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 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
yass min
should i ? or should i not?
that's a hard choice
if i do , i'll leave my family behind
the person who gave birth to me
who offered me life
if i don't , i'll just be waiting,
in this miserable life
for my miserable beating heart to stop.
 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
Under the tree I stare silently
at the waste my angst would cause
I’m left breathless without the words
that leaves my thoughts without pause

Beneath the breeze that would seize
my sigh that bathes a mountainous landscape
I’m left reeling beneath leaves that dance a tune
while their own seasons allow their very own escape

Of Earth and Wind and Sunsets Fire
I’m writhing inside an unearthly desire
to wait for your presence. I remain true
I’ll sit ( and contemplate) and wait for tomorrow
if it is with you

I could take the walk without the talk
and leave all impressions in the dust

... unless I’m desperately alone

Between me
and the tree
One is real
the other
I trust
The Lost Collection ~Sept 12th 2011~
 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
It is the Muses
who have caused me
to be honred: they
taught me their craft
 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
On the day
she turned to dust
she asked the wind
to be her friend
and it picked her up
and ran her
through the fingers
of it's hands
and it poured her
into pockets
and whispered
to hold on
and before the
church had emptied
they were gone..
 Sep 2015 Camila Vitrei
Let me be brief to tell this tale
The nights been wild, there's been a gale.
Once my path did cross a stranger
He led me into enigmatic danger.
In my haste to avoid death
I tilted my neck and felt his breath.
This evil I invited in
Has led me into carnal sin.
Yet in this state in know no hell
Between two planes is where I dwell.
I traded my soul and lost all joy
He befriended and loved me as a decoy.
In consorting with this demonic beast
I was entered in hells feast.
Evil took over my corrupted brain
And turned me onto the human food chain.
I have no feelings of regret now
Just an instant hit adrenaline, pow!
Evil is as evil does
Now it's too late for god to help us.
I'll be gone before the dawn
No more to see gods holy morn.
now it's too late for him to help you
An unholy existence you start anew.
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