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 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
She smashes mirrors

and watches them spill

over their edges

and onto the floor

like tiny glass tears

not birds, but still

she smashes mirrors

she's looking for more ....
My body bares the weight
Of passed and passing time
After time is used
And is no longer mine

I think that it shall be
When I am called to heavens shore
My soul will forever live
As time dies and is no more

A faint wheeze
Running through my lungs
When there's nothing else to hear

I'll drown in silence
Without the sound of you
And find solace in death so near
Without you the poetry's gone.
i am just here
turning words
you are there
creating dreams
with your

i thought that you will save me from this fantasy
Your amber eyes penetrate my soul,
naked I feel and gravity loses control.
All around you, for my balance I seek,
then I lose it, amazed by your heart beat.

Everything in you invites me in.
With strange feelings my body glows,
dazzled by your passionate glare,
I surrender in our daring stare.

My personal brand of sweet poison,
sublime desire in every edge of you,
in a million frenzy battles we sink,
breathless our flaming souls spin.

Eternal vows under the starry nights we share,
expelling unbearable thoughts of being apart.
Unconditional love, screams through our veins,
reflecting the sweet insanity of our hearts.

Interlaced in my arms, you dive in peaceful dreams,
my adorable new life, you sway our bodies heavenly.
I trace every line of you when you're sleeping...
and then I whisper...
I do love you sweetheart, for all Eternity.

© Christina Philipe
Its 2 am
And you're not home
Because you were never mine
And i was never home
A heart breaking against my chest,
Open me up
and I will show you the rest,
tell me to open my eyes
when it's over,
maybe then
I'll be sober
why don't you finish me off like the others did,
And forbid me to tell
so I can sit in silence
in this lonely and dark cell
maybe when the pain you inflicted is gone,
the white birds won't be in tuned with sad songs
the storm clouds will move along
and I will make my way
saying so long
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