to blame.
For you see my mind does not work like yours
It corrupts even the purest of thoughts
Impales them with the purest of impurities
Suffocating them like the vines around the necks of the flowers.

Who am I to ask if love is a shout into the void?
I still tear out my heart with my bare hands.
I am lost inside a world where no one can see the truth
It’s always them, it’s always suffer you sufferings in silence.
For you see they do not understand what it’s like
To be lost inside your own rotting head
Scared of the monsters under your bed, now they are inside your head.
No one cares if you ended up dead.

So please answer me, who am I to ask for your hand?
When you do not see me they way you should.
You see a feeble, weak, broken girl
Who’s too far gone to be saved.
For you see I am none of your concern
But that is where you are wrong.
I am a mother, a daughter, a farther, a son, a friend, family
I am everywhere, so please don’t turn your back on me!
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